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Everything posted by OceanTruth

  1. I used to use a Danner 950 for water changes for years. Worked great for me and I also liked that I could screw in regular pvc parts into the threads. That way I could have pvc pipes sticking out of the container it was in and the vinyl tubing never got kinked. Only reason I don't use it anymore is that I changed my water changing system a bit and needed more of a sump pump to make it more efficient.
  2. Sheesh... I wish my tank looked that good when I was suuuuper new to the hobby... Not sure my tanks look any better right now. Lol. Great job on it. It looks like you picked out some very hardy and forgiving plants. I'm sure you'll do great with them. Welcome aboard!
  3. Glass beer bottle filter?!?!?! That alone ups the cool factor 100 fold. :)
  4. Looks like a great start to me. Just need some time for the plants to start filling in and it will be shrimp paradise in no time. :)
  5. Congratulations on the fry! Hope it's a whole heck of a lot more than one that makes it.
  6. Those custom lids are really sweet. You put some great thought into it. The hinge part of regular lids are a bit of a let down.
  7. This is very awesome! I feel like you are prepared for anything. Way to stay ahead of any problems that may come in. :)
  8. Sorry to hear about the loss of that poor little guy. Sounds like you did all you could though. Hopefully the new critters do much, much better. Tank is looking great though with the added plants. Hopefully, the other plants ship soon.
  9. It will darken the water for a while until all the tannins leach out. Those tannins are supposed to be beneficial to the animal life in the tank however. It could lower your pH as well depending on your water parameters. I have hard, alkaline water and when I add botanicals it doesn't move my pH from 7.8 at all. Maybe if I went overboard with it, it might though.
  10. I have no idea if a "mixed" school of corys will do well or not. For me though, I would return one group and get more of the group that I liked more. Mistakes happen, but the store should get the id of fish correctly in my opinion. I guess the supplier could be at fault. That kind of thing just bugs me a bit though.
  11. I use Bacter AE for my shrimp and it seems to be working well. Shrimp all seem healthy and active. That's my only barometer, since I don't actually see them eating the powder. I do agree that the cost is super high, but you use so little at a time that it should last a long time. I agree with this as well. If the shrimp are being housed with fish I would just overfeed the fish food slightly so the shrimp can scavenge. If they are being kept alone I don't mind splurging a little and getting a food made just for shrimp. I like invertebrates just as much as the fish.
  12. Congratulations on the fry! Great pictures as well. It should be fun watching those cute babies develop.
  13. I'd like to know how to actually breed these guys as well, especially how their tank should be set up. I know they eat their own eggs, so I'm guessing bare bottom isn't the way to go. Also, since they are egg scatterers a spawning mop isn't a medium they utilize. Is that correct?
  14. Welcome aboard. Sounds like you have some heavily planted tanks. Very awesome!
  15. Wow you did an amazing job creating a super classy aquarium setup! Even the "normals" who may come over would appreciate the beauty of fish keeping. One day I've got to try a setup like this where everything is hidden.
  16. I trim as close to the base as I can. I'm not sure, because I've never tried it, but I think the stem would die off anyway if just the leaf got cut. Just my guess though.
  17. Looks like you're progressing well! That's really a nice sized tank. I'm sure you'll have a blast when you start setting it up.
  18. I'm not great with identifying plants, but it looks like a type of moss to me. My initial thought is flame moss since it's growing pretty straight upwards. Moss all looks pretty much the same to me. I'm sure someone with more knowledge can tell you exactly what kind it is.
  19. Good luck with the setup! Yes, guppies, mollies, and platties are all livebearers. You could just get all males if you don't want to be overrun with fry. That way you can keep all 3 types as well.
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