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Everything posted by Aubrey

  1. Week 6 I haven't updated this log in several weeks. I didn't see much happening that would warrant an update. Sometimes you just don't see what is happening though. I also thought I could show some of the "tools" I use with the setup. Almost all of the chia sprouts have lost their seed leaves and started growing their first true leaves. Also it seems that the candle holder will not be able to support all of them. Many shrivel and wilt. I have to water them daily due to the small amount of substrate. It may not be as pretty and lush now, but we'll see how many survive for how long. The other candle holder seems to be doing alright. In order to do water changes in this bowl, I use a spoon and watering can. With it being on the floor, getting a siphon going is a bit of a challenge, so I just spoon it out. Somehow or another the floating plants do make their way inside of the feeding ring and I use a bamboo skewer to lift them out. I also use it to prod and poke things inside the bowl. If it doesn't need prodding or poking then it probably needs picking up, so I also use some tweezers. This might sound odd to some of you, but I feel like sharing it. Last week was the first time my father has seen any of my tanks. I have been in this hobby for at least the last 3 years consecutively. It's mostly due to the fact that I visit my parents more often than they visit me. Anyway, I have 3 actual aquariums in addition to this bowl and several other small glass bowls. Out of all of them, my father got lost in this one. He liked "looking through the window in the lillypads." I felt incredibly accomplished. This man usually tolerates my discussion of my hobby, but never has shown any interest in it.
  2. @quirkylemon103The temperatures in Ohio are pretty low and the overnight temp here in Arkansas is pretty low. I won't bother trying to predict the post office since everything ordered online has delay warnings. So the responsible thing for me to say is that there is some risk, but I had an issue with an order from them once and Rob fixed it promptly.
  3. @quirkylemon103what do you mean by safe?
  4. I have mostly named my aquarium inhabitants for the sake of discussing them with other people. At one point I had three bettas and when I would talk about them with friends that don't keep fish, I found that referring to Elvis instead of my king betta or Priscilla my platinum dumbo ear female was easier for them to relate to. Or even simply calling my colonies of shrimp "the shrimp nation" and breaking them up into the red nation and green nation made other people more interested in them. Sometimes I'm not the one to give them names, my brother calls my Bristlenose "the hellraiser fish."
  5. I've been meaning to install this for some time now.
  6. It's pretty obvious Cory is pro censoring, or more correctly moderating. Here it is in his own words, around the hour mark.
  7. I got this out of a cigarette vending machine in Las Vegas. What came out seemed totally random, but it just happened to be that the nerm of the group got a fish related piece.
  8. I received duck weed free on plants I ordered from someone other than the Co-Op. I'm not a fan of the small variety, but the giant variety of duck weed is much more manageable. I find that it grows well in low light. I also got the giant duck weed for free in a bag with some shrimp I bought at a local swap. Here are some pics for size comparison and the amount of light I have on my giant duck weed.
  9. @Alesha I think the strands are algae. There are worms in the cups, but I don't think I got any in that drop of water. I did get a few pics of one of the worms later.
  10. Download and read this book. Some of it is outdated, but most of it still holds true. If it worked 80+ years ago, it should work for you now. Chapter 22 has some nerm advice.
  11. I have two other deli cups right next to that one, but they do not have algae growing in them like that. I only see some Cyclops in those two. I have inadvertently started my own micro food cultures, though I do not want that green slime algae in my tanks.
  12. I have been keeping several deli containers with tank water and azolla in an effort to grow out the azolla. I'm having very little luck with that plant. Anyway one of them has taken off with a slimy green algae, ostracods, copepods, and nematodes. Below is a top down photograph and a video from the side to show some of the wiggly things. In the next images you will see the drop of water from the deli cup that we will be looking into along with a pin for scale. And now about a minutes with of time in that drop of water. I only see ostracods or seed shrimp and tiny bits of algae. I'm hoping to get an actual microscope soon, but I still find this one to produce usable/shareable footage. It's pretty neat to see what could be living in a drop of water.
  13. The leather and wood should compliment each other nicely.
  14. Week 3 I have decided to change the name of this thread from "Terrarium" in an "Aquarium" to The Cachepot Pool. This will now be where I do a weekly update on my Chinese fishbowl, planter pot, cachepot, indoor tub, or whatever you want to call it. I'll still be focusing on the floating candle holders with plants and soil in them, but I wanted to make this more of a record of the entire setup. Now for the updates and some of my thoughts. The chia sprouts are still going strong. I really like to think of them as a tiny dense forest. Part of why I'm doing chia sprouts is because they are what I had, and the other part is because I've tried them before above the surface on wood where the water wicked up in some moss. It was moderately successful. The only reason that they aren't still a part of that scape is because they grew too well and reached the light and burnt. I wish I had photos of that. The hydrocotyle is starting to take off while the pearl weed seems to be yellowing a bit. I also think I need to scrub the water scale from the glass. I think the top down only perspective has some flaws for observation, but also that it is underappreciated. Maybe that was just my bias and ignorance before experiencing it. I enjoy losing track of time peering down into this small pool of nature in my living room. Or staring at it from further away and watching the fish act as if no one is around. That's it for this week.
  15. I like to think that fishkeeping is simple. You keep fish. You can go down the path of strict maintenance routines, buying all the gadgetry, and try to force nature to bend at your will. That's a lot of work. Sometimes all the work is the reward, but when it doesn't work out It can be draining. When things get to be too much, just remember to keep it simple. Then build on that. Another thing to keep in mind is that whether you intended on it or not, by being in this hobby you became a scientist. And creating artificial nature is the experiment we're all conducting. "Every failed experiment is one step closer to success." Because "there is no such thing as a failed experiment. Any test that yields valid data, is a valid test."
  16. I have a small(5) school of golden white clouds and an Amano shrimp in my 4g biorb. How do you plan on scaping the 8g? Are you going to plant it? I look forward to seeing what all you choose.
  17. Welcome to the community. Looking forward to seeing what you decide to start back with.
  18. I think some rules have to be confusing. They serve their purpose, but allow for some interpretation and leeway. Clarification wouldn't allow any leeway. This may be semantics, but they are labeled guidlines not laws. I think our perspective is what might be confusing some of us. In the scope of fish tube, Aquarium Co-Op is a big fish in a small pond. In the scope of major aquarium related retailers, I can't really speak definitively on this only speculatively based on the fact that there is only one warehouse and Cory is using his home for storage, Aquarium Co-Op is a small fish in a big pond. I think at their current stage and with goals of staying true to hobbyists and growing the hobby, things on this forum can't be as free as we all might like. But this is the cost of doing things differently and right, and how they are growing to be a big fish in a big pond. And I was trying to find items I have purchased from other retailers that aren't also available on Amazon or eBay and could not do it. One example that I think would be against the guidelines is that aquatic arts sells on Amazon, yet I imagine is a competitor. Clearly having a guideline protecting Aquarium Co-Op's bottom is important, but being completely definitive in regards to acceptable links would be next to impossible or at the very least not worth the time writing it all out. All in all, I really enjoy this community. I like being able to interact with other Aquarium Co-Op fans and employees and share my hobby with them.
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