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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. just a question, is there a way to control notifications so if someone quotes you in a message, you only get 1 notification. (or if someone @s you in a journal you follow etc...double notifications)?
  2. yep i just checked, spot on. yep i just checked, spot on. i wish i could help with your cories, but mine would choose a trigger, use that for a month, then choose a new trigger, i still dont know what their current trigger is.
  3. so true, if you want proof check my journal, my pictures are the wost
  4. id react with a 😍but im out of reactions. so ill say that i love that picture (its adorable)
  5. I have recently had an idea. Put an air stone in a pre filter sponge. Does this have the same effect as a sponge filter? Does it boost BB at all being so close to the air supply?
  6. If you dont know already, myself and @TheSwissAquaristare having a friendly competition on raising Brine Shrimp from babies. We both pretty much know nothing about it, so it will be fun for both of us. (more information on @TheSwissAquarist's journal). here is my setup: to start with hatching i have the iconic Ziss BBS hatchery: this is not setup at the moment but will be soon, i am also using the ACO BBS eggs and salt. here is my raising container: this is my raising container. it holds aproxamitley 2gallons(sorry, i messed up my conversions). and has salt added as instructed on the salt. To cycle it i threw in some Stability (does it work in saltwater?), a prefilter sponge, and a few fish food pellets. and for feeding i took a bunch of foods and mashed them into a powder in this bag: i will also be using crushed up xtreme Community Crave
  7. i saw at my LFS they have a tank full of adult brine shrimp, IDK if they raise them themselves, but i should ask next time im there to try to find out what to do. (i could just go today...)
  8. i shall be putting MY setup on MY journal, but ill also put mine on your journal because it has more followers. (just for fair judging purpouses)
  9. IDK, how well you can keep them alive? i need to wait till tonight to set up BBS, at this time tommorow ill be in school. 🙄. ill post my setup on my journal later.
  10. 1. im pretty sure they need their algae ground up 2. @Coryhas talked about this on a livestream, that its very hard to raise them up in such a small container, hmm.. maybe i need to try this too.
  11. Ive noticed something odd with my corydora fry. I have 6normal sized ones, but 2 of them are runts, and are much smaller (and those two are different sizes aswell.) also the fry are around a week and a half old now, wow they grow fast. if anyone has any ideas about the runts im all ears.
  12. @JJenna the first step is make sure your link is a link, not a embedded thingy, it should look like this (or whatever links you are trying to use)(this step is unneccsary): you then want to click on this button in the corner: clicking on this button should bring you here: and then Copy and paste your link into the URL box, and what you want it to say as the link in the text box for example: then hit insert into post, save the signature and you should be good, i hope this helps!
  13. @Up North 1. The deeper the gravel is the more effectively it will filter the tank, its like sponge in a HOB more sponge, more filtration (that analogy has quirks but i hope you understand what i mean) 2. What stocking are you thinking, if its something like Guppies that like low flow, air stone, but if its hillstream loaches; they wont mind the extra flow. i have no recommendations on a brand.(how many companies still make these?)
  14. @Scaperoot as others have been saying it is difficult to know a betta's temprement, some are agressive some are peaceful. My male betta gets along fine with all his tankmates, platies and cories alike, but some will kill everything.
  15. @JJenna do you mean something like this: where the link is shortened?
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