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Everything posted by Joshua14

  1. I feed about 9 tanks and use a pipette. After I rinse the baby brine I pour them into a glass yogurt container I have. It's a little bigger than a baby food jar. I do this because it concentrates the baby brine so thick in the little pipette it turns completely orange when I suck them up. My rational for this is, I feel like I'm putting more brine than water into the pipette and when I put it into a tank I am able to put a copious amount of brine with just a tiny pipette.
  2. I want to be able to improve water quality just by touching it. Dip my finger in and *poof* instant fresh clean water again. The fish would have a water change without ever having to actually remove or add water. Could also come in handy in a end of the world type scenario as well. Unlimited drinking water.
  3. I just set mine in there. They look great in my opinion. If there is mulm underneath them I rarely see it except for when I run a gravel vac across the seams. One day I hope to change them out to a different color.
  4. I inherited a group of sterbai cory cats from a friend's father a year ago. I just started trying to get them to breed. I pulled around 16 eggs the other day. Any other eggs I've pulled were infertile. Hopefully this time around they are fertile and I get some fry out of them. Time will tell.
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