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Everything posted by Patrick_G

  1. I think it’s the bullseye strainer I’m looking for. Do you do anything to keep fry out or is that not an issue?
  2. It looks very nice. What lights are you using?
  3. I really like the look of those flat black overflow fittings. Are those something available local here in the Seattle area?
  4. I really like the large planted tanks with a single species of nano schooling fish plus bottom fish and a few feature fish.
  5. Good idea. One could also save the little pots the plants are sold in and use those in the same way.
  6. I’m also in the process of setting up lighting for a 48” tank. I’m intrigued by the spotlights MD Fishtanks uses in his “Amazon Aquarium”. @Cory did a mostly positive review. Here’s some screen grabs from MD Fish Tanks. I tried to show the lights and the penetration
  7. Otocinclus have been a great clean up crew for me. I haven’t had trouble finding them at local fish stores recently.
  8. I’d wrap one of the upright rocks in moss, fill in the back corner with some Baby Tears and then some Anubias Nana Petite in the foreground.
  9. I’d recommend: -magnetic tank scraper -shortening the time you have the light on -Otocinclus catfish if you have space. They’re small but eat lots of algae -It shouldn’t hurt the plants if you take them out and wipe off the algae -Make sure Gary three isn’t a mystery snail. They don’t seem to put a dent in algae
  10. It doesn’t seem to grow very fast in my tanks, at least not fast enough to be a nuisance. I’d actually like it to grow a little faster!
  11. I’ve been mostly feeding Hikari Crab Cusine, it’s inexpensive and has added calcium.
  12. Cherry Barbs are so cool. The males are bright red and the females are shinny orange. I love the way they look with plants.
  13. I’ve recently been to Kerela, it’s a beautiful place. I think a region specific tank based on the area would be really cool.
  14. An added benefit is that you can use your seeded intake filter to jumpstart cycle a new tank or quarantine tank
  15. My mom got me started when I was a kid. I had tanks starting in elementary and along through college.
  16. Ok, thanks. I think I just need a little more time. One question on a different topic. Where do you get the flat overflow strainer you show in the recent video on drilling tanks? (Steenfot’s Channel)
  17. I’ve had my moss bridge for about 10 weeks and it’s still shedding tons of detritus as it converts. Is it unusual for it to take this this long? My Java moss seems to grow faster and doesn’t shed nearly as much.
  18. I’m still a beginner but will there be enough room for the Rainbows once the Swordtails start breeding?
  19. Maybe a pair of Dwarf Cichlids that can live in similar temps as the Swordtails. Definitely some Corys or some less aggressive loaches.
  20. Are you using an API test kit? Can you post pics of your tests?
  21. I’m setting up a new 75g and I’m lucky to have a wet bar with sink right next to the tank. I’m comfortable drilling the tank and know how to do household plumbing, but I’ve never plumbed an aquarium. How are you folks doing it? I’m still in the brainstorming phase so any advice is welcome.
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