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Everything posted by Daniel

  1. Oooh! Pinball! Keep the health insurance, just give me pinball.
  2. If the angelfish can find the shrimp, the shrimp will get eaten. I've never had bamboo shrimp, so I don't know. I did once keep mature angels in a very large, very thickly planted tank and a cherry shrimp colony thrived just fine. The shrimp stayed hidden during the day and tended to come out at night when the angelfish were sleeping.
  3. They range from 4 - 6 inches. At one point there were 3 pairs all breeding simultaneously, all successfully raising fry (talk about thunder dome). Each pair had about a 2 1/2 foot cube bounded by plants that they patrolled. They would raid the other pairs territories when they got a chance. There might have been 1000 - 2000 babies spread between the 3 pairs early on, but 98% gotten eaten at some point . Those six original fish are the biggest ones now. I don't think any of the babies that eventually grew up have ever gotten as large as the founders. The babies would pick off the parent's side similarly to what baby discus do. I fed the founders like crazy with blackworms, mosquito larva and scuds, but after I ended up with 50 angelfish in the tank, it was only TetraMin from then on. Also 6 angels in 500 gallons is nearly 100 gallons a fish. 50 angels in 500 gallons is 10 gallons a fish. So diet and room stunted the babies just a little bit.
  4. Definitely check that heater to see if it is stuck in the on mode.
  5. Another cause of low oxygen might be the 91 °F temperature in the tank (if your digital thermometer is correct). Does the water feel warm when you stick your hand in it? Something in the 70's (as you intended) might help.
  6. Are those tannins in the 75 gallon tank? That water looks very authentic.
  7. That's her on the stationary bike, and that's my ersatz Diana Walstad 'I just dug up my lawn and put it in an aquarium' project I started a few days ago. The anacharis isn't from my lawn, I am just holding it for a friend. Actually his daughter needs it for a science project, I am holding on to it until she is ready for it.
  8. I put part of my lawn in a tank I setup earlier this week. But from an aquascaping point of view, it was a conventional part of my lawn as I think the plants in the 2 chunks of sod I dug up will grow nicely immersed. I was concerned initially that there might some motor oil in there (as this is next to where I park my car) but so far no motor oil!
  9. I live in Pittsboro, NC and am currently working Discus and A. nijsseni. You have excellent taste in fish.
  10. I dropped a beam focuser off a light this afternoon and it fluttered down between 2 pieces of driftwood beneath 36 inches of water. If I hadn't had those tweezers...my wife would have to have gotten in the tank to get it back. Once she changed out the gravel in this tank swearing and cursing my name the whole time she was in the tank. Peaceful marital relations weren't restored until I got her the nice racing bike she had been wanting 🙂
  11. "We are going to have to get a bigger pair of scissors" Mike Senski - 2013 Once you have to crawl inside the aquarium to do the layout because it is 3 ft deep, after it is filled with water you will need a pair of these: And I don't mean kittens...all of your aquascaping tools need to be 2/3s of a meter long!
  12. The amazon sword will grow large enough. I am not sure how to work in either horizontal or diagonal features, but they will add a little variety to break up the straight up and down of the plants. I like the way jungle vallisneria streams across the top of the tank but choices like that are very personal. Not everyone would like that and it will block some light.
  13. Sounds like you have a little of everything, aquariums, vivariums and paludariums. A true renaissance person! Welcome to the forum.
  14. Hello FinalFins, nice fish and nice plants!
  15. When you see Ivan Mikolji's videos of cardinal tetras and apistogramma in their natural habitat, it looks like what your tank looks like. I especially like the fallen and decaying leaves!
  16. I know mulm and algae can look unsightly, but overall they make the biology of the aquarium better by harboring bacteria and helping with the overall 'metabolism' of the tank.
  17. I thought about messaging, but this forum is such a great place. I'll trust whatever judgement the admins make.
  18. I like longer tanks because it give more opportunity for distance, meaning more opportunity for plants or other aquascaping to break up sight lines. With fish like humans, out of sight is out of mind. Angels themselves are deep fish, which argues for a deeper tank, but if I could only pick one, I would choose longer.
  19. I use rocks gathered from the creek behind my house in all my aquariums. The selection is really good and the price is right.
  20. I made a Youtube Channel and posted a video just for you Bill:
  21. Doesn't seem like the kind of treatment where grain size would matter. If you used the same tablespoon at Levels 1, 2, and 3 then the relative ratio of each treatment would be consistent.
  22. I am beginning to realize it is not the exact method I use to keep records in my fishroom that matters. What is important is the discipline to record the things that I do. Since I had the idea to begin keeping records yesterday, I have made up new batches of brine shrimp and white worms. I have done water changes. My order of plants from the Aquarium Co-Op arrived and those went into my aquariums. I even did a water quality test on my baby discus tank. But the only thing that has been documented so far are the water quality test results. And that went into my good old fashioned notebook. Consistency will be the key to this, and I don't have it yet.
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