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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. It looks like a pretty salvageable stand if you add some more struts like you were planning.
  2. It’s gonna be really fun to see the end product 😅
  3. They might get a bit iffy with the Bolivians, but Honey gouramis would be a great choice.
  4. Thanks. 😊 I’m thinking about getting a RO system because my water here is dead hard (I got hold of a report which states that my water has 0 chlorine, but a pH of 7.6 out of the tap, and that it’s pretty hard). Not ideal for tetras, but a bit of peat should solve that. 🙃 I got my first platy yesterday! A pregnant golden female (I’m trying to justify paying 10 bucks for her). @JoeQ https://www.hornbach.ch/de/p/aquarienunterlage-80x35x0-6-cm/10241375/
  5. Salts definitely a good fungal inhibitor, though I’m not so sure about the temperature. @Colu
  6. It’s a black foam mat that was right next to the aquarium part of the store. I think it’s compressed foam? I’m going there today anyway, so I’ll keep an eye out.
  7. How are the Microctenopoma doing? I saw that Practical Fishkeeping magazine ran a feature on them last month.
  8. Your Java fern and Anubias are planted into the ground, whereas they usually do much better with the rhizome (roots) free. Try attaching them to the rocks and wood with superglue. As for the other plants, I’d consider leaving the lighting on for another 2 hours or so to give them a boost. Maybe also remove some of the floaters which are blocking the light. Do you have a way of testing the water for nitrates? Welcome to the forum btw! Your fish look great anyhow 😅
  9. That looks a lot like a fight mark. Try preventing it getting infected and fungusing, and maybe consider rehoming one of them.
  10. I mean that I’d be hard pressed to find an ellipsifer eel in Switzerland.
  11. You’ve got Aquahaus Gaus and plenty of other exotic importers up there… 😅
  12. @Cory has an ellipsifer eel in a 40 breeder.
  13. A bit like eels you say…….? A Senegal bichir could live in a 45 gal tank. I think they do pretty well with butterfly fish, seeing as they inhabit seperate parts of the aquarium. Greetings from Switzerland 😉 Picture of the albino variant.
  14. Do you also do a little care sheet to go with the fish?
  15. Honey gouramis are a good idea, as they tend to be pretty gentle. Maybe try Apistogramma ?
  16. This was my pet… now serving life in a Swiss prison…
  17. Moved my Danio fry to my shrimp tank to grow out. My first non-live bearing fry in a long time!
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