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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. I wish I could get some good photos of luigi for comparison. I am 99.9% sure she's a female. Do you have a photo of the pattern on yours or is it a known L number species? (I'm not sure which mine is)
  2. Plants will show up anywhere in the next ~3-5 weeks whenever they arrive at the seller. I'm excited for it. I didn't realize, but I did make a mistake. I had intended to get the variegated form of AR (Rosanervig), but it's fine if I can get pretty much any of them to grow. Apart from that, it will end up being my first time trying all of these different species of plants. I ended up being a bit delayed on cleaning things out this week. I turned off the filter to feed, forgot to set the timer, and then ended up realizing this many hours later. It happens, but the result of that was a bit of a stressed water change this afternoon as the CO2 turned off. I got all of that sorted and I ended up flooding the floor twice just from being unfocused. Riddick is in with the shrimp permanently now. She still has the cataracts and she's doing really good though. I am working on how to feed her. I go to the tank and she has an open spot where I feed her. She comes to the front and it's great to see this behavior. I am undecided, but I think I may have to pull all the plants and then proceed to re-plant everything with proper placement. I am undecided on whether I blend things in, work around what I have in place or if there's a long term visual look with what I have already that I'd be happy with. Time will tell and I have a little bit to mull it over. All that being said, it's nice being down to two tanks. I have half the parts I need for the susswassertang/moss wall and I just need to determine the final setup before I order the grid parts. Here's to continued success, hoping for the best, and trying to keep improving everything.
  3. "Not have snails" is pretty much the big one for me and it's very debatable, but I think a lot of other people would point to issues I run into (BBA) and just say "add snails". One of the previously big ones was have a RTBS in a smaller tank for an extended period as well as using a 10G to hold fish while I didn't have any other choice. All fixed now, but it is absolutely something that weighed very heavily on me. Running a heavily modded filter, based on another filter design. It "works", and it's temporary, but it's also something I really shouldn't be doing. Run a light that's 6" too long for a tank just because I need it to have more power. There's always a risk of hitting it when I walk in/out of the room. I have since fixed it, but this was running for a few weeks and it'll be up/running again, eventually. Running way, way too much air then necessary. At some points it can seem like a jacuzzi, but I have had a lot of issues getting pumps to be "the right size" for my needs. Not dripping water in for shrimp. Some do, some don't. If you can, drip.
  4. In the past 2 weeks.... Amazon flat out lost two shipments. FedEx "failed to deliver" the box to the I correct city. It was a system glitch, but yeah.... frustrating. We'll see if anything shows up tomorrow. Needless to say, take it as a word of caution that shipping issues may just be the norm and things like one day shipping.... might not exist anymore. (Like prime one day shipping just went away for some due to sheer demand)
  5. Your best bet is to make sure you glue it and to use something like this: This will ensure it's a low pressure system and as safe as possible. Very good point. It may have a "shelf life" so to speak, but generally I think a lot of people set it and forget it.
  6. I highly recommend you check out this blog by Charles. He is an actual geneticists by training and he breeds fish strains for a living. https://goliadfarms.com/category/fish/breeding/ They also have youtube videos which go along with some of the articles, but he is much more of a writer.
  7. that's perfect. 🙂 There was a new one I saw on a primetime video but I can't find good information. "Emerald eye rasbora," they were essentially a rasbora version with a nice green color. Very unique. https://www.fishkeepingworld.com/emerald-eye-rasbora/
  8. sometimes eco complete will leech. Generally, very slow growing plants. I would suggest turning the light down slightly and tab the swords if you need to. It might just be a matter of needing to check stocking / filtration, and to change a bunch of water. You don't want nitrates that high. Add a HoB with a prefilter, fine pad, carbon, and media. (aqueon has some really cheap ones that make that task really easy. Just get a bag of ceramics and go from there. The issue is.... you already have nitrates. Matrix helps get you from ammonia ---> Nitrate. It won't remove nitrates. I think you need to look at removing the waste from the substrate and a few really strong gravel vac sessions.
  9. I have a shadow-gene blue shrimp with red rili pattern from a bloody mary cross. It happens. That is likely a drop from a Kanoko shrimp somewhere down the line. Keep in mind, every single color started from red. So everything can pop red eventually. It went from wilds ---> red ---> everything.
  10. I would start with something like an emerald green Rasbora or rummynose Rasbora. Pencil fish would be the equivalent to the black neon (they come in all shapes and sizes), and then I would consider maybe a white cloud or CPD or melon/snakeskin barbs. Cherrys would get washed out for sure, but that's about the right size for the centerpiece to me. Maybe some red/green/orange lasers on the bottom and even some hastatus corydoras. (But that's me! Cold and cypranidae-ey). 😂
  11. I talk about it a bit in the algae thread in the sig below, but there's a few things I tend to have noticed battling the stuff on my end. *A Huge Caveat* is that each type of algae has it's own things it likes and dislikes. 1. Dead spots, poor circulation, stagnation, can lead to algae issues. 2. Mulm sitting, organics sitting, waste building up, can lead to algae issues. 3. Pretty much anything sitting, stagnant, in excess, can lead to algae issues. 4. If you don't have enough surface movement, that can absolutely increase algae issues 5. Some types of algae populate areas of flow because this allows them to spread spores and reach throughout the tank. 6. Some types of algae love dead spots because they "can't handle" flow. 7. Some plants hold muck on the leaves, like moss, and that rotting detritus can lead to algae!
  12. It looks a bit different than columnaris from what I have seen. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea has had pretty detailed battles with that disease in some black neons. When I look at the fish I see a sunken head and I see the yellowish discoloration on the head of the fish. Either that's something cause an actual deficiency in that region of the fish or it's something that targets that area of the fish I would think. I can't say "hole in the head" disease, but that's what I equate what I'm seeing to the most. I'll let other chime in that would be more in the know, but I just wanted to say "yep, please QT if you can!"
  13. I'm willing to bet they likely want added GH as opposed to just KH. I couldn't tell you the necessary PH you need for guppies, but some live-bearers are mid-upper 7's. Depending where your water is at now, you'd be looking at something like salty shrimp (or other similar pre-mix buffer at ration) which would just be a mix of commonly available cooking items or other things easily available. If you're literally just looking for "harder water" for calcium and minerals, just use equilibrium or find a homemade recipe for the same thing. It's extremely easy to use and you'll thank yourself for that ease.
  14. The snails wouldn't like the salt, but you can pull those snails. If they are nerite snails they might tolerate it a bit better. I would recommend using Ich-X, adding air, and using salt. I wish you the best of luck. When I had ich and I had a similar stocking (minus snail) I ended up losing about half the tank. 😞
  15. Yes, before anything pull that fish to a QT setup if possible. I would think that this fish has something that isn't easily recoverable. @Bentley Pascoe have you ever seen anything like this before?
  16. There is a GH/KH test kit as well as individual ones. It's anywhere from $7-$11 dollars. Co-Op sells them as well. Hopefully you're able to find one and let us know! It's very possible yes. You have different loads (catfish might have a lot heavier bioload than others, need more oxygen in the water as well). Essentially, each tank is it's own situation. If you're doing pretty consistent, good size water changes I would expect them to be pretty similar, but I wouldn't be shocked if there was some slight variations.
  17. Hey there, There is a blog article by the coop that I'll link below. PH is related to your KH value. As the KH drops, then the PH drops. Depending on what your KH is, that would explain the PH issue. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/ph-gh-kh If you have one, I would recommend checking your KH with a liquid test kit. Your test for ammonia might be showing ba sligh hint of ammonia. Given that, I would suggest doing a water change. Potentially daily water changes. This will also keep the KH going until you can fix it long term with a buffer or crushed coral. In my tank I use a product called alkalinity buffer from seachem.
  18. Take that water. Dilute it with 50% RO and it's probably perfect for most plants and a lot of fish!
  19. I have definitely had major issues with certain eheim designs. So it really depends on which one you're looking at. They do have 3-4 different ones. I wouldn't use eheim unless you have it set up to a specific controller with a secondary temp probe in the tank. I would look into other options outside of just eheim if you're trying to find a good one. Especially for a tank that size. I use the Fluval E-Series and have been extremely happy with them!
  20. Maybe it's best to move this to the disease section and get better eyes on the situation. @Guppysnailcan you please help us out with the location? @Odd Duck @Colu any thoughts regarding what is going on here with the angels? It's a bit of a tough one. Flat bodied fish will lay on the sides, but the swim bladder issues are always challenging without specialized equipment or anatomy knowledge. 😞
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