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Everything posted by Brian

  1. If asking brand? I like Hikari. If asking types- depends on what type of fish I am feeding and why. mostly Brine Shrimp and Blood Worms. thanks. Good Luck
  2. They are pretty cheap to purchase and operate. Some people will use two. Cleaning one every week while cleaning glass, changing water and doing regular tank maintenance. And then the following week clean the other one. Either using tap water or tank water. Also the benefits of having extra sponge filters that are cycled. 01. Sick fish and need a QT tank you have the filter. 02. That impulse purchase and need another tank. 03. Another of your tank crashes. 04. A friend needs a cycled filter. and so on.
  3. To many unknowns. what type of carbon? how much carbon.. how many gallons of water? how old is the carbon? There is another YouTube (big saltwater channel )that has done this test. The simple answer... I would run filter/carbon 24 hours and a water change.
  4. No sorry, I have not ever used/purchase it. I didn’t see any value in it.
  5. I think people use the terms cycled - balanced - seasoned, interchangeable and this is a mistake. Make changes slowly, that applies to plants, fish.. everything. observe your tank. Watch the fish, look at your plants. You should notice deficiencies.
  6. I would think the tank isn’t balanced. I would manually remove as much as you can while slowly dialing back lighting and nutrients. (I like to always make changes slowly). Remembering, not only fertilizers are adding to nutrients to the plants... fish food can contribute. Good Luck
  7. Yes I have been using them for over 50 years. Don’t fix what isn’t broken. In a seasoned (not cycled) tank, what more can you ask for? Look up from the bottom of a tank with UGF-you can see all the roots.....happy roots
  8. Crazy, maybe the PH You said you kept clothes in this container? Do you use Dryer Sheets? Or fabric softener? Moth Balls? For the price of a new plastic container from the dollar store or a new 5 or 10 gallon, I think before you try again I make a purchase. with the way they hold, suck or cling to any surface maybe this container isn’t safe. also why is your PH 8.0? And local stores 7.4? Just curious.
  9. Well, did you rinse and soak and the rinse then boil the wood? Ok, and then repeat that? And when I say soak, I mean for at least 24 hours maybe changing the water every 3 or 4 hours. And boil in large pot for 10-15 minutes. I will repeat that over and over until i am satisfied with the color of the water. Also I don’t know how well sponge filters will be with removing then tannins from the water. So at this point it is Water Changes. Good Luck
  10. Marble Hatchet Fish or just silver hatchet? Silver Dollars? how do you feel about Leopard Danios? Not really silver black... kind of blue ish.
  11. I too have so many. That first fish is certainly one of them. But, the older I get more and more of my fish memories pertain to people. My father and that first fish, and so many great friends that I have met over the years. Especially since since some have passed away. I sure do miss sitting around that fish show and talking into the night with friends.
  12. When you say White Fuzzy.... my mind goes to fungus. Maybe an injury or stress first, and then fungal spores in the aquarium colonized. Poor water quality or old and aging fish can also lead to things like this. I would start with a quarantine tank with clean water and a salt treatment. If the fish is eating a high quality diet. If not maybe pickup it’s favorite frozen food, I would thaw and feed very little several times a day. While waiting to see if salt is helping pick up a good fungus cure. Good Luck
  13. I would remove. You have to ask yourself what, if any are the benefits to leaving the fry with the parents? And what are the risk? Sooner or later the parents will want to spawn again, and the older fry will no longer be looked upon as children but as predictors. Good Luck
  14. Aggression. I would bet this is aggression and not spawning behavior. They tend to be very aggressive towards its own species, or species that look very similar to themselves. I would either keep just one, or try to purchase 6 or 7 more. Also provide plenty of cover. A fish that is harassed all day with no hiding places will very soon become stressed and that is never good. Good Luck
  15. I once had a pair of discus with this problem. Happens with the lighter colors sometimes, they just don’t darken as much. Lower the water level in the tanks, I also place a tank divider in the tank. The tank divider should be one that can move. Making the tank smaller and smaller. I would start moving once eggs start hatching. By the time fry are free swimming/looking for parents the space is so small they have no choice but find them. Once most are on parents and have made the switch between male and female for feeding several times you can start adding water and moving divider back. Around day 10-12 I would start adding baby brine, this will increase yield and also take some stress off of the parents... Good Luck
  16. My favorite I think is my next species. Currently I only have two cichlids, Discus and Angelfish. But if I really had to list my favorite. 01. Convicts - My first egg laying fish and I think for so many other young people. Gave me a sense of WOW what can I try next. And for over 50 years I have been looking for that next fish. 02. My next was Jack Dempsey 03. And the Firemouth
  17. Good luck. I haven’t kept or spawned any killifish in over 6 or 8 years. Maybe I should get some. I forgot just how much fun and challenging some can be. Have you spawned any of the peat spawned?
  18. Oh I just remember two more tips... if successful you will need containers for all the fry. Try to find a local restaurant supply company. I purchased 1,500 small/medium take out containers with lids. The other, you will need to separate some of the fry sooner. The larger fry might start to hunt those not growing as fast. Good luck
  19. 10 gallon. Maybe 20 gallon i heated my tank to 80-82 You don’t need the air on yet, but helpful to have a nasty sponge filter in the tank. Great source of fry food. glass lid over tank. I like to use the old style incandescent light bulb over tank. Around 2 1/2 to 3 weeks the fry will develop their labyrinth organ and the air above the water needs to be warm. If not you might experience a high die off. also I agree with Daniel on the styrofoam cup.... or cut a piece of wax paper maybe 6x6. I would introduce them very wary on a day you can watch from a distance and check on them from time to time. Once spawning is complete 10 gallons might not be enough if the male is aggressive. oh and if you don’t have lots of micro food and green water I would wait until you do. My last spawn I raised over 1,000 fry good luck.
  20. The question I ask myself is what is the benefit to leaving them with the parents? If you have a grow out tank ready to go and they are eating brine shrimp, why not maximize number of fry? If the goal is to reproduce either for profit or to give away... I would move them. thanks for sharing
  21. Ok, I hate to even say this... I have a large sword plant. It was planted to close to the back glass. I moved it forward, I didn’t remove from substrate. I just slid it maybe 2 or 3 inches. Shortly after this the plant started sending up runners like crazy. I don’t know if there is a connection or not? I don’t know if the plant went into a survival mode or what. The heavy pruning you did might have the same affect? I would wait. Patients Good luck
  22. Maybe an opaque light diffuser? I think the hardware stores have them up to 2x4 and some stores will cut them to any size. Before purchasing maybe try some Wax Paper or Parchment paper to maybe save money and confirm it works and you like the look. Just a thought Good Luck
  23. I often think about this. So let me start by saying I am old school and don’t like change. I have been using carbon in my tanks forever. So, I wonder all the time if my Carbon or Dechlorinator are removing the fertilizers I am putting in.... as for fertilizers I wait 24 hours after water changes to add. I don’t know if this wait time is needed or not? Good Luck
  24. Good luck, sorry I am of no help. I don’t see the attraction myself. Good luck
  25. Not sure.... the only problem I have ever had with this plant is keeping it under control. Is it just the tips near the water? Maybe it doesn’t like being wet on the tips? looks healthy very nice. I don’t think I would let it keep me up nights. thanks for sharing
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