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Everything posted by Theplatymaster

  1. pandas might be too big for this tank size. thats why i reccomend dwarf species of cories. i think @nabokovfan87has kept panda cories in a ten gallon. how did that work for you, @nabokovfan87?
  2. @Katherine your daughter and i cannot be friends. 😆 Maybe albinos are creepy, but these pictures are just cute!
  3. @Katherine maybe some pygmy cories for this tank? or habrosus cories?
  4. the results of pulling out hair algae today: I have a small outbreak, but its not hurting anything so im just slowly removing it for now, if it gets much worse ill fast the platies so they get eating at it.
  5. @Katherinelooks to be fine, as long as the rhizome is not buried, i have had success with anubias in the ground.
  6. @Katherinethat is a rhizome, definitely a anubias.
  7. @nabokovfan87happy to report this journal now has an audience of 3! (and me). 3 favorite things, ok. 1.all the platies, they are my favorite fish for a reason, usually it doesnt look like i have a lot, until i add the food, but i love their little personalities, and that they will pick at some algae. 2.Corydora fry, ive tried so many times, and im succeeding now, its more exciting when they move, but at least they are alive. 3. garra guy: by far taken my 2nd favorite fish spot, he hides sometimes under the sponge filter, but he is very fun to see when he is out, eating on the tank algae, or just resting on a leaf. it was very fun to watch him clean a dwarf aquarium lily leaf. Hes not a small fish (3-4in), and the leaf clearly could not sustain his weight, but he kept trying, and was almost hanging on for his life with his mouth, even though the leaf could not support his weight. ( he has realized i have an anubias right in the flow, that is his favorite location, a leaf to sit on, and flow, whats not to like). 4. john my betta sitting in the root tab betta tunnel i made for him. It was a fun way to save money, recycle a root tab container, (cut myself), and give my fish something that makes him happy.
  8. the future of aquariumcoop:
  9. agreed. my betta is extremely peaceful, and shy, its hard to find good tankmates for bettas as they are different. for me, it cant nip the fins, for others, they have to be able to escape the betta.
  10. @Katherine IDK what kind of anubias i have here, but it looks like the one you have (it looks like there is a rhizome on that plant): for comparison here is my amazon sword:
  11. i wish i had something good to talk about today, but i dont. maybe ill just post some more platy pictures, but there are plenty of those on here. i could show off my new pet, but its boring. I could get a picture of baby corydoras, but thats difficult. IDK what to do for today, if anyone has a opinion tell me. Ive got it! i will make a bunch of people made by posting pictures of way too many Mini-ramshorn snails, that i have in EVERY TANK i own, because i find them SO fun to watch.
  12. @Katherine Cherry shrimp are pretty easy, the hardest part is probably water parameters, they go really well with mystery snails too. this article might be a helpful resource: https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/cookie-cutter-for-10-gallon-aquarium?_pos=1&_sid=5a3bdd514&_ss=r (also the sword in question looks more like an anubias)
  13. @Katherine any other stocking ideas? is there anything you are looking for? ( a color maybe?)
  14. @Ohad for the side maybe a dwarf aquarium lily, it will just take a lot of trimming.
  15. what i like about Steve, is that he has been doing this for a long time, and his advice is from experience.
  16. $12 for a cherry shrimp! however something odd was on my panda garra, congressional had it cheaper, it would have been 5more dollars at TL for the size that i got.
  17. yes for sure, myself and @The endler guy are both big fans of that store. (TL). Congressional is crazy expensive, tropical lagoon is cheaper but not cheap.
  18. @jwcarlson i just finished "fly you fools" but my theory is that gandalf is not really dead.
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