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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. Not really ashamed, but not happy enough with it to actually show it and discuss it? It's just being a stubborn tank, but it's my beautiful cloudy mopani mess. 🙂 On the plus side though, Grace the shark did enjoy her new digs when I moved the wood around. Agreed. Whenever I do a substrate change it's always messy. Hopefully it's not too much of a pain with all the shrimplets. I would always find a fry whenever I do it too. Strangely.
  2. I believe the store page or blog article mentions 1 lb of CC per 10 gallons. I think 2 lbs or so is probably good for you because you're already starting at a lower PH/KH and you have a lot of buffer to make up for. (lower PH means it dissolves a bit easier than if it was higher). I was at 40 ppm KH and CC took me to about 50, but I really struggled to get it dissolved without having it as the substrate itself. Something to keep in mind and that's why it's going to be the "easiest" way. Using CC over something like a buffer is going to be a lot slower to raise parameter, will keep the tank more stable longer term. Keep in mind, raising KH will raise your PH also.
  3. Noise or vibration? @Gannon Can you show us the flow in a video or something? Maybe that'll help out.
  4. I have had it 2-3x and it grows similar to Java Fern for me. Which just means it doesn't grow. I got it from the big box store had it doing really well. This was when I was first starting out and barely had discovered ACO. I found out they wrapped a bunch of plants in string into a bunch. After months of the plant being fine, growing, propagating, as soon as I "messed with it" then it just immediately died off. I tried Java fern as well. Someone here had mentioned hard or soft water, temperature, and other things as being things to watch out for (I can't recall which or what the advice was). I am recently trying that same plant again, trying to get this bolbitis to grow again. The plant I got was so dried out that it's doing exactly what Mmiller is experiencing, it's turned black in some parts, but hopefully things start to improve. Needless to say I'm trying to keep an eye on any advice, but I really just need to have my own methods improved. The tank in question had salt and all that, cloudiness, but it'll get there.
  5. I really like the IAL and root tabs choices. That's nifty and necessary.
  6. Interesting dilema. Are you basically wanting things that will end up in the tank? I would go towards plants. They can do ok in buckets or the fridge even in some cases. Especially tissue culture ones. Aquascaping tools is another route to go. Any equipment that you need? Maybe a chair for the fishroom, towels, or a gift card to your local shop (or one you wish to try to order from online)? I understand some people don't enjoy gift cards. Perhaps what works is to not worry about what, spend time browsing the selecting and explain what you want to keep that's available to order or go into the shop and buy?
  7. Heaters work based off of flow. Less flow means less movement of the cooler water to the rest of the tank and you have more of a "soak" style head load. (I hope that whole sentence made sense) If you have it in either direction I would always try to keep it on the sides. For longer heaters that don't fit I stick to 45 degrees or vertical. Depending on your own reason for orientation, maybe one of those things works better for you longer term. If that isn't the case, I would opt for adding something to push water directly towards the heater or to push the heated water from that location to the rest of the tank. Here's a visual sketch. Red being the heat dissipation from the heater. Blue arrows being the filter flow path (yours may vary). You can also see how the orientation of the heater affects the surface area in contact with the flow. More contact means more efficient heating. The longer the flow is in contact with the heat, the more efficient as well. The just of this one, skimming through a few sections is saying that because a vertical heater can be located towards the top of the tank and the top of the tank is generally warmer, that is why it works better (and uses less energy). They also say horiz. heaters use a fan to distribute the heat. There might be some confusion there when you're talking about "a general heater" vs. "a horizontal heater". One might be a very specific thing. Interesting read.
  8. Well... Was it treated with something to cause the red coloration? Usually it's a sign that it's dying off, might be why you're seeing the snacking. I have heard it could be red because it's thriving under bright light? I've seen mine turn red/gray a few times. I've also seen it green, silver, and iridescent when it's doing well under very bright light.
  9. Imagine you're able to choose one thing from the ACO and "win" a supply of that item for as long as your tank is setup. One item, you can receive it over and over. Let's say you receive it every 3 months. Let's say the price limit is ~$10 or so. What would be the item you choose? For me, not kidding, it's probably super glue. I just constantly find myself wanting and needing more tubes of it. Second to that would be some anubias, but I think after a while I wouldn't know what to do with the mass of plants without being wasteful.
  10. I'll have to get that resolved for you. We'll figure it out. I'll send a message on the tidal thread once I have details. Not good! I have been running the mod for 6+ months? I've heard it once, for 2 hours, randomly. Never heard it again. I do want to modify my mod. So I'll do that and "fix it" so to speak.
  11. @Lakb50 What does the stand look like? How is it made? Is it like a storage rack unit?
  12. Is it still consistently happening? Maybe there is a pinhole or something somewhere? Glad you got it sorted @Chick-In-Of-TheSea
  13. Yeah. That impeller design is a little weird. I don't know the pro/con but typically the "good ones" will have the impeller molded or press fit around the shaft itself. There is a rubber or ceramic bushing that fits into the motor to keep it stable. I believe the marinelands use a plastic guide and that might be what you're hearing. The plastic guide hitting the pump housing or the impeller trying to spin and it's rubbing on the housing. Photos below, first one is the one impeller I actually like the design of. Second photo is of the marineland and yours should be something similar. Steel vs. Ceramic shaft, which is slightly delicate. Should generally work without issue. That second video I linked might be replicating the issue you heard? As long as we rule out impeller, pump is fine, meaning just trying to dislodge whatever is caught up in the filter somewhere. Please remind me of the model you have and I can try to dig up some disassembly photos or something. Edit: might be the same + solution. It's showing that plastic section lifting up again, mentions a plastic tab to secure the impeller and that it's either broken or no longer aligned. I can't say for sure, but I assume the assembly is that the impeller is assembled, the shaft is inserted, and then the end caps are press fit on the shaft. If the caps slip, that makes the impeller slightly too long and rub on the housing or intake pipe. Unsure if that's the cause or the tab that both of these guys glued. I did have a video of the tidal with the air noise @TeeJayaand I had that issue. I can't find it, but I'll dig it up if need be. Hopefully it's an easy fix. 😞
  14. Did it sound like a glug or was it a very sharp sound like a pebble on glass? Did you physically remove the impeller and inspect it and the shaft? (See video for why I say shaft) Potentially this noise? I would add an air stone just until you get it figured out. Let me know if you need anything. Hopefully you find it. Most common reason is a piece of substrate gets sucked up into the pump impeller. Not a joke. literally every time I have maintenance on mine I have a flashlight and check the bottom of the HOB container. Every two weeks I disassemble the pump (usually). That second one is because of testing, but also just because pump in filter can cause some weirdness sometimes. Especially with only course sponge and something like sand.
  15. Nah. Just mount a gang valve with a metal push pin. No cords. More airline 😉
  16. Sometimes you have things in your water for the first portion of when it's poured. It's basically giving you an indication of how stable your water is. The secondary and third tests are to review how stable the water is for the fish you're keeping.
  17. I totally understand, I have been all over the place this month/week/yesterday/today. I was reading about salt research studies yesterday. I do think these links might be the good place for your question to be answered. Hormones affecting growth and so many things go into it, from the brief look I had when diving into the articles. Feel better @Cinnebuns
  18. No pictures, nothing fancy.... The Black Cory Herd is officially released into their tank. I also moved in the male sword. He was ok, but I wanted to try to move him to distract the other swords from pestering the fry. No.... not like that. He's about 30% bigger than the other two sword males. I moved them into the tank for a few reasons. It's not a predator heavy tank. The amanos are literally the biggest thing in there. The little mites are all over the substrate and there is a good amount of hiding holes for the fish. There is cover, there is moss, there is a forest of S. Repens, and it has better cleanliness than the little box. The one corydoras I found in the tank was about 30-50% larger size than it's brothers and sisters and I am confident that they will grow better having the full tank at their disposal to search for food. I really do cherish these fish and I want them to do good. Here's to hoping it was the right choice. I glued all the moss I could onto the wood and pulled off a big clump that was basically falling off from my previous attempt to attach it. Hopefully things take hold and hopefully things start to flourish again. Sidenote, I really, really detest this black (red) algae.
  19. Definitely don't look at my setup. LOL. Plugs are off the floor thankfully, but no real way to manage cables nicely. I really like the way it cleans up the look, nice work! I bet you can get a tank right there now 😂 I'm very sorry for your loss. I really love otos too. I have found some dead fish buried in sand, stuck against filters, stuck in weird places that fish don't normally sit. I try to check every day the waterline and the bottom of the tank, but sometimes fish just die in very hidden places 😞 .
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