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Everything posted by Griznatch

  1. I get these clear plastic containers with breather holes in top from the dollar store. They work great for transporting fish. You could try a fish trap with their favorite food. If you are going to net them, maybe use the two net method. use one of the nets to corral them in to the other... I've saw a video (couple years ago) of someone setting a good size net on bottom of tank. They put some enticing food in it and waited for the fish to swim in to get the goodies, and then just scooped them out. I think it was a loach they were trying to catch without destroying the tank.
  2. Welcome to the forum! Looking forward to the Thanksgiving and Christmas versions of the tank 🙂
  3. Me too! I always root for otos, since they have such a hard time and are such peaceful, endearing little buggers.
  4. If your Mutts are robust and you like the color and patterns, then go with them. If not, then I'd start over and get some from a known good breeder, as opposed to an online source that gets theirs from large fish farms. I got lucky and seem to have got some bullet proof ones years ago from of all places, PetCo. I know, who woulda thought?
  5. I think guppies are worth it, I get a lot of enjoyment of seeing new fry all the time. My biggest issue is predation.. there isn't any. Other than the rare occasion of some genetic defect, I rarely need to cull any. Even my females have a lot of color and for the most part the males come out with pretty consistent markings.
  6. I was thinking of getting some of those when I move my CPDs to the big tank. Had no idea they were so prolific. Yours are doing fantastic, would be awesome to see some pictures.
  7. Welcome to the forum. That 40 is going to give you much more room to create a nice layout with hardscape and plants, the more plants the better! I'll chime in and say the seed thing rarely turns out well.
  8. Welcome to the forum! Very cool that the whole family is in to the hobby.
  9. Looking good and thanks for the updates! I get the same "what the heck are you doing to my pot" looks all the time when I'm boiling wood, or rocks, or dandelion leaves. Thanks for the chuckles 🙂
  10. Wow, nice fish, are those breeding colors?
  11. The small, cheap breeder boxes used as HOB filter output, to keep floaters from getting sucked under. High density foam cut in to blocks, to raise the light up off of the glass lid. Black construction paper folded over to shield those raised up lights so the LEDS don't burn holes in your retinas 🙂 That same paper used as cheap aquarium backgrounds.
  12. Welcome to the forum! What kinds of tanks (if any) do you have?
  13. Well, besides duckweed, I'd say most of the mosses. I'm running out of tank space for mine.
  14. Don't think I've ever seen red spots on a shrimp as a disease or illness... Can you post a close up of a shrimp with the red spots?
  15. Very awesome, bet it was really nice to get some recognition at a big event like that!
  16. Welcome to the forum, love the tanks!
  17. Congratulations, very cool! Thank you for documenting this. I too am a serial starter of projects and then later going Gah, why didn't I take notes 🙂 My emperors spawn all the time, so far 2 fry have made it and are now over a 1/4 inch. Your results confirm they had been in the tank for quite some time before I noticed them and maybe why they survived. hiding on the bottom in mulm and litter. The only bottom dwellers I have in the tank are a few otos and some shrimp. The mid level is occupied by the emperors and glowlight danios, including a female dwarf gourami, not much gets past her.
  18. oooh so much real estate, a monster piece of driftwood would work pretty nice in there...
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