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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. In that case I expect it should work. Have a nice day!
  2. Depends on the bio load…how heavily stocked is the tank?
  3. I was feeding them some powdered flake 3 times a day, but I suspect they were underfed. I’ve put some BBS on the go. Thanks! I call it a robotics competition, but to be honest it’s glorified Lego 😂😂 with some programmable brick.
  4. Riiight, Corydora update!! The fry haven’t been doing great, and I’ve lost a couple during the last 2 days. So far 3 are alive, and they’ve been moved into my 8 gal. Could be underfed?? Hopefully they’ll make it! On Wednesday I think I might have a first shot at breeding Emperor Tetras! The breeding box is going spare, and thanks to @tolstoy21 I know that there’s 2 very fat and happy pairs in my 65gal. Something to look forward to! Nothing else to report, apart from my robot competition went well. Unless you count a rogue one who failed to accomplish a ‘mission’. Have a nice day!!😁 P.S. Any tips for the tetra breeding?
  5. @AllFishNoBrakes has been breeding angels recently. Any recommendations? Last bred some a couple of months ago, and idk which is which!
  6. Amazon swords are a root-feeding plant (they absorb nutrients from the substrate) and fish poop will only keep them propagating and growing do so long. Easy Root Tabs would be a good course, unless the swords getting too big…😜
  7. That looks great!! We don’t really celebrate thanksgiving on this side of the Atlantic, but Christmas en famille probably makes up for it. 🎅
  8. 2-1 to France….Mbappé only just saved the spectators day. Draws are very boring to watch!
  9. Try rehoming them, or take them back to the store. Rehoming should be relatively easy considering that they’re guppies.
  10. A Val forest does very well in hard water.
  11. Bet he’s begging for food 😜! ‘Can’t you see how famished I am? Feeeeed meeeeee pleeeease!’
  12. Talk about luck! Sometimes being a bit lazy with plants is better😁!!
  13. They are supposedly seriously overbred, so they aren’t as hardy as your shubunkins and comets. Sorry you had such a bad experience!
  14. Interesting…but the symptom kills, so therefore it’s a disease?
  15. @mountaintoppufferkeeper have you ever kept any Fahakas ?
  16. Thanks for the fun guide & nice pics!!
  17. Have you done any large changes to that tank recently? Could be melting back?? Can’t see why the ferts would have an adverse effect on them…
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