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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. Option 3. Restart the entire shrimp colony, seeing as most of the current shrimp probably carry the dud gene.
  2. Ramshorns. Yep, my dad got me some as a present at the end of the school year. I scooped some off the top with my net…they don’t like the conditions, but my danio fry love them! The bubble nest has grown to take up that entire part of the tank😄
  3. Anyhow I seem to have created my own strain of floating snail : And my bettas have started bubble-nesting in the spawning tank🤓… if there isn’t a spawn by tomorrow noon I’ll pull the bettas and blitz the tank. My LFS got a shipment of usb air pumps and HOB filters in last week, so I might brave the 2 hour train commute to grab some for the spawning tank - seeing as HOBs have compartments for pest & such. Bonus pic of a snail riding my frog. He managed to get rid of it when surfacing for air.
  4. Wise decision, and your ember tetras will look great against the red plants.
  5. pH is pretty high, but I'd expect that the swollen lip could come from a a bacterial infection? @Colu
  6. That’s gonna look stupendous once it grows in! Are there gonna be any fishy inhabitants?
  7. What’s going to be your feeding regime? Are you feeding them?
  8. That’s my dream tank: a Wendtii forest!
  9. Angels in a 29 gal is a bit of a stretch. GBRs? Maybe do a cichlid pair on the bottom, and Ricefish on the top? You can pull Ricefish eggs, and Apistos or GBRs will spawn regularly if fed well. That would be really fun, but the eggs are a pain to pull .
  10. Might be just killis then. I’m all tetras & danios, and ramshorns are the only thing that could be responsible for an empty breeder box where I had eggs. Nothing is , but I’ve already got my friend Boba Fett the assassin snail on the case. 😎
  11. Try using some ziplock cable ties to keep it attached. Is the end of the airline stretched?
  12. Those Loreto cories look a lot like @Hoon Aquatics old CW111s
  13. Has anyone got a good solution for snails in mind? My WCMM eggs have been munched, and I suspect that all my other eggs have met the same end 😖. Not fun.
  14. Really nice tanks @beastie! I wish I had the same patience to passively breed fish 😅.
  15. A dojo loach or a goldfish? @Fish Folk has a stupendous school of rainbow shiners.
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