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Found 7 results

  1. Hello all, I got this juvenile angel 3 weeks ago from my local fish store. Starting about a week ago, I noticed that his/her poops were coming out long and stringy and staying connected for a long time. The poop is typically pale red-ish or brown-ish in color. I've read mixed diagnoses online ranging from parasite infection to constipation, but would love a second opinion (I am relatively new to the hobby). Other than the weird poop he/her has been acting normal and eating well. I do small feedings twice a day with Hikari micro pellets and Fluval bug bites (algae wafers for the bristlenose), and the occasional frozen bloodworm snack. I don't see any other visible signs of stress (sometimes his/her stripes fade when the light turns on/off or every once in a while throughout the day, but they're never gone for very long), all other fish are active and healthy. Water parameters have been consistent since I got him/her. Water parameters: Temp 79F | PH 7.5 | CL 0 | KH 50ppm | Ammonia 0 | Nitrite 0 | Nitrate 10 | GH 200-300 (I have very hard tap water) Tank: Top Fin 55 gallon | Tank Age 72 days | Filter Fluval 307 Stock: 9 Rummynose Tetra | 1 Scalare Angelfish | 1 Bristlenose Pleco Pictures attached. Unfortunately he/she is not the most photogenic, so I circled the stringy poop in photo 1 to make it easier to see lol. Any advice/tips are welcome, thank you for your help!
  2. Pair one. Have laid several times but no fryPair 2 currently with eggs day 2Day one of eggs male is still fertilizerDay 2 what is left of eggs day to. I have hatched many angelfish but now I want them to hatch because I have some where they can go. Both pairs are laying every two to three weeks. Ideas welcome. I have platinum Pearlscale that will soon be ready to breed and some are pairing off already.so I would like to be more consistent.
  3. I know this question has been asked 1,000 times so I apologize in advance, I just wanted to hear some opinions from like minded nerms. I have a 60 Gallon Tall (which is a weird tank, but I got a good deal on it) with 1 Angel, 1 White Skirt Tetra, and 1 Glofish Tetra. I have another Angel and Oto-cat in a QT Tank that I plan on adding eventually. My Tetras are pretty territorial and skidish. So I wanted to add more to make them more comfortable. How many more white skirts and glo tetras could I add to make them shoal together while keeping the tank slightly understocked (less frequent water changes)? I'm trying to keep the tank understocked because I have to get my water from the town over. The reason being.. my tap has a pH of 9 and a KH of 10 so its really hard to adjust/ I don't want to chase pH/ my fish are used to the other towns water. I've done a ton of research to find a better way but this is the only way that's affordable at the moment. Thank you for your time! (Sorry for the bad formatting, I'm on mobile)
  4. Could a ziss egg tumbler be used to tumble angel eggs? Obviously seen it used for cichlids, corys, etc. Is it too much for angels. Curious why I never see an egg tumbler used for them?
  5. What’s the white appearing on its fins?? 1st pic- yesterday 2nd & 3rd pic- last night The rest of the pics are today. Parameters 0.25, 0, 10-20 Recently had ammonia spike due to canister filter breaking and the angel had red lines outlining its body. They’ve faded but now the white. I’ve been doing fairly large water changes with prime and stress coat almost every day. What else should I do?? Meds? What is it?? Thanks
  6. Kind of long but any help is greatly appreciated....🙏🏼 55 gallon Ammonia was .25-.5 and still is .25 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 5.0 Ph 7.4 I had an ammonia spike. (I’m doing water changes and have added prime) A couple weeks ago my canister filter started leaking. I had to use my hang on back filter until I received the part to fix my canister. Once the part came I hooked my canister back up but I think I lost some beneficial bacteria in the process even though I put my sponges in the hang on back filter and the rest of the media inside the aquarium. The hang on back filter was a topfin 60. It didn’t move my water as well and my water started to develop an odor which it never had before. I have added charcoal and I've done a water change yesterday and today. Today I used some stress coat and prime. Yesterday after the water change they all shed their slime coats. They were twitching and shaking their heads(today too after water change). Today I noticed the red streaks, shown in the pics with arrows, which weren’t visible before. The red streaks are in dorsal and anal fins of the 2 koi’s too. The angel in pics #4-6 is looking white on top it’s head. I circled those areas. The 2 koi’s fins have also started to look cloudy/milky when they were completely clear a couple days ago. They are still eating. Is this just ammonia causing all the issues or is there more I need to be treating?? Septicemia, Columnaris, HITH? What do I do to save my fish? 🥺 white areas circled- not fuzzy or cottony, doesn’t look dented or like a crater either...
  7. Hello Co-op! I've had tanks in the past, but it's been a while, and now I'm looking to re-enter the hobby. I have this plan for a tank celebrate my hometown team, the Baltimore Orioles. I have a picture of the stadium to hang above the tank (I'm looking at a 39 Gallon Bowfront), and then basing the tank with black sand substrate. For fish, I'm looking now at 8 cories (likely Emerald or Panda), 6 or 8 tuxedo swords (focusing on their orange and black blend), and the focal point of 2 koi angels (Likely selects from Angels Plus to ensure orange and black blend.) I'd love to get thoughts and opinions, and promise that once I finally get it up and going I'll document and get some pictures for you all! Can't wait to get going in the community!
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