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  1. Try Etsy that’s where I got mine. Granted it was in July. is in Ohio http://www.tricker.com//favicon-16x16.png Daphnia - Live Fish Food | William Tricker, Inc. WWW.TRICKER.COM Live Daphnia is one of the BEST fish foods! Tricker's has been supplying Daphnia for decades to our customers and for decades have been...
  2. I guess I used “reuse” wrong. My fault. What I was going for is a creative way to reuse (there I go again) the water in my tanks. Picture a tub or barrel open top loaded with plants and at the bottom 2 spigots one at the bottom and one a foot from the bottom. All the mulm would collect on the bottom and could be poured out (for the garden) and on the upper spigot you could drain the water and reuse it to do water changes. I’ll be clear I have no issues paying my water bill if I did the easy solution would be to get rid of the tanks. I just like to come up with new ideas or ways to be more efficient. Here are my tanks. I received my plant order on Wednesday from aquariumcoop so re-scraped them on thanksgiving.
  3. I like the idea of rainwater. Living in the north west we have no shortage of it. Also cities assume water in water out so for what you take through your meter they assume it goes back to the sewer so they get you coming and going. I just found an old bill from august (2 month cycle) just as an example. city water 5/8” line $51.97 (not bad) city sewer $87.00 drainage 23.60 (I assume this is rain and/or car wash or sprinklers) total $162.57. (1300 cu ft of water used)
  4. Yes there are other factors to the increase. It’s not so much about the % being changed I was just thinking of a way to reuse the water. I water our garden and plants with it now. I live in Washington but it might as well be Oregon.
  5. I already do that. I have a barrel with a pump and hose set up. I’m looking for ways to reduce water consumption.
  6. Has anyone ever tried to filter and reuse the old tank water? I know it sounds silly but Im trying to think of a way to reuse the water. I’m on city water and before I set up my tanks my water bill ran around $80 and now I’m in the $170-190 range. I only have 3 tanks (75, 29 and 10) set up for now but have 5 more in the garage just waiting to be set up. Maybe a 55 gallon drum with plants? Thoughts?
  7. Forget to turn the heater off. It smokes and melted my plastic bracket. This happens pretty much every week. The smoking part.
  8. Lots of good info in here, so I’m going to toss in mine. Based on your posts it sounds like you’re just running in circles. If it were me I would call the LFS or a friend and see if they have any seeded material (ie sponge or ceramic media) or mulm. I would put that in the tank and give it a few days. To me it sounds like you’re screwing up the cycle by trying to correct it. Bacteria, like snails only populate to the demand (food supply). If the amount of fish you have don’t produce a lot of ammonia you won’t have a lot of bacteria. Adding new livestock just creates an imbalance. Could be totally wrong, just my thoughts. lrbaquatics.com sells mulm. Don’t buy any more fish, you’re just wasting money.
  9. Thank you. That’s the one I’m reading now. Of all the sites I’ve looked at they look the most professional.
  10. Cory or crew, can you share which company you use in Peru for fish collecting? I’m looking to plan a trip next year and was just wanting to get info on a reputable company.
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