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Everything posted by Joshua14

  1. Incase anyone is curious. Last night I was destroyed from work and not thinking about fish keeping at that moment. When I woke up I said to myself oh I have a whole bag of crushed coral actually and of course that will raise the ph.😅 So this afternoon I added 2.5lbs in a mason jar to the tank. I'm still gonna dose the levamisol here in a few minutes, just in case. Thank you people for the advice and concern. And @Cory I wasn't going to tag you in this. For some reason when I went to respond to this thread you were already tagged and it seemed to save as a draft. I tried to delete your name several times and in different ways. So I'm utilizing the fact that it won't go away, to let you know that it won't go away.🤪
  2. Thank you @Cory, do you happen to have any suggestions how by chance?
  3. Sounds pretty good to me. I have a 55 full of blue star endlers and 9 cory cats that constantly breed for me. Something that I think you could benefit from is a floating plant like water sprite. Anything with long roots. In my experience it will encourage the guppies and shrimp to feel more protection from anything down below and will breed pretty regularly.
  4. Thank you so much @Brandy this is the sort of reference I was looking for! It made sense to me but I wanted another opinion. I'll start a levamisol treatment tomorrow after work. I agree that the flukes are almost a silent killer. I only have maybe 3 fish with red gills, and about 6 of them that seem to be actually gasping. If I didn't watch them as close as I do I wouldn't have even noticed. Besides the 2 dead. 🤪
  5. Thank you @Alesha I've put a lot of work into this tank over the past few years. I also raised every Danio in it so yeah it's sad to see my babies struggling. Thank you for your concern. I'm not freaking out yet. There are only maybe 4 or 5 more with red gills and gasping for air. So I'm hoping that I am able to correct this before something drastic happens. Thank you again.
  6. This will be about the 8th time I've raised Cory cats. It's so rewarding and fun. These guys are about a month old now and then the fun begins. I'll drop them into a 10 gallon filled half way and as they grow I'll raise the water level gradually. Until then they get daily water changes. I find this part to be very exciting because once I put them into a larger body of water they seem to grow very fast after that.
  7. Day 2. I've tried so hard to get a good photo and have failed. Danios don't like to stay still, who knew? But I've lost one this morning. Pull it out, and promptly did a 25% water change. I did not add any more salt. I am currently at work until tomorrow afternoon now. I think my plan is to do another 25% tomorrow followed by a heavier salt treatment. I'm still curious if anyone has used levamisol for gill flukes? Again, this is all I have available at the moment. Or the salt.
  8. Nitrates: 40ppm Nitrites: 0ppm GH: 300ppm KH: 0ppm PH: 6.3 This is a 55 gallon setup with around 100 zebra Danios. It's been setup for over a year. The other day while doing a water change I noticed 3 Danios with bloody red gills and labored breathing. I watched closely for 24 hours and lost one. At that point I started a round of salt medication. 3tbs per gal. The following day I lost another. Any recommendations or experience with gill flukes? I have read up a little bit on the flukes and not quite sure how my zebras came down with it. I have seen that praziquantel is a popular treatment for such an issue. Being that I don't have any on hand, I was thinking of using another antiparasitic med such as levamisol. I just happen to have a ton of it on hand. Would you keep up with the salt treatment or switch to anti parasite meds, and has anyone had experience getting rid of flukes with levamisol? I would love as many opinions as possible so I can weigh my options.
  9. Thank you for your input @Daniel I think I'll add more organics. Something is telling me to switch from a cfl bulb to an led. I'm gonna give that a try as well. 🤷
  10. I mean as long as the aesthetics of it don't bother you, I'd get the large one. Worst case scenario is it's loose on the intake and starts to slide off but you could always use a black zip tie to give it a snug grip. I think with a larger one you won't have to clean it as often.
  11. Thank you for the info. I took some of the water out of the tank a viewed it in a clear container and sure enough it was completely clear. Do you have any tips for starting green water? I've had a light on it for around 20 days. Maybe I should just wait it out longer?
  12. Xtreme is on my list of foods to try. Haven't gotten around to it is all. I have what I consider to be a pretty large fish food collection, with that being said my fish really seem to not like new life spectrum food. It's crazy to me. I agree the ingredients seem so top notch, I just can't get any of my fish to "go wild" for it. In fact I've watched them intently eating this food and it seems like they almost force themselves to eat it. Kinda like when mom tells you the least favorite thing you like is what you are having for dinner. You don't wanna starve but you won't enjoy it either. Maybe it's just me and my fish?
  13. My first attempt at making green water started about 19 days ago. I put in an old decaying catappa leaf and a few squirts of easy green. I've left the light on almost 24/7 and the water did start to turn green about 3 days ago. The whole purpose of culturing the green water was because I wanted it to feed to various fry. Something in my gut told me to test the water before I fed them. I used a test strip to test the water and the nitrites where very high. A solid dark pink, indicating 10ppm. It can't be safe to feed to my fish correct? Should I wait and let it balance out longer? How does one know when exactly green water is safe to feed to your young fry?
  14. Hello there! I have been keeping fish for a little over 6 years now. About six months after my first tank I started keeping multiple tanks. My hobby is always changing and growing.
  15. This is my cat baze mewobus. He kinda does whatever he wants.
  16. I made frozen brine shrimp with spirulina powder mixed in.
  17. When I am unsure of the illness, I use salt.
  18. I use a 2.5 for growing out fry. It's easier to maintain than a 5 or 10. And the fish don't struggle looking for food.
  19. I would love to feed bloodworms. I've tried everything. I've avoided touching them, even had my wife feed them for me. If I am in the same room with an open container my eyes swell. I mean really swell to the point it's difficult to open them. Otherwise I'm pretty healthy overall, it's just such a random allergy to have, being that I'm not aware of any others.
  20. So do you essentially just pour them in and freeze them? I'm very interested in this.
  21. I've used hydrogen peroxide to fight off black beard algae in the past. It's been so long now that I don't really remember what the dosages are or anything. I have to work all day today and tomorrow so I was hoping to hear from a collective of fish keepers on this subject. It's starting to cover my crinum and I want to nip it before it gets worse. How do you prevent bba in your own tank? What do you do when an outbreak does occur? I plan on researching the proper dosing recommendations at some point. But I would love to hear other options and experiences.
  22. My bronze corydoras with bellies full of live brine shrimp.
  23. I started this group with only 6 given to me from my dad. Now there's around 20 in this 20 gallon tank. I've been floating around different ideas about where to put them as the tank is slowly becoming overwhelmed with them. I'm thinking about setting up a 25 gallon tub in my basement to re-home a few of them.
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