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Everything posted by Griznatch

  1. Welcome to the forum, please share pictures of your fish!
  2. Wow, that tank looks great, and those gouramis are extra cute!
  3. I can't see them either but sometimes I get that, could be my browser? Using firefox...
  4. The bottle thing works pretty good. Just like you said, cut off the top, stick it back in there reversed. Might want to add a piece of string to it so you don't have to go swimming to fish it back out 🙂
  5. @Atitagain I'm not going to try and eliminate it. So far my shrimp are doing ok, and the fish seem to enjoy it. I did, however, have to increase my light, gotta keep those plants happy. I like the look and think I'll keep it that way
  6. I have a huge piece of mopani in my 75, almost 3 feet long and I couldn't figure out how to boil it. I poured boiling water over it and soaked it outside in the sun in a big tub for like 2 weeks. It still releases tannins, and my tank is a nice tea color now. the wood has been in there since beginning of June. I actually had to increase my light intensity and take the light off the risers I had med. My stem plants and some swords weren't getting enough light...
  7. Some of the new shrimp moms drop their eggs early or lose some, at least mine have.
  8. yeah, the duckweed.. lol. When the shrimp are happy you'll get babies. The real clue is when the males start zipping around the tank like crazy. That means one of the females has molted and is pumping out phermones. If a male finds her, they'll mate and she will move the eggs to her tail. That's when you can start counting down to getting fry. Roughly 30 days...
  9. Welcome to the forum and back to the hobby!
  10. Here's a picture my wife took months ago with more color, less derp...
  11. My favorites so far are the emperor tetras, although when my congos get full size and color up it might be close... When the light hits the big boys, the purple above that black stripe really comes out. Displaying for the females, the yellow on the edges of their fins are electric. They kind of point their heads down at an angle and flare up almost like a betta (without the gill thing). Couldn't get this guy to hold still, and the camera put the kaibosh on any romance he had going... So here's the king of that tank with major derp face.
  12. Guppies... I always seem to have some fry.. a few of those little buggers in there seem to keep the BB going good. I always have some in my qt tank.
  13. You could try flake food, crush it up. They'll get it as it slowly sinks. If they are barely past the fry stage, you could try co-ops easy fry. I use that for my chili rasboras off and on since they are so small. Make sure to remove any uneaten pellets on bottom of tank.
  14. Wow, very cool journal! Great work you are doing for this fish!
  15. Thanks for the list @Odd Duck! Grats on the pygmies @Sandra the fish rookie!
  16. Welcome to the forum, nice tank and looks like you got a great start on plants!
  17. Awesome pictures and nice fish! Bet you guys had a good time.
  18. Tank is really looking good, Nice layout.
  19. I'd go with 20 long. The bigger footprint is nice, gives them more room to explore, and gives you more room to add hardscape and plants.
  20. My guppies are all from a buy 3 - get one free thing at petco years ago. I got lucky, these guys are bullet proof. The LFS here in Boise (that I take my extras to) will only take home grown guppies, because he has so many issues with them from his wholesaler. I just bought a pair of Platium males from Petsmart last week. First guppies I've bough since I started back up in this hobby, and got those initial ones from Petco. They are in quarantine now, we'll see how it goes. The dangers of having a quarantine tank just sitting there, waiting...
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