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Everything posted by Cory

  1. Typically this would be low light if it's a t8 bulb. I'm not specifically how well it does for plants gut in general you can grow low light plants. However lots of turtles chomp on plants so you need to make a cage often times to prevent that.
  2. This is interesting, can you view any left at the pet store to also see if they display this trait? I'm wondering if its a genetic thing. Viewing more from the group would confirm that.
  3. Welcome to the hobby. I'm always interested in hearing origin stories into the hobby. Feel free to ask your questions and soak up information 😉
  4. Posting competing companies is against the rules. The options we can recommend would be Aquahuna, Aquabid, and Ebay. Really just need to do a lot of background research on the company and look for reviews. We provide some insight into how Aquahuna runs, and I've done live streams about aquabid and how to look at feedback there.
  5. Today was meetings and a live stream, but construction moved forward. @Dorkula was there to oversee and take some pics today. Got drywall up on the two new sets of walls being put in. She grabbed a picture of the new outside wood door. Also a picture of the "bar area" being removed making the new live stream room look huge!
  6. App developer released the update we asked for and now the "deleted" topics are gone from the unanswered topics.
  7. I tell her all the time I can't do it. I take everything personally and it takes a huge mental toll on me if I do the customer service cause each complaint I see as a failure in myself/the company. Candi somehow is able to keep at it every day for a long time, a skill I don't have and am envious of. She does a bang up job.
  8. Lets start with the basics, list water parameters and temp. Also that seems like a lot of meds and switching in the few days. Is there any active infection or we are just guessing different meds trying to help them not die? Where did the fish come from/how long have you had them? Can you take a few more pictures of the fish so we can get a visual on them?
  9. You probably have quite a long time with that fish and with removing stress might be able to shrink the tumor a bit.
  10. Cory


    The pic with the red eye is a silver angelfish. The pic with all the koi angels, show some of the variety. Koi just means it has red/orange, white and black on the fish.
  11. I'm not sure I see the benefit to flooding it? Typically people just create a "bog filter" like in a koi pond where the water is circulated to a tank and maybe it has 2 inches of water, and all the plants grow emersed in it. Algae won't grow in the air, so you can "rehab" anubias and such plants. All the new growth will be algae free but it can be hard to get algae off the old leaves even in the emersed state because it's humid enough for the algae to hold on.
  12. Cory


    It certainly can. The fish in the picture is a typical koi angel. Or the worst silver angel out there, with all the broken lines that should be solid. I'd place my money on it's just a koi angelfish. Which some of the genetics come from silver angelfish.
  13. Cory


    All I can see from the pic is a koi angelfish which would be typically to have orange parts?
  14. Cory


    Pictures would help. But color change from stress is very common.
  15. Just as an FYI, if you click the carrot for directions/specifications you can see things like recommended tank size and other tidbits for products.
  16. Your other solution is remove most of the males and replace with females. Also as the plants grow in things should get better as well.
  17. Slow and steady is good. Remember you have your whole life to keep fish. We don't need to try all the things in 1 year, instead think about having a life long hobby 😉
  18. It sounds like possibly she is disrupting the bacteria. In which case not doing water changes can help that clear. If it's slightly green, then it's an algae bloom. I'll link our article here that will help you diagnose what's going on, if you have any pictures that helps us a ton as well to see if we notice the culprit in the tank. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/cloudy-fish-tank
  19. Cory

    is this Dropsy?

    Could be, unfortunately glofish genetics are kind of weak. I found this was common back when I worked at a store that would sell them. The one picture makes it hard to see if it's dropsy, probably just a bent spine making it look like the belly is distended.
  20. The good news is, you can dim the light if needed. I personally would go with the 24 inch light, as it lets you have more options and isn't much more than the smaller light.
  21. It sounds like the ratio is probably the problem. Also adding more helps spread any aggression. Any pics of the tank? Do you have any floating plants or plants that go to the top to make it easy for fish to be out of the line of sight of other fish?
  22. Howdy, Any pictures of your local aquarium stores or markets? I haven't been to Sri Lanka yet, but know lots of guppy farms exist there.
  23. I'd use two "small" size sponge filters, 2 usb air pumps. If you hang the air pumps above the tank, no check valves needed. Don't forget the airstones to put inside.
  24. Has anyone had luck keeping them colored up in a tank most of the year, or only during breeding season?
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