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  1. Morning, Hope everyone is well. I’ve got approx 30 fry at the moment in the tank with their parents that are roughly just under 1cm in size. When should I pull them into their own grow out tank? Best way to do it? Should you split male and females once it becomes apparent being in the same line?
  2. Everyone should keep an Apisto 🙂 You scored a beauty of a Panduro!
  3. Are they the blue cochu tetras? Mine were really cool just got a bit nippy as time went on but definitely one of the prettiest blue fish you could get. 🙂
  4. If you want a schooling fish and something a little different from the norm I am loving my 5 banded barbs. Looks very similar to tiger barbs but much smaller and peaceful. The males get a pretty vibrant red as well.
  5. I thought the females are fairly bland in colour other than when in breeding dress? Could it be your apisto and krib have paired? Even soI'd separate the kribs and apistos there will always be a territorial dispute as time goes on. Maybe pick up another krib and pair them up in a different tank?
  6. A blessing and a curse only when trying to catch the slippery ones! Very cool though great job breeding these. 🙂
  7. Just to throw more fuel to this fire my Baenschi have bred a couple times and moves from different tanks and are not aggressive towards each other at all. Left the fry in with them until they were 1/2 an inch or so and no issues. The male just kept a wide berth when the female was out with the fry.
  8. My LFS is about 30mins away. Nice store and has a good range of tanks and stands. Food is good they stock NLS, Ocean Free, Tropical and Hikari so can't go wrong with either choice. Hardware is limited and usually cheaper brands but don't blame them their products get the job done and it probably has a low turnover. The main focus of the fish are African and large American cichlids but they keep your stock standard community fish also.
  9. Havent kept any Nantawarra before they are from African regions aren't they?
  10. Yeah that's the one downside to my pair at the moment they are still a bit timid when people approach the tank. They duck into their caves until they muster up the confidence.🤣
  11. Orange flash is my pick from the cockatoo variants! 🙂
  12. The Gold and german strains are pretty. Not so much a fan of the dark knight rams personally. Its cool there's a new morph but doesn't quite hit it for me. Baenschi are apart of that Nijsenni group and I agree my pair have no issues at all.
  13. Yeah for sure. Full grown Bolivians when that subtle reddish pinkish tone comes through are gems. 🙂
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