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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. platies. not generally called a clean up crew, but they will go picking along the bottom making sure there is no food that they can eat down there.
  2. that was the idea of using a root tab container.
  3. My small struggle with hair algae continues! I dislike the idea of using chemical methods and would prefer to get it taken care of naturally, the 2 steps im doing: 1.fasting platies, they will pick at it, but if hungry they will eat it 2.following the aquariumcoop algae guide, i have turned down my ACO light from a 4 to a 3, i might have 1 plant that suffers slightly from this (advertised as a medium light plant) (brazilian pennywort), but im hoping the thing that changed to spawn all this algae was lighting, and turning it town will remedy it. funny picture of Garra Guy (he is eating algae on the exterior wall of the breeder box): (BTW: for tanks of 20+ gallons i highly reccomend a panda garra as a flat algae eater or if you just want a fish with fun behaviors, i got it for both) @TheSwissAquaristi dont know if youve seen me post this story about Garra Guy:
  4. i have some hornwort im trying to grow big, maybe i should try this...
  5. my brain: tries to come up with a pun with a mix of endler and gold. here are my 2 ideas: 1. Aundler (Au is gold, with the rest of endler) 2.Endler 79, (79 is the atomic number of gold, sigh, why is chemistry class affecting me so much).
  6. @JoeQ i just think its Lutea,but it could be Lucent.
  7. my theory is the betta pulled it out...hence the annoyed look on his face in the picture.
  8. yes the corydora was the Catfish joke, but the Pupfish part was in reference to the photobombing platy, this should explain it. ( do i have to de-scientifici my jokes... )
  9. i was looking for algae eaters a while back, and my friend had the mini ramshorns, so he gave me a few (he had like 100 in his tank) and thats how this colony has started, i know have these snails EVERYWHERE! maybe i should setup something just to observe them, hmmm... not a bad idea.
  10. @JoeQit reminds me of lutea, but at this size it will be hard to tell. my question is; is it really that important? care of all crypts is pretty much identical, the only difference is size and color.
  11. how do you get rid of the minis, without harming the larges?
  12. well you can actually see the big ramshorn snails...
  13. good luck removing them, unless you have some sort of snail trap... also just give your friends some plant clippings for "no special reason" if they get snails, well thats life... (im joking doing this is mean). 😆
  14. fair enough, do you understand my joke, at least the second part?
  15. why, is it mean? i have removed it just in case though. i replaced it with a joke.
  16. more Catfish (i will post these untill someone asks me to stop, and not before then): also a Pupfish in the picture i doubt anyone here will understand that joke.
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