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Everything posted by sudofish

  1. If I was going to be near the Oregon coast I'd want to visit Astoria and see the filming locations of the Goonies.
  2. My pearl gourami does the same thing to my dwarf neon rainbowfish. He can't catch them but he does charge at them if they get too close to "his" plant. I'm going to trim that plant down a lot so maybe that'll change his behavior. I have an electric blue acara as well but he doesn't try that with him, he actually gives way to the acara.
  3. @James BlackI was thinking of that store but forgot the name.
  4. Very nice pleco friendly looking scape there. I think they'll be ok. My sister has a leopard frog and they are very cool looking.
  5. My fish are so nosy they flock to anything that enters the water as long as it isn't a net.
  6. The tetras will be fine with the plecos. The main issue I see is the male plecos being territorial among each other. Would need lots of hiding places so that all 8 can find a place to call their own.
  7. I can relate. My water source is the Coal River. It's liquid rock.
  8. 1 pump of easy green should only add 4.5ppm to a 5 gallon tank. I'd say you're probably sitting at about 40ppm which should be ok I just wouldn't add any more until you see a drop. credit to @Mmiller2001for this chart:
  9. I like seeing the "stuff" in the background in old movies/tv. Like in ET mentioned earlier Elliot had a fishbowl with what looked like guppies.
  10. Interesting I'd never heard of it. Planet Zoo needs to do a proper aquarium DLC.
  11. It's just crystallization from being cold I think. You don't need to refrigerate it.
  12. So sorry. I was following this hoping he would recover.
  13. I watch a lot of old movies and TV. Most of my favorite shows recently are from the 70s and 80s.
  14. It may be our water assuming you live in WV. One thing I've done that seems to help my other plants is I dose easy green according to nitrate levels instead of just by the directions on the back. I try to keep nitrates between 20-30ppm. Here's a chart @Mmiller2001posted a while back that I find helpful:
  15. Here's a video Cory did. There's lots of similar videos on youtube.
  16. Hornwort, water sprite, or duckweed come to mind. I like hornwort and I actually don't hate duckweed.
  17. Maybe something like this https://www.amazon.com/SeaClear-Acrylic-Aquarium-Combo-Cobalt/dp/B000634GVU?th=1
  18. Maybe. From what I gather floating plants like to stay in one place pretty much. Or it could just be one of those plants that isn't going to grow in your water. I know I can't grow water sprite for the life of me. I have like 13 GH and barely any KH.
  19. Representing West Virginia. There might be 1 or 2 more people in the whole state that have heard of the co-op.
  20. I liked DDO. SWG EMU is also very cool if you were a fan of star wars galaxies. Anarchy Online is another really old game that's still pretty fun if you like min-maxing stuff.
  21. I'd keep trying 1 earthworm each week. Some quick internettin says that in the wild they can go months without food but in captivity they should be fed once a week. I think when it gets hungry enough it'll eat.
  22. Is the metal valve used to limit the flow? If so maybe you have it set too low and it's too hard on the pump. I don't even know if that would be an issue for these pumps just thinking out loud. I've got 2 of them but only for a month or so. No problems yet and they only have a check valve attached.
  23. I love mine. He/she is the tank boss with a pearl gourami and some praecox rainbowfish. Mine is very interactive, it knows if I'm in the room and goes crazy if I come near the tank swimming back and forth.
  24. Murphy looking like the Terminator among the remains of his victims lol.
  25. Very nice! Now what are you going to do with the 5.5 gallon?
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