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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. Zebra danios have hatched! And the Palaeatus Cory fry have been moved into a shrimp tank to grow out. All this fish breeding is making me feel pretty elated - I’m tempted to give my tetras another shot.
  2. Would that also work for other barbs?? P.S. Some of your advice led to me being able to breed my Zebra Danios; thanks so so much!
  3. Hello! Over here! I’m way more interesting than that boring snail!! 🤩
  4. Wow! Usually it’s just guppies or danios and in extreme cases Oscars; but I’ve never heard of selective Badis breeding! @WhitecloudDynasty has done a lot of work on white cloud breeding, and I think that @Dean’s Fishroom is trying to get some red angels from his koi angels. Best of luck!
  5. They seem to do better in co2 rich water. @Mmiller2001
  6. I’ve never tried co2 (I’m more into breeding than aquarium aesthetics 🙃) but I’m told that Marsilea Hirsuta is basically like a dwarf baby tears without needing co2….if you’d consider replacing S.Repens with Marsilea?
  7. @Colu Do you use any live plants in the tank? They might help reduce a build up of any substances that may be harming the neons.
  8. That’s a really cool cave idea!! Staurogyne Repens is meant to be pretty hard to grow without co2….I’ve tried it in my shrimp & WCMM tank and it isn’t doing great. However I don’t use ferts so Easy Green might just give it that little extra edge.
  9. They’re supposed to be one of the easier tetras to breed, and I’ve got a group of them I’m fattening up. I would try breeding them, but I’ve got danio eggs in that tank 😅.
  10. True, and I did get a micro-spawn out of them before I moved the female back to her Endler tank. Spawn has since been eaten.
  11. The terra-cotta pots may be the trick, or some other flat stone for them to spawn on like with GBRs. They did also mention that it caught them by surprise 🤷‍♂️.
  12. I remember reading about these little guys as a very aggressive fish…hunt down their own kind…be very careful. I had previously had a very aggressive black orchid betta who chased everyone including the female he eventually spawned with… Which is why this flummoxes me: 😂
  13. Welcome to the forum! I think there was another topic about this kind of thing and we established that there wasn’t any problem with it 😅. Correct me if I’m wrong @nabokovfan87
  14. I expect it would be rather similar to Apistos, seeing as they’re both roughly the same size. BBS (baby brine shrimp) & tubifex should work fine. Superb colors! Are they rare?
  15. Is there sort of like an unsaid rule of bringing something new and cool into the shop every week?
  16. I’m with you on that. Too high an it looks like a lake ; too low and it looks like a puddle.
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