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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. @Cinnebuns i have a great idea! Ill send you a few of my mini-ramshorn snails they will tell yours about the great time they are having in my mini-ramshorn snails culture tank yours will seek a better life and leave with mine. its a win-win-win i get more snails you get rid of the snails and the snails get a nice home! (the one lose is reality but...😆)
  2. water change time, i thought id share my process: step1. i unplug the HOB i dont do enough of a water change to have to worry about the heater step2. i hook up my tubing to my power head. step 3. powerhead goes in the tank, gravel vaccum goes into the bucket step4.plug the powerhead in for a second to get a strong siphon step5.unplug the powerhead step.6. fill the bucket most of the way. step7.put catch cup in the tank someone was in the bathroom at this point (cutting off my water supply) so i thought id share a picture: step.8. manually pour water into the catch cup step.9. dechlorinate step10.put everything away.
  3. you: "yeah but they are different kinds of shrimp and-" them: "excuses they all look the same to me. those little red ones you have are different colors, how do i know these arent just more of those just bigger."
  4. LOL. no, because i find them fun to watch, and as a large group they are fun algae eaters.
  5. @TheSwissAquarist probably the cheapest option is buying 20, then working really hard and breeding them, but if you are on a time is money schedule that doesnt save money.
  6. @evonnerwhat is the tank size? for 20+gallons i really like Panda Garra,
  7. @TheSwissAquaristwhere is the fun in that, i am purposely culturing them in here,
  8. thanks @Cory, i guess ill see as it progresses what happens.
  9. @Katherine i should have clarified, the snail is a Locust, locusts swarm and cause mass destruction on crops, reminds me of the stereotypical view on snails.
  10. @Rube_Goldfishmaybe start a separate thread for your breeding adventure?
  11. @Helpwithmy_snailpls please post water parameters. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea@Guppysnail@Cinnebuns@Colu
  12. i should make more of these as i can think of them:
  13. i just wanted to post a picture of my platy breeding setup mini ramshorn snail colony: i put in flakes for the platies, and then the ramshorn snails get sinking foods, this will be good once i add fry to this setup (the parents will be removed) to help prevent water fouling from uneaten food. the picture does not do it justice, but there are snails EVERYWHERE in this tank, and its pretty awesome.
  14. @tetra is it swimming along the glass? is it glass surfing? please post water parameters.
  15. @dasaltemelosguy@Guppysnail@Odd Duck sorry if this has been answered before, if what i have is flavored seltzer will that work as well? Does this process boost plant growth with using C02? is surface area on the C02 container important as it is on an aquarium?
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