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Everything posted by Aubrey

  1. Aubrey


    I too have recently discovered leeches in one of my tanks. I'm not an expert on them, but after some research and observations, I believe the ones I have are harmless to fish. They do, however, seem to eat snails. I say "seem to" because I have never witnessed them on a snail, but the internet says they eat them and I have noticed a significant decline in the Malaysian trumpet snail population. Although that might be skewed because I also have assassin snails in that tank but have not noticed any empty assassin shells. The sight of the leeches makes my skin crawl, but I suppose if they are doing a better job at keeping the Malaysian trumpet snail population in check than the assassins and not harming my fish then they can stay.
  2. Or you have to find clever ways of disguising your grow out tub from your landlord.
  3. Some more Fluval memes because #FLUVALSTRIPPIN is classic
  4. I have been trying to film an Oryzias Latipes egg hatching for about a week or so now. I removed the eggs from some moss in my tank with a pipette and placed them in a deli cup with tap water and whatever water was in the pipette. The first few days I only saw a few things darting around in the drop of water on the slide with the egg. After a week I noticed all sorts of things alive and moving, some even attached themselves to the egg. I'm no expert on what any of these things are, but I imagine that the small things are paramecium. I can recognize that there are vorticella and a nematode, but I have no idea what the grabby big mouth worm thing is. Any insights? I have been unsuccessful so far in filming the moment of hatching. I found myself watching all the little things that I never knew were there more intently and with more curiosity than watching the egg itself. Just thought I would share.
  5. This forum has been very beneficial for my mental health since I started working from home earlier this year. I live by myself and was completely isolated from any social interaction. Not that I got to talk about aquariums much at work. I would usually spend all day at my cubicle listening to old live streams and anticipating getting home to my tanks. I used to have my shrimp as my background on my monitors, opposed to my coworkers who usually had their children or dogs, hoping someone would ask about them. Now I can be right next to my tanks, have live streams going, have the forum pulled up on my laptop, and be ready to assist and learn all day. All while not having to worry about my boss walking by.
  6. I just recieved my copy of "The Complete Aquarium Book" by Innes. I found it on EBay for $10 plus shipping. I had already downloaded it on here, but there is something special about going through this old book and seeing passages underlined, pages that are creased from repeated reading, and the names of people who might have checked it out.
  7. It is hard for me to say if they climb out or jump out, but they can ultimately find themselves outside of a tank. I rarely witness the act and often only find the bodies. I caught this one making the climb. It wasn't successful, though it came pretty close by climbing the glass. I would make sure to keep some distance between the water surface and the rim.
  8. Hmmm... Must have sold out.
  9. @Ken Dyer I didn't scan it. I downloaded it from an online library and uploaded it here. I didn't know about the files feature on here until last night when I was trying to find the name of the Innes book by searching the forum and found it was uploaded on here too.
  10. Version 1.0.0


  11. Do we have 30-50 meaningful DIY posts to count towards a recurring theme? I'd like a DIY specific forum category too.
  12. Maybe some kind of springtail or aphid?
  13. I saw some interesting sights on the creek today. You'll have to take my word for it, but that is a mink swimming away from me. I was able to watch it for a few minutes before it spotted me when I went for my phone. Then I came across the pelvis of something further down the creek.
  14. Check the floor and stand around the outside of your tank. Amanos are pretty decent escape artists especially when they are exploring a new environment. I'm not saying they will escape, but they certainly can. They climb very well and their legs can support them out of water.
  15. The mount goes out 3 and 1/4 in. over the top. With the light slid onto it, the center of the light is about 4 1/4 in. from the back of the bracket. When fully extended, the bracket is 5.5 in. to 6in. above the mount.
  16. At the time it was several hundred shrimp vs 4 female rice fish in a 12 gallon. The shrimp eventually ate the bottom half of that sweet potato in the upper right corner. Literally shrimp everywhere. I wouldn't worry about the shrimp eating eggs that much unless your populations are completely lop sided.
  17. I have rice fish and cherry shrimp in the same tank. I wouldn't say that the rice fish are predators, they hardly even care when I feed pellets and are indifferent to everything else living in the tank. I'm not saying they wouldn't eat a shrimplet, but I don't think they would seek them out. I haven't seen much growth in the shrimp population though. I think it's like Cory has mentioned where you will have one species boom and the other bust. Since the rice fish spawn pretty much daily, I think it's hard for the shrimp to get a hold on the resources that are available. It used to be the other way around. I had a huge colony of shrimp and would only ever see 3-5 rice fish fry a month. The shrimp were probably eating their eggs because I doubt every single one was getting food. Although I have to add that my colony of shrimp collapsed due to an outbreak of disease(it went from ~300 to ~20 in two weeks) and the ones that survived didn't breed for about 8 months which allowed the rice fish population to grow. So I'm unsure if the disease or medication somehow made my shrimp less amorous/fertile or if it is the presence of the rice fish.
  18. It's currently being under utilized because I hate trying to catch shrimp around plants, but I feel like it was made for the portrait.
  19. Hydrogen sulfide gas from build up of decaying matter in the substrate smells like sulphur.
  20. WTF a leech, or leeches. So I found one of these a couple of weeks ago and promptly removed it. Now it seems that there was more than one. I think they're harmless to fish though.
  21. Hey, more memes is always better. I like seeing everyone's take on a meme subject, or seeing a meme evolve. It's not about who's is better, it's just having fun.
  22. I guess the eggs are attached by filaments to a plug. You can see the filament attached to the left side of this single egg.
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