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  1. Does anyone else use a 32g Brute garbage can to hold water? I can't seem to find a weight rating for this can. I'm wondering if I could reinforce the can container by wrapping the can in duct tape? I also want to add a bulkhead fitting to the bottom of the can, will that weaken the containers ability to hold water? Also, I like the brute dolly, it is rated for 250lbs. The dolly's footprint isn't larger than the footprint of the can- I really like that.
  2. I have a ten gallon tank and every time I fill it with water within a couple of minutes the water level drops about a half an inch i fill it back up and same thing everything around the tank is dry as a bone any Ideas as to what is happening?
  3. Just a quick thought on wifi timers. I have just installed an ro/di filter and got everything set up plumbed in and running great just last night. I was feeling proud, I have a pump connected to the reservoir and plugged into a wifi timer so I can turn the pump off and on as I go from tank to tank, Upon waking up this morning I found water everyware, discovered that the timer had been used for a light and turned on, pumping all my ro/di water out and on the floor! So double check your schedules and be aware! Food for thought! Logan
  4. Hello, I am building a fish room and I am thinking of using a IBC tote to store water for water changes as I don’t have running water. What do I need to look for in a tote. I see used ones for around $50 here. Can I use any food grade tote as long as I rinse and wash it with vinegar? Any other ideas for storing 200+ gallons of water would be appreciated!
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