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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. @Colu also @SandBkeeper the photo doesn't work for me.
  2. for me it was odd, some of the moss died, then got used to the water, and some of it is still dead,
  3. If you have somewhere to put it.
  4. im trying to, its difficult, i lost a fry last time so im very nervous to do it again...
  5. i try my best. my goal with that moss have been to forget about it, and thats what ive done, its growing slowly though; Oh, science note: I recall Cory mentioning in a video that when Java Moss is healthy the tips will turn bright green, i have recently read a scientific book on moss, and the bright green tips are the reproducing thingies of the moss.
  6. i am using a 2gallon container for mine.
  7. @jwcarlson this might be a crazy idea, but what if you tried something like wetting a small rock, then sticking the worms to the rock, then maybe using some acrylic yarn to lower the rock into the tank? am i just sprouting craziness?
  8. that is very sad, do you have another LFS even if its not as good?
  9. what size? 55gallon? IDK if this will work, but maybe try using planting tweezers to push it down? my tank is a 20high so reaching the bottom isnt too hard, or mash up the cube and mix it into repashy?
  10. do yours come in cubes? i agree, usually FDTW just floats, but you can stick the cubes to the glass, so i stuck them to the glass at the bottom so the cories could get a bite.
  11. @jwcarlson i agree with @nabokovfan87my cories love their repashy. (im almost out of it though). Mine really like FD tubifex worms, and there were times the male wanted to spawn, the females didnt, i stuck a cube to the bottom, and then they actually started spawning.
  12. @Plantdudei saw your post a decided to do a bigger thing of tips: Note: this is from my experience, but please tell me if you've had different results. 1.1m 2f is great, but make sure the females are similar sized to each other, or the male. Otherwise the male will only follow around the female closest to his size, meaning the extra female to reduce aggression is proved useless. 2.I cannot emphasize this enough, platies are OMNIVORES. i have had platies eat a stem plant when i wasnt feeding them such good vegetable content 3. platies are often considered "very peaceful" the males will fight. I have seen 2 versions on this; a.the dominant male chases the other male around or b.they will swim in circles at each other, taking nips. however i have not observed any damage done of these spars, but just a warning. 4. this is an obvious one, but be prepared for a population boom, they breed, and the fry are suprisingly fast. ( i should know, ive tried to catch them before). 5.platies are often added to a tank as a fun addition, but a mostly platy tank can be REALLY fun to watch, while they have the size of a tetra, they have the social interactions of a cichlid, give a platy based community tank a try, you wont regret it. (if you do we cannot be friends 😄)
  13. okay hear me out small peaceful come in most colors easy to breed active personable cheap easy to find eats some hair algae could swim through a nuclear waste pool unscathed insane compatibility should i continue?
  14. i can rant about this, but in my opinion platies are the BEST aquarium fish there is.
  15. @Plantdude Myself and @TheSwissAquaristare having a small friendly competition where we are both trying to raise baby brine shrimp to adults, and the funny part is neither of us know what we are doing. Do you wanna join?
  16. So it turns out my first female was a little lighter then i would have liked, she has been replaced with a slightly darker female (im not sure it was worth the effort, with catching the female out) but small update anyway.
  17. @Samuelthis might not be a perfect solution but maybe get another reliable test kit and test the water with that. then compare your results to make sure your testing is accurate.
  18. i agree with @lefty o it could be a nutrient deficiency, on a side note, i like the LEGO.
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