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Everything posted by Cory

  1. Yeah, especially if you soak it, it's much easier to work on when soggy.
  2. Up at the top of the page you can toggle light and dark mode by using "change mode"
  3. Dang, I hate to see an expensive product like this have problems. Reach out to them anyway, they may help you. At my store when we did carry the finnex planted plus and such we personally warrantied them for 1 year. Even though finnex did only 6 months. We ended up having so many problems with everything but stingrays and the planted plus clip on light we stopped carrying any others from finnex 😞
  4. You'd send it directly to invision as we don't have any control over the app.
  5. I'd wager most here are subscribed, but I'd like to see the percentage of people who actually have their accounts subscribed to the youtube channel. Also if you are not, a comment on why may be helpful for us.
  6. In what way don't they work? I suspect this is a problem of how back pressure works and not how a T works. As unless it was leaking it's working correctly. If you don't use them with valves it's incredibly difficult to split a line as air will take the path of least resistance.
  7. We pretty much never adjust the temperature to treat ich, so I'd say that yes it's totally feasible to do it without raising temp.
  8. Not really, maybe let it sit 2 weeks empty before bringing new fish home. But since new fish should be quarantined and probably need meds, you'd likely kill off whatever is left in the tank disease wise.
  9. Yeah that's the only thing I don't like about the danio erythromicrons is that they are so shy, they look amazing when they color up though.
  10. Maybe once I finish moving I"ll get into this. I've been wanting to for 5+ years. Is it as simple as having a working 3d printer, then downloading those thingverse files and clicking a print button essentially?
  11. We were accepted into the beta for the invision boards app. I haven't played with it much, it is different, and I have no control over it other than getting us into it. iOS users follow these directions: Join the Communities By Invision beta TESTFLIGHT.APPLE.COM Available on iOS Android users follow these: Sign in - Google Accounts PLAY.GOOGLE.COM
  12. Lol I like your style. And call it the Troll Hose. It's worth it to not make money if it teaches a lesson 😛
  13. Story time. I spend all day analyzing what people buy, and have what I feel is a good pulse on it. When it comes to something like the python 25 ft gravel vac system. You'd think it's a no brainer. The reason we don't sell them online(we do sell them in store) is that we can't make any money and in fact lose money shipping them. Below you'll see a price list for the product, and the amazon price. Our buy price, if we buy direct from Python: $28.35 Amazon's selling price: $33.41 MAP(Minimum Advertised Price): $39.99 You have to sign this form to order direct from python. You can see that between my buy price direct from the manufacturer, and the selling price on Amazon it's $5. Now keep in mind I have to pay to ship them to our warehouse, so it's more like a $4 spread. Then when a customer pays with a credit card, that'll be 2.5% which is roughly $1, leaving it at 3. Now to ship the product, it averages 12 dollars and an odd shaped box and will crush live plants. Customer pays $5.99 shipping. This leaves me at negative 3 dollars for each sold, or if the customer spends $100. It leaves us at negative $9 for each one sold. You think to yourself, but Cory, what if you write them, meet them in person at events and buy 10s of thousands of dollars at a time, surely a better price? Nope. Ok Cory, but Amazon is selling it below the MAP, can't you get them to stop it? You'd think so, until you learn that Python sells direct to Amazon and therefore allows them to break map. Why not sell the lees gravel vac? Same problem as Python. Why not make your own? This is the route we'll end up going at some point, improve upon it and keep price reasonable will be the goal, and we'll put it on the list of all the other products we have this same problem with. Unfortunately a lot of companies are very hard headed. "We don't sell directly to retailers" Then turns around and sells directly to Amazon and Chewys which are retailers. We get lumped in with other small businesses and not even given the chance to buy at the same levels. Companies assume we can't be selling as much as the big boys do. They don't understand we sell a limited selection of products in large quantities. These battles takes place over years. Emails with Pythons started in 2015. Each year we'd see them at their booth at Aquatic Experience, see them at Global Pet expo. Email them every 2-3 years, going just let us buy at a large quantity, we'll buy at Amazon/Chewys levels. We just run into the same answer. You can probably sense my frustration in the post, it's an ongoing battle that we slowly get through over years and we are just in disbelief when they force us to find an alternative.
  14. I'm not sure if it's the right "vibe" the problem is, I'm also terrible at knowing what the right vibe is lol. Jimmy is better at it than I am. Different vibes for different types of videos. I listened to a few others there, definitely a range. I'll see if I can get Jimmy to poke around on there, definitely high quality stuff there. Thanks.
  15. Well since there is athe rock wool, there is a chance the roots/rhizome stayed wet enough. Likely all the big leaves will melt back, but still a chance to recover from that.
  16. Do you know when the last time he was able poop? This is usually either constipation or organ failure which leads to fluid build up. If it's constipated, fasting/brine shrimp can work. As for the mulm on the substrate, I wouldn't worry about it.
  17. If the seller is good, they can ship year round. Colder is easier than hotter months. Look out for vendors that make you pay for heat packs and such. We include them for free, and liners for free when our custom algorithm we developed that checks your weather and ours and calculates what will be needed calls for it. Importing plants, plants are routinely in the box for 5-7 days to clear customs etc, no problem. Fish typically are 2-3 days in bags. These are at high levels so less dense packing should last longer. Heat packs are up to 96 hours, which is 4 days if they are using the right ones for the fish/estimated delivery time.
  18. Most things that work well for a 29 gallons and smaller will work well in this size. In my 55 gallon hex, I always bred livebearers.
  19. congrats, always fun to find new fry.
  20. They'll be storing extra packing materials and products for the warehouse. We want to keep increasing our fill rates and reduce product outages.
  21. to maximize how many survive you would sort by size. Depending if you wan tto raise that many.
  22. Plants will naturally consume Nitrates. Mostly it'll be managing how often you change water to keep parameters in line. Lots of plants will make this easier.
  23. I use R/O unit tubing and the matching fittings. Drip emitters also clog if they make contact with water, and run into pressure issues based on tank level and such.
  24. Yeah the cage is essential for turtle tanks. Not easy to diy either.
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