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A blog about keeping and breeding apistos, corydoras, discus, native fish and outdoor ponds

Entries in this blog

Tracking Water Chemistry in the Dirted Tank Project

Today I started tracking the water chemistry and other parameters of the three 40 gallon aquariums in the project. The first aquarium I tested was the EcoEcomplete aquarium. According to my API test kit, this was the water chemistry. According to a Tetra Strip this was the water chemistry.   According to my Felix Smart Controller's freshwater Seneye, the pH was similar.  


Daniel in Honey I Dirted the Tank

Moving Day for the 1930s Aquarium

Moving the 1930s aquarium was a beast because it was just me. The tank is almost 50 gallons and made of steel, extra thick glass and a piece of bottom slate almost an inch thick. Don't mind all the honey bees, I had just gotten back from feeding the bees in an out apiary and my local hives had just found the sugar water.  



New Fish and Plants Today for the Pond

Today we picked out 4 nice koi with the help of owner Joe Granato at Star Ridge Aquatics in Carthage, NC . Two of the koi were long-finned, and two were the traditional Japanese type koi. The traditional koi were my favorites because the colors were more intense. Once released one of the koi just wouldn't swim with the other three fish, so we named him 'Derpy'. We also picked out a dozen edge plants including, pickerelweed, dwarf cattails, Sagittaria, Myriophyllum, various rushes,



Stocking the summer pond

The fish I have ordered for the summer pond have started to arrive. First up are guppies from Twin Cities Guppies. Twin Cities had a few Endler's in stock (and by a few, I mean only 1 trio). They shipped on Monday and they arrived on Wednesday no worse the wear for having been shipped. These should go into the pond in the next few days (maybe today ☺️). Two Endler's may have worked on Noah's Ark, but I think I will need many more to get the guppy population kick started. I just wa



If I didn't document it, did it happen?

I am beginning to realize it is not the exact method I use to keep records in my fishroom that matters. What is important is the discipline to record the things that I do. Since I had the idea to begin keeping records yesterday, I have made up new batches of brine shrimp and white worms. I have done water changes. My order of plants from the Aquarium Co-Op arrived and those went into my aquariums. I even did a water quality test on my baby discus tank. But the only thing that has been documented



Keeping records in the fishroom

Today I asked the forum for ideas on keeping records in the fishroom. @Lynze and @Irene, both like Excel spreadsheets. @Ryan S. and @Jon G have had a good experience with the Aquarium Note app (looks like it is Android only). @DaveSamsell and @Exit31 prefer good old paper (paper wins when it come to sketches and illustrations). But what caught my attention was @Bill Smith and his suggestion about Trello, a free project management app. It lets you make lists and keep track of your upcoming t



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