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Everything posted by Joshua14

  1. I personally feel like they compete for food with each other.
  2. I have used this company's eggs for about 2 years. I just noticed the selection of food they have listed on their website and the ingredients seem to be very high quality. I was wondering if anyone has any experience with their foods? And what your overall thoughts are on it?
  3. I just recently downsized to 10 tanks from 22.
  4. Beautiful tank! Much better than my first setups 😁
  5. Well I think fasting is a good way to keep their diets in check. Even if you aren't feeding doesn't mean they aren't eating. There are plenty of microorganisms and other stuff for them to feed on. I also feel that after a day of fasting my tanks look cleaner and my fish eat more and waste less food. I feed 2-3 times a day. So I figure one day not feeding and letting them feed off of anything in the tank is a good healthy routine. Every Tuesday I have an intense work schedule so I plan my fasting around this day. I don't feed and I reduse my light schedule to maybe only an hour so I can see them when I get home at night.
  6. @James BlackI'm glad to hear you say that. I once overdosed a tank and realized after the fact, but never really thought about it until now. I sometimes lower the water level to better concentrate the meds as well. I wonder if this actually helps increase their effects.
  7. @Coronal Mass Ejection CarlWow I did not know this. I would love to read something on this. I also have never really applied the idea that drugs lose their potency toward fish medications. Thanks for the response!
  8. About a month ago I purchased some new fish that seemed very healthy at the store. They started to fall apart quickly. Fungal infections along with some wasting. I discovered I had one pack of erythromycin and general cure left in my fish room, so I just dosed what I had. It's a 20 gallon tank so I dosed less than the recommended amount. I didn't do a water change for 3 weeks leaving the meds in there the whole time. They are super healthy now eating 2 times a day and extremely active. I am curious if anyone plays with the doses of their meds. I just worked with what I had and it seemed to cure them up no problem. What are your experiences with medication dosages?
  9. I had a few tanks setup already. I was aware of the king of diy. But never heard of a fishroom or thought that this hobby was as big as it is. Then I found myself in the hospital for about 6 months with another 6 of recovery time. For that entire year I dived down the rabbit hole and watched every single aquarium co-op video and livestream. I had 4 tanks in a room in my basement at the time and after I started to feel myself again I had a whole new understanding that I wasn't alone in this hobby. @Cory and his videos kept me sane in a dark time in my life. Fish tube really helped me feel not alone and helped me adjust my focus on the hobby. I still laugh when I think about how my friends and family thought I was crazy for having 4 tanks in my 3rd floor 3 room apartment. 🤣
  10. This happened to me maybe 7 months ago. I didn't know he was in there at all and tried to do maintenance on my sponge and there he was all the way inside stuck. I took the ring apart and swooshed him around in the tank free. He had an injury similar to yours as well. That went away eventually. Glad your little one is okay!
  11. Personally I would remove any other fish. Let them run the tank. Don't stress so much on the cool water changes, and find yourself a alder cone or catappa leafs to toss in there. Feed them like you think it might kill them. 🤪
  12. @MaxM I like to keep them in as little water as possible. For me it makes water changes easy, and it makes feeding easier. With less water they find the food easier in my opinion. As far as foods go. I try to feed them 3 times a day. What I like to do is get a grinder and mortar then add whatever food you like and turn it to a dust. The ingredients I use for my fry food are algae wafers, bug bite flake, new life spectrum, and tubifex worms. I then dump it all into a little baby food jar, and add a decent amount of spirulina powder to the mix. I hope this helps you. Sorry for your losses. Another tip I would throw out there is I also make sure I give them a water change daily. Replacing with water from a seasoned tank.
  13. I inherited a group of 20 sterbai from my friends father who passed away. I've had them for over a year, and just had them spawn successfully. My hope is to keep the line going for as long as possible.
  14. I've truthfully never used a light on my brine shrimp hatchery. Just the ambient light of the room that's maybe on for 8 hours. The hatchery is located near a heat pipe in my basement and does stay at 80° besides the summer it goes to about 75. I've never seen it drop lower than that. I am able to hatch every 24 hours and sometimes let it go about 36 if I'm busy. Once I shut the air off I don't use a light to draw them to the bottom either, about 90% or more typically just fall down on their own. I am pretty happy with this and have been continuing this routine for 2 years. I used to use a light and worry about heat. But for me I've found that I don't actually need to stress about the fine details and they will hatch as long as you get them some salt. I have upgraded to the ziss hatchery and that has been the only thing I have changed in my routine for these 2 years and that has definitely made my hatching experience much more efficient. Sorry for the rant. I just think I'm either very lucky in hatching or baby brine don't need as much attention as we think. Don't worry, do what works best for you, and you'll be fine!
  15. That looks absolutely beautiful! I love it. A nice background is definitely on my to-do list.
  16. I've been there believe me. My tanks are mostly in a basement so I'm free for worry about damages. However I do get concerned about making them level as you are. I can tell you I have a 40 tall on cinder blocks and 2×4s no plywood and it's almost perfect but it's not 100% level. It's been set up and running for almost 3 years. And it appears to be going strong. I've also had tanks set up outside on the ground and never had an issue. They were definitely not level. 😅😂
  17. @BisScottie If it were me I'd just remove the foam then let it rest on the plywood. You got this!
  18. I would stay away from the foam all together. It's a recipe for disaster imo. If you are really concerned, why don't you throw a piece of plywood underneath the tank? Even if it isn't 100% get it as close as you can and fill it anyway. Wait a few days and check the level again.
  19. I second the dwarf chain loach. In my experience they went great with my community fish and are snail munching machines.
  20. I swapped my 29 in the living room for another I had in storage. Its been bare for about a year due to camallanus killing my fish. Well now I painted the background and put down a ceramic bottom. With 5 guppies and 5 sterbai cory cats for now.
  21. Hello there! I have a few finnex light fixtures That specific setting covers all the light modes. It will go from low to medium to high light throughout the day. Now just because it is high light at one point doesn't mean it's actually high light. That term I think means what consistent amount of light you have going on the tank at all times. Hopefully that makes sense? And as much as I would love to have my aquarium lights on 24/7 I have always had a bad algae outbreak using that mode. No matter what I'd do it always got unmanageable for me...
  22. This forum has filled a hole in my life. 🤪 I have had tanks for years and it was just my dad and I. Then I found myself with health issues and in the hospital for a few months and I stumbled onto what is the online fish community. I never had social media before then. People in my family used to joke with me about having a "fishroom". I had absolutely no idea that it was actually a thing until I saw someone online post their own fishroom. From there I typed in fishroom on YouTube and discovered Cory's videos. The rest is history. I have a friend or two who keep fish, but I don't know anyone irl who are a bonafied nerms. Thanks to all you people! And @Cory for making this forum specifically. I thought I was the only crazy one for a few years there. 😭
  23. My dad has 4 snail tanks that have been running for a few years. He uses them to feed his puffer fish. I just really started a snail tank myself. Here is some advice he gave me that has gone a long way for the both of us. Green beans. Feed them green beans. Any kind out of a can will do. I have found that when I feed anything else the snails waste gets everywhere and the tanks are always hard to keep up with in terms of cleanliness. I don't know what it is about green beans but their waste becomes extremely clean and manageable if that's all they eat. Like I said my dad has done it for years in 4 snail tanks with I bet 1000's of snails. It seems like his secret weapon. Good luck raising your snails!
  24. Welp I'm two days behind on this post. But I was getting ready to move some bronze Corydoras yesterday and noticed the same thing on one of them right above the fin. I decided not to move them and did a significant water change and cleaned everything very well. Today he looks a tad bit better. I'll do another small water change and continue to monitor it. The other two cats he is with seem absolutely fine and healthy, and so does he besides the mass attached to him.
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