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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. It would probably be faster to start with WC stock IMO. The agressive genes may have gone to far down the rabbit hole. Feel free to swap your platy breeding for this. 🤪
  2. I’m a bit of a engineering nerd, so how do you code the printer? Is there a direct user interface or is it a sort of drawing thing? You’ve got me thinking about printing an uplift tube for a HOBB using my schools 3D printer…😅
  3. Danios say hi: I didn’t realize how many there actually were until I had to catch them out to make way for some tetras. it’s also the annual cow parade. Time for the street to get plastered in turds 💩!
  4. Would the botanicals (e.g. leaves & co.) from the safe woods be fine in aquariums?
  5. I have read about stuff like the Albino Tiger barb being more aggressive than the wild one. Same goes with mossy barbs. (Sorry for hijacking for journal @AllFishNoBrakes!)
  6. You’ll be at 15 before you know it 😜! Time for coffee - I’ve come of age since your last post on this journal ☕️.
  7. Probably not the ideal thing for the pet trade tho… 😜
  8. I wonder if you could breed that aggressive gene, like Thai rice farmers did with bettas centuries ago?
  9. Try putting the check valve higher up, or make a horizontal segment of airline tubing.
  10. @tolstoy21 has a method with emperor tetras (also have small eggs) where he puts a pair in a tank filled with a moss substrate for 2-3 days and then removes them…
  11. Angelfish always be feisty - I should name mine Muhammad Ali! Do you also get the sort of red spots that come from the bites?
  12. A fellow fish club member has a managed to start breeding these. The fry have really fun patterns. 😅
  13. Just out of interest, what are you feeding your puffers? I’m thinking about getting some for my 63gal display. Either that or a funky bichir.
  14. I can’t see how it’s much different from the usual filter intake, apart from the basket being on the outside. It’s basically the same as all the others 😅.
  15. Try introducing some more outgoing Cory species, or a couple of schooling fish to show them that its safe to come out.
  16. Sounds like the next Heiko Bleher or Rosario LaCorte. I expect that her parents are quite supportive of her hobby.
  17. I saw a technique where you put moss in a tissue culture cup, and it supposedly makes it easier to harvest the eggs.
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