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Ben Ellison

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Everything posted by Ben Ellison

  1. The first picture is the source tank the second is the tank I took some and added too. 3-4 days of being in the tank. Source tank has live bearers. Second has angels rams and a such with live bearers too.
  2. I have subwassertang I'd be willing to share/trade for guppy grass.
  3. I bet all those tertas schooling will be awesome!
  4. I'd lean towards parasite. How long have you had them? Where they treated for parasites when you got them?
  5. I wonder if their is a hybrid out there. Like a coarse sponge encasing a fine one? 🤔
  6. I moved a bit of anachris from one tank to my other and the leaf structure has totally changed. Can anyone shed some light on this?
  7. I believe bit could also be illegal in their state. I find it's kinda hard to find. I've been looking for some for months near me.
  8. Road trip! Haha I know some people in the US might be willing to ship ya filter or 10 in exchange for some of those sweet guppies 🤔
  9. From what I understand even if they dont pair they will mate. So they might not really like each other.
  10. Are they pair or just male and female?
  11. I normally add them in sets of three and I find it doesn't bother them much. I think a couple few weeks it isnt a issue for schooling fish.
  12. I hoover a inch or so above the substrate if I have too. But, I generally don't vacuum substrate in planted tank.
  13. Yes I'd feed lightly not to back him up while it tries to pass the parasites.
  14. @Mitch NortonI also see potassium deficiency because my Java Fern has a fair bit of black spots. We might can check with Papermill I know they have helped me with water parameters before and had loads of tests.
  15. I watched a video from Cory talking about a virus causing tumors. I will try to find it! @Cory might know more!
  16. I feel like "Koi" is kind of a vague term to any combination that looks like a koi goldfish. As far as I know no governing body controls what a fish store labels a fish. Some one may have bred a Koi with a silver and u got a hybrid coloration. Also sometimes angels are sold as blue if their scales reflect the light in a certain way. Further more diet is a huge factor in coloration as well as maturity and stress levels. So the fish def could develop orange later in life.
  17. Hard to say with just this info. Can u provide what levels your water is at and maybe a pic of the white worms? Also did u quarantine them? Id assume all incoming guppies have parasites.
  18. So is this before our after dechlorinating? One of the by products of breaking down chloramine is ammonia I'm pretty certain. You might want to try aging the water over night.
  19. I believe it def can be. However, I feel there is a large difference between profitable and not so profitable stores. The things Cory offers are missing from most fish stores I have found. I have 7 local fish shops and 1 does a 3/4 legitimate quarantine of fish. Almost all have a very narrow selection of fish in stock and most aren't willing to order special items or simply can't. I also find most of the good stores struggle to offer prices close to Amazon. I personally and willing to pay more for instantly getting my purchase but there are limits.
  20. Are you anywhere near that giant guppy farm in the desert that cory went too? Maybe if you told cory you wanted to import a pallet of em he might shit that amount 😆
  21. I think all fish need a round of paracleanse. Also you might try to put some nutrition into him with bloodworms. Mine live em. AM or Aquarium non papermill? Also could you enquire about what meds they ran on them in QT?
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