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Everything posted by Griznatch

  1. I've used Griznatch as a gamer handle since waaaay back in the early 80s when I started playing D&D. Was my first character 🙂 It's usually what I use when still playing online games today... oh, and it sounds pretty rude when text to speech or any software tries to say it out loud lol. I've been using it for so long now it's my default account name on pretty much anything I do online.
  2. Duckweed eats nitrates like crazy and can "starve" out. It also does not like a lot of surface agitation. So, if the little plantlets get knocked under the surface, they die off pretty quick and you end up with a ton of little duckweed stems littering your aquarium floor. The tanks that I regularly thin out my duckweed, seem to grow back healthier.
  3. Surprise fry are always cool!
  4. This... I've swapped out the eco in my 75 and one of my 55s because of that very reason.
  5. Daphnia, trying to get my emperors to spawn more, and grow out my congo tetras and laser cories. I've no business getting more fish in winter anyhow.. that's what I tell myself anyway 🙂
  6. See if you can post pictures. Ghost shrimp and cherry shrimp look different. Color is not really an indication of whether it's a ghost shrimp or not, since Neocaridinas can be almost transparent in the wild form. Most common ghost shrimp a red band on the antenna and sometimes on the front claw/arm. They also usually have a distinct hump to their back that to me seems more pronounced than a typical Neo. Here's what one of mine looked like when I had them in my 75 Sorry about ho grainy the image is but you can see the red bands on the claw arms and barely make out them partway up the antenna.
  7. White clouds and Neocaridina shrimp both do well at low temps
  8. Post some images when you get it going. Looking forward to seeing how it progresses.
  9. You can definitely have too many, too dense of floaters. My plants were getting stunted and really light green until I thinned out my massive duckweed in the 75. The water lettuce in the 55 does the same thing.
  10. @Fish Folk LOL, I'm pretty sure you could walk a bag of fish by your tanks and a month later some fry would appear.
  11. I pulled all the males I could find out of my last big batch of guppies (summer babies). This last month, two of the medium sized females switched to males. Not chasing around any other females, but that could be because I introduced an active mature male to widen the gene pool. Either way, they are big robust males, not streamlined like my usual ones. I'll keep an eye out on them, see if they start acting any different.
  12. Gotta be a ceramic gingerbread house out there somewhere?
  13. Neos are like shrimp egg nurses. They'll keep the fungus cleaned off and only eat the bad ones.
  14. @Radar I'm on the other side of Boise, just outside of Middleton. Wow, Grace is at 5,535 elevation. I'm guessing winter comes early there 🙂 Great people on this forum!
  15. If the tank is still empty, and you have the time... I'd go with @lefty o's suggestion. I have used silicone to glue heavy slate to aquarium glass before with no issues. You just have to allow it time to cure. I did the whole back of a 45 bow front that way.
  16. Welcome to the forum, good see see another Idaho resident join the group!
  17. @Brandon p The dandelions at my house grow huge and start first thing in spring and go well into late October. We don't use any pesticides, so it' pretty much free fish and shrimp food 🙂 There's a boatload of articles on the interwebs about the benefits of them for aquariums, among other things. I hadn't tried feeding them the flowers yet but evidently those are good too?
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