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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. Arancia? (Italian for Orange) Im told that males typically get a more pronounced hump on their head; a bit like discus and angels.
  2. Also makes for great hiding spaces for fish and ✨spawning spots✨.
  3. Congrats @Crow! Babies everywhere. 😜
  4. More rummy-nose tetras sounds like a good idea. Festivums?
  5. My Apistos have spawned in my mountain water at around 8 ish pH. I second @Guppysnail on the fact that domestic strains will have an easier time. You’ve got me thinking about rack-building, darn you! 😜
  6. I scored 41.5! But I’d like to breed more fish in the future 😈 Point taken…wholesalers would have a really bad rep. Would livebearers (e.g. Guppies) count as 1 point and @tolstoy21s Emperor tetras as 3? Should breeding difficulty be a thing? (Probably a bit complicated)
  7. Maybe an extra point if you’re under 18? Or keeping fish at university? Dans fish would make an absolute killing of this 😂
  8. Tubifex tend to be a sort of whitish color in my opinion. @Guppysnail does a lot of worm cultures .
  9. Nice touch with the anubias stuck to the bonsai !
  10. Siamese Algae Eaters would be a good option, or Florida Flag fish if you can get them.
  11. I’d be thinking swim bladder problems. @Colu
  12. Mine seem to last for a year or so, so it’s not like it figures in the weekly maintenance routine.
  13. I wonder if the fish appreciate the Van Gogh touch… 😜 You have my total respect for having such an organized fish room!
  14. That’s golden! I have suspicions that my LFS only sells male neons and zebra danios. I can’t spot any visible females in the neon tetra school, and the zebras seem to be 5M : 1F. Kinda sucks.😑 However my Palaeatus Cory regime seems to be working! I’ve got about 10ish fry (it’s the farthest I’ve got them yet) Introducing Comet the female betta to my fave plakat went surprisingly well. He’s currently bubble nesting, and she’s chasing after him 😂. He stops to display, and then she avoids a collision at the last possible moment. It’s more fun than aggressive.
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