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Everything posted by ARMYVET

  1. Maybe it likes being in the current from the HOB and not having plants above. I agree with @Colu that it just may need some time to adjust. As long as it is eating good and showing no external signs of an illness. I would just keep a eye on her and see how it goes. You could also unplug the HOB for 30 min or so just to see what she does.
  2. I am not sure about the head pressure power of the COOP power head but what I use/have used is a fountain pump. One rated for pressure with ahead of 6-8 ft and those are relatively inexpensive. A quick AMZ search came up with this which is rated for 7 ft. https://www.amazon.com/GROWNEER-Submersible-Fountain-Aquarium-Hydroponics/dp/B07MDBYTLS/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=FOuntain+pump&qid=1632138764&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzRDNFQklFSFAwSlY3JmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwODQ3MzcxMlg0MEdPS1EzWkNLRSZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwNTcxNzgzMUVISzFMNTE2SjJQNiZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=
  3. Now that is a nice piece of furniture. It totally sucks that furniture isnt built like that anymore! Excellent refinish job done in it @Ken. Looks professionally done!
  4. When I hear someone refer to slate this is what I am picturing
  5. I think it looks great. Cant wait to see the fish you put in. @Brandon p hope you get to feeling better !
  6. Id be concerned with the glue on the back and the glazing. I am not positive but pretty sure that is not true slate and that is a glazed tile.
  7. That is an awesome name. How did you come up with that?
  8. Yep a couple of fish will solve that issue immediately...LOL Nice tasty snack for most fish.
  9. I think I need a cold shower after reading this post.....all this sex talk....eeesh😱
  10. I really do believe the tank full and I do mean full of guppy grass does help with feeding just like in the wild.
  11. Wow excellent looking scape…Even better Betta!!
  12. That looks great ! Nice flow and awesome aeration. That looks like Darter heaven there.
  13. I have swords and guppies and Cory fry currently and they all get fed 2 times a day …once at 6 am before I goto work and the second between 6-8 pm when I get home from work. I work 6 days a week so that schedule is the best I can do. So far I have not lost fry due to feeding. I will also say I have an obscene amount of guppy grass in every tank so they are probably feeding on the micro stuff when I can’t be there. I would say the key to success is having a well balanced aquarium with plants.
  14. I harvest and make new daily because I currently have 6 tanks with fry of 3 weeks or less in age. I have an additional 3 tanks that have very pregnant females that will be dropping fry any time now. I also have a specimen container with my Cory fry that are a less than a week old….sooo yeah lots of babies lol.
  15. I too love the Ziss Hatcher’s. Mounted a rack to the wall for two Hatcher’s. Makes harvesting easier to me. I drain thru a stacked sieve to help separate eggs from shrimp…rinse with tap then put shrimp into tank water to feed. I have hard enough water without adding salt and minerals.
  16. I am all about seafood… I see food and eat it!!
  17. I am ashamed to admit…I eat cereal by the box…not the bowl. I do t smoke , drink or so drugs but I am addicted to cereal🥺
  18. 😳😳😳remind me not to go swimming in Scotland !
  19. That’s only the front side…it wraps all the way around to the side of the house.
  20. Wow that looks awesome! Great Job!
  21. Not pothos….definitely in the arrowhead family
  22. Yeah well I had a magnavox odyssey we thought is was the best thing ever lol
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