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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. Very weird. Good to know though. That is a poor experience. 😞 I would definitely be contacting them, they should have a batch number or something (if you still happen to have the bags) it might be helpful. When I first setup my tank I soaked my Seiryu in vinegar to get some of the hardness minerals off of it. I would take a scoop of substrate and test it. That would be the best way to remove it or include it as a reason.
  2. Sort of depends on "where" then I would figure out how. Indoors, inside the house is best. Mine sits on the stand, I have the lids on, light on top, the filters and stuff inside, heaters are in my fish totes and not the tank. I have a big towel on top to keep bugs and stuff out, let air pass without condensation. One thing you'll want to keep in mind is people walking by it around and avoiding scratches on the stand and glass. Usually leads to sitting in the garage and if that was the case (either situation) then I'd wrap it if the tank was expensive or higher quality with blankets and such. If you're stacking smaller tanks then I would try to avoid more than 3 tall if you can, try to find some method for stopping sliding and scratches. Really good tips and tricks and advice above from everyone.
  3. Based on dorsal pattern, tail shape, etc. I lean towards... I think bilineatus/naboensis can have a distinctive mark on the pectoral fins, leading ray. I don't see that here, but difficult to tell from your photo. https://www.planetcatfish.com/common/image.php?image_id=5642 Could be. Have to get a photo with natural light and try to see if you see any yellowing on the fins. There's a lot of them with "mucky" patterns in the lineage and looking at some of the main ones you'll see the variation between that singular type, but there are some identifying marks. Hopefully you can snag a photo of the cory laying somewhere still. With your own eyes what colors do you see with the fins? Are they clear or yellowish? Is the light making them look yellow, or are they yellow I mean.
  4. If you're interested and have room for them, we can figure out a way to get the panda horde to you. I think it's 12-15 strong right now. The genetics you have should be enough for a while, but you'd basically find someone who wants them, sell off half, then add that amount to get back up to par. A lot of breeders will trade a few between for the sake of genetics also.
  5. Queued up, but here is the latest of Cory setting up CO2. There's a ton of good videos. The CO2 art videos are a resource I use also. @Mmiller2001 what is better, in the sump or in-line diffuser?
  6. Either an invalid test (no change) or it was 5.0-6.0 range. Very low, but only slightly lower than the scale shows on the ACO test strips. I'll run one tomorrow using a dropper and make sure it gets on the pad effectively.
  7. I have always been timid when it came to setting up / starting pressurized CO2. After having it, setting it up, it's genius and very, very helpful. I wouldn't not have it (cost aside) on any planted tank I want as a display tank moving forward. It's just something that helps. It's always been hard for me to screw it up as long as you use the timers and the correct method and starting points. Obviously, don't turn it on full bore and walk away. If you do things right, all fine. Even just a sodastream CO2 bottle would be monumentally better.
  8. I can check it. I can share the video on the method. You're asking about diluted or straight from the bottle?
  9. Yeah. We have to wait for fins to come in to see more pattern.
  10. Very, very sorry for your loss. I have had this happen and know that pain. 😞 The aquarium co-op heater might be perfect for you because of the shape / size in a smaller tank. Second to that, if you have a 20L aquarium I recommend the fluval E series heaters (pricey, but very good heaters). Just try to find one where you can set the temp and then always have a thermometer or something to check things out.
  11. I wonder how these ones propogate....? Grow little bulb! Grow! (reminds me of the magic school bus episode when the plant was trying to reach the sun) 😂
  12. Hopefully after a week or so, fish will calm down and pattern up a little bit and then we can tell what's going on and get a better ID. Fun puzzle. 🙂
  13. Yeah, there was 3-4 that were very similar. Some had the dots on the belly, others didn't. Some had dots as opposed to reticulated pattern on the head. Very similar to Julii vs. False Julii, but just with a slight alteration in the colors. Some have a patters on the tail, some have white fins. I think it was the one I had linked, but you put those two side by side and it's real tough to tell a difference. Biliniteatus: (slightly more of a worm / reticulated pattern on the head, might change as it gets bigger, yellowish dorsal with specs and pattern, gold coloration on the gill plate, curl around the bottom of the eye is pretty defined from the body pattern) Naponesis (black on the leading ray of the dorsal, pattern on the tail fin, gold coloration on the gill, but not as pronounced, more of a "black body with silver dots" pattern) Actual: (hard to tell, yellow as opposed to silver coloration, main black bar on the body does go into the body, dots on the belly, very distinct pattern on the head) 1000%. It's pretty bad. Hopefully planet catfish is a bit reliable!
  14. Super adorable pup! Very nice group you have there and hopefully they are doing well with the new pup. If you find the secret to get the dogs to fetch and no chew all the fuzz off the ball, I would greatly appreciate it. The pups love to run and love to get the ball, but haven't figured out the "give" part of it yet.
  15. I think that's what Dean uses in addition to 29's
  16. I would move them indoors, but unheated for a week and slowly let them acclimate to new temps. Here is a video that might be helpful, but is also just fun to watch. Very sorry for your losses with the white clouds. 😞 @SandSea I think maybe an autocorrect issue with your post?
  17. Yeah I hear you. When I swapped mine out, I realized right away I'll never have a 55G again. It's so tall and so little space that it just isn't good for me. I had the 75 and it was like a mansion for the (not a joke) one fish I purchased it for to have a little bit more room. I had one bucket for plants, 2 for substrate, one for fish, used a tub for rocks and stuff, and took about 24 hours to swap it out. The big issue, is just making sure your filter fits on the wider rim of the 75G. As far as how, or the effort, literally just moving from one to the other size, it's really a lot less work than you'd think it would be. Daunting, but it's about a days work. Then you get to decide what to do with it now that it's in place. I totally get it. I would imagine you have a big trashcan on wheels to drain and fill water. I hope! Drain a bunch of tanks, use a python or something, and then you just go and run through the row of tanks. I have a very similar method when I had my series of tanks around the house, but I did opt for staggering things. I 1000% understand about how it helps with the mindset and you get very zen about it. That's awesome, and is my own journey in the hobby as well. I only mentioned it because I know a lot of people think about MTS (more is better), but I know for me, I actually got a lot more enjoyment when I had one massive place and one tank to sit in front of as opposed to a bunch of smaller ones in many rooms so I always had one in view. Again, I don't have the setup memorized for you or have a grasp on what you use each tank for, but that's just an option. 🙂 Bigger might be helpful, not even about having more gallons or moving 2-3 tanks into one, but just for the sake of room and having that option if you ever need it. I moved 3 tanks I think... into one when I upgraded mine. Some of them weren't full. But it's an upgrade I recommend if you can do it. Might be useful, but definitely a choice you'll have to mull over 🙂 .
  18. Can you use something to measure the temp of the water? I had a fish this past week that went through some stress and it had a tail fin tear. It is almost healed up (been about 3 days now) and it took the fish about a full 48 hours to show normal eating behavior. With bettas, depending on where you keep your at, you might want to go up a degree for the sake of cooler nights. The main placement is going to be putting the heater where the most water flows around or near it (intake / output flow regions). If you want to show us the tank we can try to give a suggestion, but I wouldn't simply say "put it here" without having knowledge of how the flow and filtration is setup. Target temp is going to be ~80 degrees F, most keepers target 78-81 for their bettas. As far as your heater now, what wattage is it? What is the temperature of the room at night? If it's over a certain range then you might need a stronger heater. Meaning, if the air in the room is more than 10 degrees cooler than what you wish to keep the betta at. A lot of the smaller heaters are preset, you might just need one where you can adjust the temp manually?
  19. You could very likely cut back on tanks by changing from 55 to 75 gallons in a few places. It seems like it's a small thing, but in terms of tank space it's a very big difference front to back. There is also that new 60B from aqueon making the rounds that is the footprint of a 75, but not as tall. Depending if that helps or anything like that, maybe that's something to look into for one or two of your tanks. 15+ is a ton of tanks. I couldn't imagine, especially with those throughout the house and not necessarily in one location.
  20. It's very similar to elegans, but I think the small dot pattern on the belly might be the key to IDing this one. Just asking, because I don't know enough. How were you so quick to see it was lineage 5? Is there a specific "look" to each one? Any tools that you mind sharing that talks about each one?
  21. maybe this one? https://www.planetcatfish.com/common/species.php?species_id=919
  22. It might be an odd question, but do you have a "display tank"? I would opt for something like a 40B or similar stand where you could stack a handful of tanks and setup a "rack". I would have to go back and forth between what works and makes sense for the dimensions (only one I saw with long enough depth was the 120G stands). Something like a "plants only" tank might be a good way for you to expand what you can offer. Grow moss and other things that might provide you longer term benefits if you can get it balanced. Clippings go into fry tanks as you need and every batch of fry gets a new / fresh plant. I am not as familiar with all the tanks you have and whatever each is intended for. Maybe there's some room there for something. Apart from expensive equipment, frozen foods, filter equipment, meds, heaters, etc.
  23. Yeah, leave the back for grazing, sides if it's not too bad, and then go ahead and scrub the front glass. Is that an egg in the middle or lens flare from the camera?
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