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Ben Ellison

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Everything posted by Ben Ellison

  1. I love the look of your tanks. I think as a new to the hobby you are doing really well.
  2. Are the used pads ruined or can they be returned to service with a soak in vinegar or something?
  3. Could be the food you are using. Have you tried not feeding a day or two?
  4. I believe your betta might of had a slight fin rot that has healed it self since the water is right. Bad water parameters stress the fish and can allow bacteria to set up. I find black spots on most all Java feen I purchase. Doesn't seem to be of concern. Their slow growth means it will be around a while. Shrimp really have to have a sponge pre-filter or just a sponge in general. Nitrates are super deadly to shrimp and snails. Lastly no one here is under the illusion that the hobby puts new people on the right path. Miss information is rampant and unfortunately leads to loads of people throwing their hands up in defeat. Your totally on the right track and we all have been there.
  5. I believe most people lean towards filter shrimp due to them easier and doing the same job?
  6. Def staghorn. My red cherry shrimp love it if you have any of those. Snails don't seem to dig it. I have 2 golden algae eaters ordered through the LFS hopefully they will destroy it 🙂
  7. Target them with blood worms. Some always make it to the bottom in mine.
  8. Could it be his water is hard from a dirty dissolved solid? Here my water is hard with a lot of limestone. I'm not certain all water is hard due to that or can it be mostly calcium or something? Would one be way more likely to clog a stone? I have often ran the same air stones for many years and never had one clog.
  9. Does look nice. I love marimo balls. As far as filter cartridges you should watch cory hot rod hobs. U can but sponge and mats of carbon and such to make much better and cheaper replacements.
  10. I have never disinfected plants but this making me feel thats a bad idea. However, I can't buy direct from a farm so it might be much risk at all.
  11. According to what I've read in the past fish supposedly can't see red. So they suggest that red light means nocturnal fish are supposed to think its dark. My lights don't support a red mode so I haven't actually tested it.
  12. Same here. A MASSIVE school is like magic to watch.
  13. I believe they where just found in the tank not out of the tap
  14. Good to know they really seem to vigorously go after them. The main issue i ha e with frozen brine is the ones I've tried the brine aren't really newly hatched and are a bit big for my fry.
  15. What confused me was the packaging on the product. Paracleanse says treatment of a wide variety of parasitic diseases such as velvet,fish lice,hole-in-the-head, and gill/skin flukes. Then Expel-P lists worms and nemotodes. Neither listed tape worms but I was thinking Expel-P sounded the closest.
  16. Have you tested ur co2 levels? I saw you just started running it and that could be something to look at.
  17. I am a bit confused about internal parasites. Does Para Cleanse do anything for internal parasites? I have studied the packaging and gotten myself confused. Is Expel P the one that removes tapeworms and such? Also Expel P says you need to gravel vac, however, we all know in planted tanks that is easier said than done. What is the risk of not vacing? Will salt kill the parasites that are in the water column seeking fish? Thanks in advance
  18. Ok here is my thoughts, First the reason your PH is hard to keep up is the lack of buffer in your water. Other then that there is nothing wrong with your water that cant be fixed. You could try wonder shells. Also a lot of times your exterior house isn't filtered if the house is. Also there is Equilibrium or Salty shrimp.
  19. Today I was taking from free frogbit gift to my LFS. I was asking what kinda fry food they had and they gave me a can of refrigerated Cyclops. I was wondering how well do they compare to BBS? They are very small and the fry seem to love em. I am looking into going to BBS but I'm still trying to save up for the hatchery 🙂
  20. I try to run 3 or 4 to 1 on female:male. I had ran into issues with my females getting cottonwool looking fungus on their backs until I increased from 2:1. I may have extra bothersome males?
  21. I started a small colony earlier this year. Started with 6 and now estimate i have nearly 200 or more! I believe depending on what other tank mates you may be able to get them to increase in number 🙂
  22. You could do a experiment and see if any of normal meds seem or what salt levels kill them.
  23. I feel like the plecos may eat all ur whitecloud eggs. But i have the exact same setup plus guppies! 🙂
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