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Everything posted by ARMYVET

  1. SCREW THAT....THAT THERE IS DEFFINITELY SOME ALIEN EGGS IF I EVER SAW THEM!! I havent but that besides the point.
  2. I didnt even think of those but they would be Kuhli!😋
  3. I didn’t know Buce flowered but here it is!
  4. Yep...this is a good sign showing your cycle is progressing quite normally. If there is any of that left when you add fish they will gobble it all up. Stay the course and before you know it...like @Keneluded to...you will get the the diatom stage....dont freak!....BTW dont worry about those either😉
  5. I personally would add 1 otto and maybe 2-3 more corys of the same species you have now and sit back and enjoy. Its a beautiful tank!
  6. Actually the one you are thinking of is the black earth worm...Lumbriculus Variegatus. They are the ones who burrow into and eat the flesh of humans. Eisenia Feitidia or red wiggler....those are the ones who slide up the nostrils and take over the brain and take control of the body of the host. Essentially turning the host into a worm slave in the hopes of some day becoming a Politician. Well because we all know those are all worms!
  7. The govt. could fix this if they just had a single national sales tax rate. Yes for some it would go up an bit while Im sure that for others it would go down a bit. This way no matter where in the country you are...your paying the same as everybody else is. Then tax all internet sales. Right now some do and some dont. Doing so levels the Playing field nationally. Business would save tons of money in accounting costs and those savings should be able to be passed on to the customers in lowered prices for goods. Of course the Govt could also eliminate all the BS spending but we will definitely not go there.
  8. An infant medicine dropper is necessary with fish...after all these are our Babies😊
  9. I would never question anything Dean does. You just lower your head and say Yes Master! Next to him IM just a Padiwan. I have seen this in the video with Dean but I am not sure I understand the principal behind it. I know what it does. Creates flow from top to bottom.....but Wouldnt a large sponge filter directly in the middle of the bucket accomplish the same thing? I figure it would create a circular flow from bottom to top on all sides.
  10. That was a simply incredible Beardie no doubt abut it.
  11. I have hard water...TDS above 200 out of my well which is perfect for livebearers. I do not heat the water at all in my fish room...in fact it is air conditioned. My water remains rock solid at 80-81 deg. never below or above even though I have tried to lower it a bit it says nope and doesn't budge. All my Guppies are thriving and look fantastic plus breeding like they have nothing better to do.....well I guess they don't but that's besides the point. I think 74 is on the low side. If you have mod hard water then i would just bump the temp up a bit and give them clean water and quality food and they will reward you with dozens of little surprises very soon.
  12. What plants did you have floating that died? Thats a sure sign of not enough nutrients!
  13. I think Im going about this all wrong!! Anybody looking to buy some Pothos? I know this guy!😂
  14. Ive got the mother plant of all pothos living in my front yard and I just know its plotting my death seeing how I have tried to kill it numerous times and have failed every single one of them. This thing has leaves on it the size of small children.😱 I know you think im kidding but I will be taking pic as soon as I get home and fight my way to the front door!
  15. My deepest condolences on your loss and I truly hope your son is doing ok. You and your family are in my prayers!
  16. Oh no I saw them first🤣 Just took me longer to type my response...lol
  17. Let them breed like rabbits and give them away to friends or the LFS. I would not upset the stable and obviously perfect ecosystem you have going. Heck send them to me. I would happily take them. I have Blue Leopard Corys that spawned once and I got 5 eggs and only 2 hatched. I wish I had the success you are having!
  18. I would add that to me .... and this is just my opinion but I would be surprised if others didnt agree.... I feel you need more plants. To me that is a very lightly planted tank. Your adding root tabs once a month and you dont have many root feeders at all. Increase the amount of plants you have....maybe some wisteria, water sprite, hornwort....fast growing plants that do not require CO2 and dose with Easy Green and Watch how they take off.
  19. You said you cut back on the Easy green. That could be a reason for the algae. What is your nitrate amount in that tank? I know it sounds counter intuitive but an imbalance of light, nutrients, and co2 is what causes algae. If you dont have enough nutrients for the plants to use algae will start to take over. I try to keep my Nitrates between 15-25. and my lights are on 12 hours a day.
  20. Lucky for me my guppies love the vibra bites🤣
  21. I really do boil all of my drift wood and not just once. I do it multiple times to get most of the tannins out of them. I boil it ...let it cool dump the water refill and boil again.....I do this 4-5 times before it ever sees the inside of my tanks just because of the tannins.
  22. Agree 100%. Dont get me wrong....I love BNP and have them in almost every tank but because I enjoy them not for "maintenance" purposes. I have a tank with 8 babies and you want to say POOP factory😳😱
  23. Thats how I used to collect them...right after a heavy rain....They would come up to breath and we could collect buckets full. Put them in a container with shredded newspaper and they would live indefinitely. Always had worms for fishing.
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