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Everything posted by ARMYVET

  1. Doing water changes definitely slows down the progress but in your case you have no choice since you have fish in it. Patience and perseverance will be key for you. Just keep up what your doing and it will slowly happen. You can also try adding a bacteria starter like Fritz 7.


    Pork shoulders getting ready for the smoker!!
  3. Collected. Florida is one big piece of ancient coral rock since at one time Florida was under water. They mine it, clean it and crush it into the size they want and package it up. They use it to make roads here but since it is so abrasive...tires dont last as long here as they do in other states.
  4. Failure is natures way of teaching us. With that in mind I should be the most advanced scholar on the planet but nope still being edjumacated🤪
  5. I agree with @Struggle. If you r not looking into breeding them...I would just let them do their thing....If some eggs did hatch natural selection will occur as nature intended. The fact that they are breeding shows you are taking excellent care of them!!
  6. I will tell you that I love that rack. It is solid. I used 3/4 inch plywood that I water proofed for the shelves. I put it my garage which had a sloping floor. Once I leveled it, it was perfect and so easy to have the drains and air piping installed. I am going to buying a second one here shortly. The smaller one like in the video because of my space constraints.
  7. Here is a video of the rack being used and how I found out myself.
  8. the rack is 77 but that is outside dimensions. the size inside the corner posts is 72 inches. Actual shelf space is 72"
  9. I was hoping you would ask…yes you are right in your dimensions….except that’s for the glass. Each tank has a rim. The rim extends out 1/8 of an inch on each side so on 6 tanks the rim takes up 1.5 extra inches which you will not have for the 6th tank. So I put 5 and one 5.5 on each shelf to have a total of 18 tanks on the rack.
  10. Have you thought about using the ACOOP powerheads on the sponge filters? You would have great flow and excellent filtration...Just a thought.
  11. I think Picasso just slapped his forehead in his grave🤦‍♂️
  12. That's a lot better than I can do....I wish I could color like that.
  13. I can tell you that you will not be fitting 6x20h on that rack. The Husky 77x24x72 I own it....It hold right now 15x20h and 3x 5.5 gallon tanks. I have thought about moving the bottom shelf tanks to do 2x 40 b for grow out tanks and starting a second rack.
  14. These are my Cory fry…2 hours old. These is also an egg ready to hatch.
  15. I’m Italian…I keep pinching their cheeks saying eat eat ….your face is not round!!👨🏽‍🍳
  16. Twice a day…once before I leave for work and once when I get home. I also let the auto water change system do it’s thing every other day. 25 percent.
  17. Typical woman…at night they look gorgeous…you can’t take your eyes off them amd desire them to no end. The next morning after the alcohol wears off eeek. What was I thinking!!!🥴
  18. I try to give them options so whatever make them feel comfy and safe they chose
  19. I use drift wood and glue Anubis’s and Java fers to them and create caves and such
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