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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. You can say that again.... one of my favorite plants hates me!
  2. Came up on a livestream. I was asking about the JBL Scan strips and then this was mentioned. If you happen to have these and want to "try it out" feel free to post some results here. If you have issues reading strips (raises hand) this might help as well. The topic of conversation was people who have issues reading test strips, colorblindness, etc.
  3. That's staghorn I believe. it's less bushy and more.... longer strands looking. You would treat them very similarly and they are caused for similar reasons. Cons.... see my journal 😂 It is a very, very stubborn algae and can be very difficult to remove. 1. Cut back light intensity, check duration. 2. Healthy cleaning of the tank, make sure all equipment is working. 3. Manual removal, keep ahead of it, try to outcompete it with lean dosing and keeping nitrates and light in check.
  4. Was the new tank warmer? Very sorry for your loss. I always hate losing an oto. They can be sensitive, but some of the most rewarding fish.
  5. That's a pretty amazing pattern. What an awesome loach! That's my vote. Very unique coloration. Really something you never see in the hobby. The other puffers you mentioned seem awesome as well. Whatever you decide, it will be interesting to see that process. You have a mind for it, and it's really cool to see you "engineer" that process and design the solution when you need to. I totally think you could get away with "high flow" without a false bottom setup. When I had the borneo loaches (not that version, but the basic ones) they did just fine. 75G with 2 75G HoBs and 3 ziss bubble bio filters. If you were specifically going for movement, I think you could get away with two spraybars along the length of the tank and it would circulate in an oval. Depending whether you wanted the "high flow" at the sand or at the top or the tank for increased agitation, that would determine placement of everything. Definitely a fun project, and every time someone goes for that style of tank they do have a unique approach to it.
  6. Hopefully you were able to get some rest. Pacific timezone for me! Ah I see.... Not a ton of cover on the substrate. I would just add some ohko or seiryu stone. Something with little overhangs or places for the fish to hide into. That might be literally all you need once the fry hatch. There is lots of cover for mid and upper dwelling species, but for the corydoras it's basically an open scape concept. Hopefully that helps 🙂
  7. He also has a ton of videos on media specifically with various types of examples, microscope detail shots, testing, etc. I am not advocating "go buy X" I am simply posting this as a resource of information, especially when it comes to filters and being able to see examples of how different filters are designed, flow paths, etc. I think there's millions at this point, of sump videos on youtube. Corvus Oscen is a great resource as well for sump details.
  8. I was totally going to sketch up a "bucket for fishkeeping" but let's just toss this one here. 1. A 5G bucket with a base that isn't sharp, but does have a bit of a "handle" for pouring. Current buckets have a pretty shallow, 1/8" thick ring around the base that serves as the outer lip. Can we just make that an actual proper base that is a 1" thick piece that actually gives you some grip when trying to pour in water.....? 2. Some form of a spout that actually works, even if it's a piece you add on to the bucket rim (if you want a funny time go watch james hoffmann complay about coffee makers having terrible spout designs) Bonus points if you can also make this spout work so that it doesn't uproot the entire decor. Showerhead design? 3. Make the handle robust enough so you don't jab a metal wire into your hand with a rolling plastic handle or feel like the bucket is going to split open with a full load of water. 4. Markings for each gallon line that you can read internally 5. A flat side for suction cups (heater, filter, etc.) 6. A section to clip on an air pump belt style clip without extremely deforming the clip (little hook or something?)
  9. What is your food / feeding regimen currently? This might help...
  10. I get the feeling my otos might spawn soon. Sounds like a perfect tank.
  11. Sounds awesome. I don't think that's how the forums here operate. If you want to make a journal, go for it. It's a very good quote. Very profound one I mean. It's one of those quotes that gets tossed around philosophy classes to make a point for certain topics. Have you heard of Walden? Description: "Walden details Thoreau's experiences over the course of two years, two months, and two days in a cabin he built near Walden Pond amidst woodland owned by his friend and mentor Ralph Waldo Emerson, near Concord, Massachusetts. Thoreau makes precise scientific observations of nature as well as metaphorical and poetic uses of natural phenomena. He identifies many plants and animals by both their popular and scientific names, records in detail the color and clarity of different bodies of water, precisely dates and describes the freezing and thawing of the pond, and recounts his experiments to measure the depth and shape of the bottom of the supposedly "bottomless" Walden Pond." A quote from his mentor, definitely some inspiration for the journey....
  12. Nitrile gloves and you should be fine with any issues. Beyond that it's all about whatever it comes into contact with and rinsing thoroughly. There is a use case for it. But like everything, need to be aware of how to use it just like any tool.
  13. Show me a photo of the tank! Definitely doesn't make it easy. I would still expect, depending on setup, the corydoras will learn good spots to hide eggs and get some fry. Eventually.... If it's the same species, normal vs. high fin, that's not inbreeding. It's just a gene trait. Let me know what the setup looks like and we can make tweaks to give the fry a chance, if they do make it. 🙂 Not kidding, I've seen fry only and just about every time I remove substrate on a tank. It's super crazy when that happens and you see this very small thing scatter to the corner. Nature finds a way. There are things you can do to "help with" colony style breeding and slowly but surely get a herd going.
  14. PH is really high for corydoras. (From Planet Catfish for the species in question: pH: 6.5 - 7.5) Can you show us the setup. Filtration, etc. I would advise to check high range PH as well to get a more accurate value. @RandomIowan
  15. Can you show a picture of the rhizome specifically? You might have a rhizome issue and the leaves are dying as a result.
  16. First tank I had them spawn in, marimo moss balls of 2-3 sizes and the fry were perfectly fine. Second tank, seiryu stone with moss attached. The fry would hide in the cracks in the rock, it was really awesome to watch their behavior and avoiding the adults in the tank. Third tank.... similar to what you're reporting. Eggs were eaten by a pleco, by flow of the filter blowing the eggs off the glass, but the biggest issue was simply algae.
  17. Next year. The plecos Congratulations on all the accolades this week. MUCH deserved, keep doing what you do and showing off those efforts. What is a species of fish you have never kept, but would like to? Do you have a tank that makes sense for something like that?
  18. 100% agreed. In a dream world. I would have a few 20L or 15L for the fish I want to raise. It's tough. I have a 29 ready to go for them. But would need to move two tanks, make one disappear, and I have that 75 just staring at me ready to go for the colony when it's set. I keep staring at the wall and how I want to have literally just +1 tank. Right now I'm using a 5G bucket to QT a fish because I couldn't get a 10G in time for what I needed. I have the filter, lid, everything, but just not the glass. It sucks because I know the fish act differently, very differently depending what tank, space, flow, and light. I feel much better when I see the fish happy, colored up, excited to see you, and interacting like they should. Totally get it.... One day I'll have a spare tank. Wasn't in the cards this week/month. I also have a stand for a 30L that is ridiculously annoying because that would be perfect for my plants only needs to grow out some moss and stems.
  19. Maybe? But that tank runs two pumps as is and the tidal is literally a monsoon of sorts when it comes to flow. (which is good, just not for floating things) Yeah that's my hope. I'll check tonight. Corydoras do enjoy flow and they generally follow it. I wouldn't be surprised if they did make it that way, but I also wouldn't be surprised if their brothers and sisters were just a bit feisty. Needless to say the little ones grow up fast. Coloration is just... Awesome. I'll try to get a decent pic tomorrow. Yeah, I was more concerned about getting the methylene blue off the fry than I was the fry having issues with the fry. My hope was that of the new fry ~50-75% survived and it didn't throw off my timing too much being weeks apart to release them in the tank. The parents have been showing colors and brightened up just being happy. This time of year with the weather and everything I guess. I was staring at the tank today and just trying to breathe. I am always at a loss for works how big the corydoras parents are. I'll keep at it, keep trying to grow them out and just see what happens. I need to have a few 5G or 20L tanks for fry whenever I do get proper fry setups. The hang on stuff works, but when fish spawn it's like you're going to just not have enough room to work, clean, etc.
  20. It does happen with age on bettas. Patterns will chainge. Blue+Black I believe is fairly common. Keep an eye on it, but I don't think it's abnormal.
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