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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. Wonder if @Fish Folk or @Chick-In-Of-TheSea have replied yet??
  2. Could be true...I distinctly remember some very muscular guppies though...intriguing!
  3. Are you familiar with their breeding method? Looks like she's about to pop anyway!! The same friend lends me a female angelfish every time I'm feeling like spawning them...and I lend the male form time to time! I've done X-Ray tetras before, but this is a whole new level. AKA 'Not seeing the eggs' level!
  4. Love the look of the scape! I've got better pics, but here's my best one : Both A.Agassizii and A. Cacatuoides.
  5. I'll check with friends at school, but I'll willingly admit that back then (≈5-4 years ago?) we all wanted what the other one had and we all knew nothing about cycling 😂. For us it was: add substrate & plants, fill up, wait 2 weeks and add fish. Surprisingly we actually had success, but I'm the only one who's really delved deeper into the hobby. 🤷‍♂️. I'm really going to have to look for pics, as we were all about 11-12 at the time and we didn't have phones. Maybe swordtails are more interested in baby making on this side of the Atlantic ?🤣
  6. I’ve observed it in one of my first tanks, and a couple of fish friends have also seen it.
  7. Thanks! I’m definitely going to try getting some Multi Shell dwellers😁!
  8. Hi Nerms!! A local aquarium club near me is organizing a fish swap, and have released a list of some of the species they’re expecting…I have 2 tanks ( 20 gal & 15 gal ) which are either going spare or I want to redo them. Heres a copied and pasted list of them! Have a nice day!
  9. You fish for any of those prehistoric dudes?🤷‍♂️
  10. Egg update (one of many to come hopefully 🤞)!!!: Eggs doing fine, that is to say “no difference whatsoever”, and no more have fungused! I’m giving them till Thursday to hatch (knowing my luck they’ll hatch Wednesday evening!) and we’ll see what happens… One the adults is chilling in a corner, ‘Where are my eggs?? I’m hungry!’😁 Angelfish mugshot: And the BNP juveniles are doing fine! Have a nice evening/morning/whatever 😂 Nerms!
  11. His mouths a bit grey...and my LFS likes calling their grey bettas (how do you even breed that??) 'superblack' 🤦‍♂️
  12. Eat leftovers throughout the day, hasn't been unknown for them to swim up to the surface to go for some leftover flake (there's always a bit or two!) and I'm away most of the day, so I don't spend nearly enough time watching the tank during the week!
  13. Endler/Guppy, Guppy/Swordtail, Platy/Swordtail are pretty common. 😕
  14. Almost 5 days now...I'll give them a week before I write them off as 'failed' and use the breeder box for Emperor Tetras. Tad late now, and I only have two shrimp! Though the female is berried though 🥳!! Thanks!! They're just normal ones, though the babies are normal x gold/albino.
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