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Everything posted by Griznatch

  1. I like this idea! I need to get a daphnia culture going as well. The blackworms would be good for my cories, and having two cultures in one tank/tub would be awesome.
  2. LOL, I mean, how can you resist those little faces. and a 125 is way better than 2 40s 🙂
  3. Gave all my tanks green beans today, great way to see all the shrimp in one place 🙂 Was adding water to my little terrarium and noticed one of my inch plants (Tradescantia zebrina) bloomed!
  4. For me it was my water change cart, along with the power head and python tubing. It has a power strip and shelving, and is sturdy enough to hold an 8 gallon tote. it's stainless, so spills are no big deal. The power strip has an on/off switch, so I just plug in the power head and can start and stop with the switch, instead of trying to unplug it with wet hands.
  5. hmm, not sure they'll eat the staghorn. However, without predators and with the competition from the snails they just might not be so picky after a while...
  6. Very cool! Thanks for the update,following this thread for sure. I'm guessing that between the shrimp and the snails you soon will have very little algae.
  7. I catch them at night after they have been asleep for like 3 or more hours, and use a good flashlight. They are already kind of in stasis, the light freezes them in place. By the time they figure out what's up, they are in the net. Caught a school of neons and kubotais in a fully planted 75 and 55 that way. I'd use a traps on bottom dwellers though.
  8. Love the dueling tanks, looking forward to progress updates! Great helpers you've got there 🙂
  9. Catching fish in a heavily planted tank. I have a tried and true method, it's just a hassle and the fish don't like it. Second would be trimming/moving plants.
  10. Welcome to the forum! Those little CPDs are awesome. Post some pictures if you can.
  11. LOL, its a pond lily, some cagey wild form neos, and 3 or 4 guppy fry that I didn't see when prepping the tub to move in to the shop. Most of the tub guppies went to the LFS. I have a bout a 100 fry that need to grow out from the tub and that tanks inside, then those are going to the LFS as well.
  12. Adults should be able to handle Daphnia. My guppies loved them...
  13. Welcome to the forum and thanks for sharing your Betta. He's got a very nice tank! My wife talks to her betta all the time, Boris is her favorite fish.
  14. We have a couple cats and a dog: Mika, but we call her "Meeps" because she rarely meows, just makes chirping sounds Freya, or Queen Floof, when she as a kitten we called her bitey-floof and a pug named Bella who is very bossy and not a fan of the beach...
  15. I like the 2nd one and. I'm a sucker for green fish though, so hard to choose between that and the 4th one...
  16. This little guy is living on my back gate. Never seen one this color, usually we get the black fuzzy ones.
  17. I think it really boils down to a few key things... The tank size, how heavily it is planted and stocked The type of inhabitants you have in your tank. Your source water. Add in a lot of variables that don't often get mentioned in these discussions like, does the tank have a lid, does it get direct sunlight, how often are your hand/arms in the water and do you make sure there aren't any lotion or chemicals on them... You can see how just the things I brought up can make for such varied examples of how often and how much water changes are done if any at all...
  18. I agree, those images are looking pretty artsy! This has to be my favorite journal, Thanks and keep up the good work!
  19. We had accidental offspring from the emperors. One little guy survived and he's growing fast! They spawn all the time, but the eggs rarely make it before getting eaten by the rest of the inhabitants.
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