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Everything posted by Streetwise

  1. I would get a pair of Co-Op Nano Sponge Filters. Your shrimp will love to graze on them, and they are totally safe.
  2. Hi @Anna, welcome to the community. You will find great people, good advice, and interesting ideas here. I love my Koi Betta too!
  3. It might be interesting to plant a breeder box inside an aquarium.
  4. I had a taste test of turtle water today, priming my filter the fastest, and least-recommended way possible. I was just glad it worked, saved me 20 minutes of fumbling. Of course, I rinsed out with black coffee.
  5. I cleaned the filter and finally tried something I have been thinking about for a while: using Co-Op plant bags for media (carbon). This is a small bag:
  6. That is awesome @Daniel! I love seeing niche high-tech product building. When I was consulting, one of my clients made carbon fiber mandolins. I happened to start my day with a smile, so In the immortal words of Monty Python, "and now for something completely different!" Time stamp for a specific run, but you can rewind for the whole event.
  7. @Karen B., I am a huge fan of White Clouds, and I usually pair them with Neocaridina shrimp, bladder snails, and/or ramshorn snails. You could go with orange shrimp for a nice color theme.
  8. Thanks @Taylor Blake, @KoolFish97! I have the lights on a timer for 07:00 - 16:00, and I will invest in a better set of lights. There is a lot of ZooMed stuff available locally. Since the building is temperature-controlled, I think I will forgo a heater based on your advice. I think I might also put some carbon in the filter.
  9. I tend to avoid stem plants in short tanks, and go for Anubias, Cryptocoryne, Bucephalandra, Dwarf Sagittaria, and mosses.
  10. I’ve always liked fish, especially Maine fish chowder, but it took me longer to be ok with certain shellfish. Someone made me eat a raw clam or something as a kid, and my first lobster was too springy, so I had/have a textural aversion. I’ve since learned to enjoy raw oysters, clam chowder, and a few other things. I made the mistake of trying sushi in a DC mall on a school trip, and it wasn’t until college that I realized how good it could be. My other aversion was mushrooms, until I tried the ones in Tom Ka Gai. Again, it’s the texture. I’m still very picky about chewing them, but I love the Umami effects on flavor!
  11. Looks familiar to me! This is a failed heater, probably cracked.
  12. We need a Mission Impossible meme with someone suspended on wires just above the ponds.
  13. @Taylor Blake, @KoolFish97, do you have any specific light recommendations? What is the most rugged heater to heat a half-filled 55? Thanks! I'm learning some turtle stuff here.
  14. Order Alismatales would cover all of my favorites. I am cheating by copying and pasting from some PMs with Daniel. 🙂 Short version, I like grassy and herb-type plants more than stem plants.
  15. I would probably do that too. What are the other major genera in the hobby?
  16. It might benefit from one or more tall pieces of wood for some verticality, like in your second tank.
  17. Where is Umami, and/or Savory? Is that Earthy?
  18. @MattyIce, thanks for the update! Things look good.
  19. These are the pendant lights I that I have researched: AI Prime Freshwater, and Kessil Freshwater Lights. I believe @Daniel has Kessil Tuna Sun lights on his centerpiece aquarium.
  20. @MattyIce, how is that tank going that you repaired?
  21. You could also consider running multiple 24” lights in the other direction. I’m a big fan of the Fluval Plant 3.0 lights.
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