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Everything posted by Colu

  1. I like tannin stained water in my tank it looks more natural and is better for the fish
  2. It could be a ramshorn snail
  3. If don't remove some vallisneria ever week l would have no swining room left for my fish
  4. I have a planted 55 30xray tetras in they look great in large group corydoras are as well bristlenose will great with rams
  5. Ammonia spike that cause it you need to do small water change everyday until you ammonia level back down to 0
  6. I would get fish and plant that will thrive in local water conditions trying to alter the pH can stress your fish it better to have a stayable ph
  7. You could add a sponge filter to up your biological filtration
  8. Do a small water change everyday until your nitrites go down if treating with ich x it recommendations do1/3 water 24hour after each treatment
  9. Increase water changes and gravel vaccing I have A12 year old gold fish and it produce more waste then my 30tetras
  10. Have tried putting in some floating they will absorb some of the excess nutrients
  11. It looks like ich i would start treatment with ich x if your nitrite are to high you could be over feeding or your filter is no big enough to cope with waste products of your fish
  12. No there is about a 6in gap between lights water
  13. Never had floating plants before was thinking about some done 60gallon
  14. Will floating do better in an open toped tank or one with a lid on it
  15. Ammonia burns can cause red streaks and some of the symptoms your seeing most important thing is to get your ammonia levels down I would start puting in seachem stability
  16. Do you have some small tetras in tank it makes then less stress when tetras are swining around more likely to come out
  17. It looks like ammonia burn to me keep you with your water changes and add aquarium salt 1table spoon salt for 2gallons replace salt after water change
  18. I would use seachem prime as precaution just in case
  19. I have prime but read not use with ich x
  20. Can I use tetra aqua safe with ich X iwas going to use prime but read that you can't use with ich x
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