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Everything posted by ADMWNDSR83

  1. What brand are your test strips? I think some brands are less reliable than others.
  2. I believe it says to dose it twice a week in full light.
  3. That makes more sense. I don't think the strip would be an issue.
  4. I didn't know if they'd get eaten. It would be an expensive treat if they do! 😉
  5. A few of the videos I've watched on YouTube said that Otos would get eaten by angels. Others have said they're great tank mates. I never know who to believe lol.
  6. That's the main reason I never splurged for a python. I have two faucets in my house, neither of which is anywhere close to possibly working with the python system. I'll have to check this one out though, thanks!
  7. What would be the purpose of plugging in an entire power strip, if I may ask? I wouldn't want my filters, air pump, or heater being off when the lights are off. Sorry, I'm easily confused!
  8. After moderately planting my 37 gallon tank, I discovered I was seeing more and more bladder snails. Two Assassin snails later, and I have no bladder snail issues. However, I am seeing more brown algae diatoms. I have a clown pleco in the tank, but he refuses to emerge from under the sponge filter or one of my pieces of driftwood, so he's no help. I don't want to get other snails, since I figure the assassins will make quick work of them. I'm thinking my two options are Siamese Algae Eaters or a Bristlenose Pleco. I would love thoughts and opinions, or even if anyone has any other ideas! As a reminder, so far all of my fish, except for the school of cories, have an orange and black color scheme. If it makes a difference, the vast majority of the brown algae has populated my Windelov Java Fern, which sits nearly under my filter return. Thanks in advance!
  9. An RA is a Resident Assistant, a student, usually an upperclassman or grad student, who is responsible for law and order in the dormitory in college.
  10. I am thinking that my next order from ACO will be a hatchery so I can start giving BBS more frequently. My LFS sells small containers of Brine shrimp live, and they are much bigger than what I'm seeing on YouTube. Will the shrimp grow much after they hatch? What would you feed them? Or are these different animals that are bigger? I don't have fry at this point, but I do have livebearers and angelfish. Also, when I put the Brine Shrimp from my lfs in the tank, even my assassin snails got in on the action! I would love to be able to give them that treat, but don't want to get the wrong stuff!
  11. I just upgrded my TopFin hood, which came with the tank at PetSmart, to the NICREW RGB Plus 24/7. I'm running a 37, and it gives a good amount of light, so I'm sure it would be great for the 29.
  12. We may be a motley crew of misfits, but we all are welcome here!
  13. Wait... people get windows in their offices??? 😄
  14. My assassins are amazing! They're finding snails I never knew existed! I just don't know what to do once the bladder snails are all gone.
  15. Hey Kieflow! I'm not sure about the rainbow shark, I'll leave that one to someone else. I will say I would go, I think, with a school of 20 tigers or so at least. As for clean up crew, I don't think you can beat a school of cories, in that size tank I'd say 15-20 of them would be really wild to watch shoal!
  16. Love it! Every time I talk to my parents, "We never did water changes, we just put the fish in the box and let them swim!"
  17. Nice to meet you, Dandy! I have a single 37 gallon in my tiny little house haha. There are pictures in several places on here.
  18. I don't have the Aquasky, but I did some research on it when I was in the market for new lights. One of the benefits of the Fluval is customization. I would say you can always dial your lighting in brighter or dimmer based on the reaction of the plants.
  19. I have that problem sometimes when I eat corn on the cob. There's always that one kernel that ends up on my cheek!
  20. Could we get pictures? I'm intrigued as to the situation here.
  21. Understanding her aversion to more snails, I put two assassins into my 27, which I did not think had that many bladder snails, and there are now at least 7 shells on the floor of the aquarium these fools have eaten. My bigger concern now is what I do once they've worked their way through the snail population?
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