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Everything posted by Brandy

  1. I just want @StephenP2003 to know that in my guppy laden house "this guppy also wants food" is something my kiddo and I have come to say (and chuckle about) daily.
  2. I can only google the pygmies. The internet says they like cooler. I know some people get away with pushing fish out of their range, but I don't have any first hand info.
  3. I have khulis with GBR, they like it. If breeding khulis I have read you need that warmer temp.
  4. You are totally right. We only have chlorine here, and I have never really thought about the chloramines. Nice catch!
  5. I am in Washington, but I believe technically the Pumpkinseed is a gamefish that was introduced to this area. I would need a fishing license to "collect" I am sure, but it is nobody's business when/if I kill and eat them...as long as I don't release fish to the wild or start selling them I think I am pretty safe, though I would need to check on that to be sure. However that map confirms what I suspected, that around here, aside from a few species, the pickings may be slim.
  6. If you leave water out overnight it will offgass chlorine with no prime at all. I have considered getting a large rubbermaid trash can on wheels and just having an available reservoir at all times.
  7. All the good ideas are taken!
  8. @Daniel We should start a collection thread--Tips on how, when, and where to collect. My area would be rich for really gorgeous sea life if you wanted to add a chiller. But naturally I want fresh. We have some Pumpkinseed sunfish here that are really pretty too though. I have seen them on hikes...
  9. So there are collection trips to Peru...Why not collection trips to the gulf? I think a road trip may be in order... Lord, can you imagine the car full of buckets on the way back? I am sure I would be in trouble some how! 🤣
  10. Dehydrating them should really be totally possible. That is how they must survive drought conditions.
  11. My general assumption is that if a fern is shooting off plantlets it is a little stressed, but if it is growing new leaves it is healthy. I think Java fern needs to be pruned a little to look "perfect". I suspect it is often grown emmersed and when it becomes submerged the older leaves do this.
  12. Now we just need to learn to culture rotifers, and make them shelf stable. We can sell them bottled like stability and make a million!
  13. I was also looking at the green terror--especially since they grow a little slower and stay a little smaller than the Oscar.
  14. Ok. So Cory had some and he sold it. And it is out there somewhere...growing...and everyone wants it. All you lucky ducks who got some better be multiplying this like crazy, using all the root tabs you can cram into your substrate, because I would be willing to bet your LFS will buy THAT. Will someone local hurry up and sell some back to Cory so I can buy it? 😎
  15. The above is definitely Java fern. you can wedge, glue, or tie it to a rock or wood. The above is definitely NOT pennywort. It could be a cryptocoryne in the emmersed form also? I think the pennywort is floating on the surface--round leaves.
  16. I think I have most of them: Not sure about the back right (Maybe some kind of echinodorous?), and can't tell the far left from the pic. Swords have roots and a crown, Java fern would have a rhizome, and probably should not be planted in the gravel.
  17. Nice one! I think you have a pretty fabulous wet pet in Pooka. If I got a really big tank I could have a pooka (feather fin squeaker) and a cichlid.
  18. Thank you, that is the main question I had. I have seen personable Koi... But I kinda want the brains and the beauty.
  19. Aww. That was a fun video. Thanks!
  20. That is a biiig group of fish, says google. Cool looking group.
  21. An Oscar is definitely on the short list...They are also abundant here as adoptable discards from people underestimating size, aggression, lifespan. I was hoping for just one big fish, and I feel like Discus might be more social?
  22. I am interested in getting a big-ish, individual fish that is personable towards humans and happy alone in a tank. I have considered as housing somewhere between 40-100g, and I want something "pretty". I get that some people like the look of a flowerhorn, and that personality is great, but the head bump is not my thing. I like colorful fish, and I would prefer an easy keeper that isn't going to be super fussy about...well, anything. So unfortunately that leaves out larger puffers, who again have great personalities (Murphy!). I was considering larger goldfish, cichlids, want to know what I might be missing, since I have mostly kept small fish thru my life. I have an angelfish, he is a character! I want a fish that notices when I approach the tank and swims forward instead of hiding, like a guppy but big. Those of you who have kept bigger fish what are your favorites?
  23. This is a normal part of the tank settling in. It will eventually resolve if you do nothing, and many fish will actually snack on it. Consider it the awkward teen years of your tank. I have had this happen in 3 of my 8 tanks right after setup. A school of otocinclus would be in heaven and like the discus set up quite well if you want it gone extra fast.
  24. My mutt guppies have been frequently at or below 72. They are tough little nuggets. Not at all the same as the fancy strains. I keep them in an unheated but covered tank, at whatever my normal room temperature is.
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