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Everything posted by TheSwissAquarist

  1. Dare you to change your username to Anne-jum 🤣! Id be very interested in knowing how @Flumpweesel chose hers ( forgive me if I’m wrong about gender!).
  2. Something for @Minanora to muse about 😜!
  3. UV is often used to clean rainwater off a roof in a closed water-supply system to eliminate all the potential pathogens and bacteria from the bird 🦅 poop up there. Fun fact I researched for my science competition project (nerd & proud!). ‘The effects of climate change on water and how to adapt to them’
  4. So it’s useful for continuous water change on the slow? Maybe if I ever get to do my dream fishroom… One small thing for the future: Corey is actually spelt @Cory 😉 That autocorrect gets us all at one time or another!
  5. @Guppysnails Spixii Snails seem to be eating it…just a little idea 😉 ….
  6. If she associates the pipette with her food, then it might be doable to wean her onto commercial food. Good luck! 😁
  7. Same fish 😅…got a group of 6 sometime in the last year (can’t remember!) and there’s a couple ‘fatter’ than that one…I’ll post a pic if I can get one. How do you sex them??
  8. Maybe test a day or 2 after you add the crushed coral and see what it reads. Any pics of the tank going??
  9. Are you having any luck feeding the killi female @Schuyler??
  10. Update on the unknown fish breeding! So far no developments 😑, just as eggy as before… I gave 2 to my science teacher for her class who is currently working on something to do with microscopes…hopefully it has a positive effect on my grades!! Wondering if I want to breed a tetra…my splash tetras are looking great, but my emperor tetras even betta (ha!) and @tolstoy21 has intrigued me with his stories of you only presume that eggs are present for the first fortnight 😍. Like the sound of that! I already have a couple, so maybe after the unknown fish (probably a Cory) 🤷‍♂️, what’s gonna stop me?!? Polo the Dalmatian has lost his bandage, but still feels a bit sore (although he is a bit of a flower 😜!), and his little tormentor is thoroughly enjoying biting his hind legs seeing as he can’t get at them 🤣. Tomorrows my shift at my LFS, so I hope I can get some decent snaps of the QT area and the coolest fish, maybe possibly even some extra shelf-stacking if you’re lucky 🙃! Note to self: Must remember to do that🤕. Have a fishy day fellow Nerms!!
  11. I seem to remember that @AnimalNerd98 has/had some…?
  12. You’d be surprised how far they’ll crawl across land 😞 !
  13. What kind of fish were they? Last time I moved, 30 guppies white clouds & neons all made it in a 10 liter bucket.
  14. I expect you’d need a whole laboratory for that 😂!
  15. Wow! 😲 I once had an Amazon Sword which would send roots above the substrate if I put an Easy Root Tab nearby! Got the root tabs from my Godmother who’s trying to figure out how to ship killifish eggs and a special type of Tiger Lotus 😁
  16. I may be in Switzerland, but my first reflex would be to check Aquabid or ask my LFS if they can order some in specially for me.
  17. Have you thought about adding some spawning mops to see what you get??
  18. Good idea…I’d go for some Amanos or anything big that will eat mulm
  19. Something for you to try in your algae experiment thing @nabokovfan87!
  20. Are they real plants?? My first reaction is that you may be over feeding the tank.
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