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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. At most.... I have had a 38G Bowfront, 20G Long, 55G, 2x10G, and a 29G tank. Currently I have a 75G (not filled, sitting in the hallway) and I am running 2x29G tanks. I won't run more than 2 tanks without having a rack and a full setup. Even if I do, I would limit myself to 3-4 tanks max.
  2. Get it replaced with warranty then. Your electronics are failing. LED / LCD displays like that having failures means there's a loose wire on the board or a chip that isn't working right. You can try to dry it out completely (maybe condensation), but I have had 5-7 of these things and ran them for years without issues. Just get it replaced. You'll thank yourself. Also, welcome to the forums! 🙂
  3. Take him on a trip to Denver. It's my second favorite place. Ya'll need some Subaru's in your life! I miss mine, such a fantastic driving car and very safe.
  4. If you still have it, guaranteed we can fix it. No worries at all. 🙂 Fun fact, it's not an aquaclear that's why! 😂 I used ACs for a long time and having spares around for the "oh crap" moments was normal. As soon as I touched it I needed a new pump/impeller. For the 110 that is. Other ones, I just had anxiety over it. I would always remove the little grey cover plate to clean that cavity where all the junk settles, not necessarily a full disassembly because it itsn't easy when installed on the back of a tank to clean an AC fully.
  5. They both definitely have their quirks. @MattyMi I have tried all the ACs too for a very long time and always had issues. The 55 and 75 we're fine for me, but they all have similar issues long term. When it comes to the tidal, yep, it definitely isn't perfect. But, in my use I can run a ton of these and they are silent. ACs rattle on the lid, the pump, air in the pump, so many things happen. With the tidal, even unmodded, water to a certain line, make sure it's clean, absolutely silent.
  6. As someone who always ignores the cucumber on the salad at a restaurant..... Zucchini all the way. I think both work, but just make sure you remove the seeds if you're using either one. Agreed
  7. Looks like a torn fin. Very blurry and very hard to tell. Try to record a video or just keep taking photos as best you can 🙂
  8. Definitely different. I wouldn't say good or bad. Looks like it's playing in the flow. Also could be a female trying to prep to lay eggs. Is it possible that the fish damaged itself on the lid? (I try to give a good amount of room for corydoras so they don't hit the lid, but they are always usually pretty good about it) If there was a big bump or something that might explain the behavior and you'd probably see some redness on the body somewhere. I have a request if you can whenever you get a chance. Record a video showing the fish breathing. Usually the nose is how I tell how "rapid" the breathing is. Let me grab a video I have to show you a corydoras showing high stress breathing. Let us know the substrate as well. At 12:09 and also a little earlier at 10:12 I had issues with the grass shown in the back of the tank. The salt might just really do a number on it. (Looks like a long variety of hair grass to me). That's the only thing I think I wouldn't dose the tank for. But I personally have every time I need to. Plants get replaced, it happens.
  9. I spent a little bit of time trying to read my shark book sitting next to the tank, but it wasn't quiet enough (noise on the other side of the walls in my room) and that led to me just staring at the tank. I watched the bigger Corydoras standing around their fry and just observing them do their thing. The fish are getting very comfortable and having a good time exploring their bigger surroundings. My hope is that the flow and all that isn't too much. I have a piece of seiryu that have a face on it with 3-4 big gouges. I have it oriented with the craggy face towards the front, moss on top. I watched 2-3 fry pop out of the cracks they are calling home now and watching them go out into the moss to find something to nibble on. I looked to the left and watched more fry going around the tank, through the S. Repens garden and just seeing all the different sizes and development rates. Some are still clear, some have patters, some are gigantic! It was just good to see them doing their thing. Reminded me why I cherish that species of fish, the admiration I have for how the parents can care and spend time with the fry. Among other reasons. Then I broke a diffuser trying to replace it! Rookie mistake using a glass style diffuser, but I'll hopefully find a replacement when need be. I'll keep an eye on CO2 changes tomorrow morning. It's a very different setup with the replacement diffuser and a very different setup on the regulator valve. We'll see. I dialed the lights back by an hour and dropped intensity again. Just too much algae right now for its own good.
  10. Beautiful tank. I can't wait until things get settled and you show us the fish! Obligatory Bolivian Ram tag. 🙂 @Chick-In-Of-TheSea I really like the plant selection you have. Very nicely done. How are you enjoying the Anubias Hastafolia?
  11. All good 🙂 I was admiring my Otos today, they are chunky monkeys and doing really well. Oh. I use a zip tie on the tube itself, then the little block on the head of the zip tie holds the sponge in place. Learned that from somewhere...
  12. I think I bruised my knuckle? Literally no idea how I got cut by plastic wrap and a breeder box. The stinking diffuser, taking out the old one, trying this one (smaller diameter, integrated bubble counter) and then I could just reduce algae. NOPE. I couldn't get the suction cup on, tight fit on the glass tube, eventually got that on. Went to get the tube on the end, nope. Soaked it 2-3x in warm water to get it on there. I had to cut the end of to get enough of it pliable, but it just took me a good 20 minutes of struggling. After all that. I get it in the tank, go to press the suction cup on the wall. Snaps. Check for glass and stuff, don't see anything, siphon it out just in case. It is what it is. Now running the old neo diffuser. Bubble size is a LOT better. I really want to get one of the version 2 neo diffusers. Sidenote: on the same hand (right) I have another knuckle that just has a cut. No idea how. Left hand I have 4-5 scars healing from the oven and whatever else that happened. Yep. Lots of projects, lots of Knicks. Water change day tomorrow!
  13. 0 days since last accident. Why isn't it just impossible for me to not have a nick or cut or whatever on my hands on maintenance day?
  14. Everything looks fine. Just make sure PH doesn't get too high. You have a good buffer so that's awesome. GH is fine. Mine is Normally 300+ Substrate? Everything else looks fine. Probably just going to be a bacterial thing. Salt is almost always included in that treatment also. Just follow the directions on the back of the box (make sure you have enough packets) but yeah, should be fine with time as long as nothing is actively causing issues. Meaning that salt+ time is a good approach in my view as well. You would have the water ready beforehand. Let him sit in the bath for a little bit, then remove him. You don't want to use a coffee cup for this. Some of your plants won't like salt, so getting a QT tub or tank is a better option for treatment. You'll want an air stone of the fish is in there long term. Finally, your prefilter sponge on the left looks choked up, be sure to check and clean it. Filter is sucking it in.
  15. Welcome to the forums. 🙂 If you can, meaning plants aren't an issue and so forth, I just tend to dose my tank. 1/2 cup per 10G. I am not saying to go ahead and do this right now, but that's always an option for corydoras. I can also point you to a research study someone did spcifically on the type of corydoras you have and salt use if you would like to check it out. There is an ACO blog article that gives a plethora of great advice. This is equivalent to their "level 2". https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/aquarium-salt-for-sick-fish One thing to keep in mind with corydoras is that they LOVE air/oxygenation and they really can be sensitive to temperature in some situations. Question though, and please feel free to share photos of everything. In the main tank (not the bath) are you running an airstone and could you add a second short term if need be? Second, please verify the equipment and make sure things are working correctly (heater, filter pumps, etc). Second, please test everything you can and post the results, including temperature.
  16. As long as the plant isn't "unpacked" I would exchange it. They should understand the mixup and the information should be in the store as well. It's a mistake, but not purely on you. It does happen.
  17. One of the best things you can do is be here and post in the disease section when you run into issues. You will learn a lot about what you're looking at and what to do. euthanizing the fish might make sense if that is the best option. First, I want to point you here. This is literally one of the videos I watch and enjoy just because of the editing, but the message in this video is awesome no matter how long you've been keeping tanks. Please let us know your results so we can start to correct things. Especially temperature.
  18. Shrimp and otos might be a good option then if he's comprehensive about snails. Nerites are fun. They will lay eggs on the wood and stuff, but they won't hatch at all so you're fine.
  19. Please show the plant in question? I'm guessing the plant is rotting or something, dead section of the rhizome.
  20. Awesome news, congratulations! I saw the first picture and was like.... yeah nope, they don't want you to pull those eggs. 😂
  21. You're going to want something to add air and move water. I wouldn't ever run a tank without at least an airstone. It has too many benefits. I would be very curious if that smell goes away after you add an airstone. To be clear. I understand the whole "deep sandbed" style thing and wanting to have a tank with low tech or no tech. I specifically was asking about what moves the water because a box of water sitting there does too many things unless you're talking about something sealed from external issues. Stagnant water is probably not great for the species inside as well. They might be surviving, but I would expect them to do better with an airstone. Especially shrimp. The above article continues to say that the way to make this work is to have very frequent water changes. That is essentially your surface agitation and your mechanism for getting rid of some of the issues that you see with standing water. What is your maintenance schedule for the tank, when was the last time you changed water, how much? Whenever you see this, first thing you should always do is test the water. Can you please share all testing results? Are the species in the tank still doing this behavior?
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