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Everything posted by sudofish

  1. Mopani wood is famous for it. I've boiled mine for an hour or so and then a day later that fungus still came right back. Guess I didn't boil long enough. Oh well.
  2. Of course it would be cool but I'd settle for just a nice LFS. It's a difficult undertaking to get one up and running. Cory's touched on some of the things involved. You need people with a passion for the hobby who also understand business. You have to pay employees a livable wage. If you pay about the same as they'd make at mcdonalds then they are going to take the job as seriously as they would flipping burgers and won't have any issue calling off on the weekends. There's lots of things to consider.
  3. Nice. I have an uncle that lives in Houma.
  4. Sounds like a racoon. I'd invest in some coyote urine and sprinkle it around the perimeter. Motion activated lights can be a deterrent as well. It just depends on how determined they get.
  5. Very nice job on the tank! Volunteering is awesome.
  6. I've lost one in a 40 breeder and seen it the next day. No clue how they do it but I suspect it's something like hanging upside down behind and sort of underneath a piece of driftwood.
  7. Maybe get an autofeeder? I've never tried one of those but I know adult fish can go longer without food than fry can so I'd consider one for them.
  8. Very strange. I just have to say I'm skeptical but don't know what your motivation would be.
  9. I like a flat black background. I painted my 40 breeder background. I have a 10 gallon that sits on a desk and it has no background as you can look in it from all sides. But for tanks that sit against a wall I'd always want a black background. It makes the greens of the plants stand out that much more and fish seem to really color up with a dark background and substrate as well.
  10. I feed once a day. Actually getting ready to feed in a minute here when I finish typing this. They get Xtreme Krill flakes as the main staple. During the week I substitute things like hikari vibra bites, frozen blood worms, freeze dried brine shrimp/spirulina and daphnia. I think they eat pretty good.
  11. I would email the company and just ask. Of course they aren't going to put the exact scientific process on the bottle as the label is meant to be read by anybody not just a chemist. It works. I don't know nor care how it works and I don't need to. Maybe they've been selling snake oil for decades that does nothing and have never been figured out. I kind of doubt that though.
  12. Very cool. I wish my cats were that interested. They are older and I thought they'd enjoy chilling out and watching the tank. One ignores it completely. The other just thinks the fish food is cat treats.
  13. I've had good luck with cucumber slices and carrots.
  14. You'll probably get a bigger response if posted in the disease section of the forum. @Colu will probably have some solid advice.
  15. @K-Davis I was apprehensive the first time I ordered fish online as well. Me and my sister have since placed multiple online fish orders and it's always been fast and the fish arrived healthy. Fish are shipped all the time. The fish you see in any local store was shipped from someplace else. Online retailers have pretty much mastered the art of livestock shipping.
  16. I use something similar to this. I don't have this exact model but the same type of product. https://www.amazon.com/DBPOWER-18000mAh-Portable-Starter-Charging/dp/B01D42TYFC/ref=sr_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=car+jumper&qid=1626206797&sr=8-4
  17. I think you can tell your wife you're the algae expert in the household.
  18. I'm not against the money per se as I'm sure the value is there. The only issue I have is that at the moment I have tons of little subs going out each month. It's like $5 for this $10 for that etc. I play World of Warcraft so there's $15 if I don't buy 6 months at a time which I normally do. I just feel like I have lots of little micro transactions every month and it's easy for those to get out of hand if I don't watch them. Plus I'm an old stubborn sort who sort of resents the fact that content that was once paid for with ad money is now behind a pay wall. Nothing against the co-op or Cory as that is the way of the world these days. It doesn't mean I have to like it though.
  19. I've had bladders, ramshorns and mystery snails on fluval stratum without issues so I don't think it would be the substrate. I've read up on the osmocote and from what I can tell the copper content is like .005% by weight not by ppm. People say that means the amount isn't enough to cause an issue with invertebrates. I'm not an expert by any means, this is just what I came up with researching it a little. edit: Forgot to vote. I think I'll go with team wait a month.
  20. Love the sad bowl. No clue on what could be killing the things though. I know snails are super sensitive to copper.
  21. I like em all! If I had to pick one I'd probably go with the 40 breeder. It's a manageable size while still being big enough to house a wide variety of species.
  22. Never had an issue with my filter coming apart like that. I could grab mine by the green tube and it wouldn't disconnect. Maybe it's not seated all the way in?
  23. Nice tank, welcome aboard! I love streaming whatever Swedish TV series I can find on netflix and such, like Wallander. The scenery is so nice in those shows.
  24. Yep I use it to water my Hydrangea. Since I started doing that the flowers are a nice blue where before they used to be more pinkish.
  25. Not sure about ANY size snail but I suspect they will suck out any ramshorns. You could always toss one in for science.
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