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Everything posted by Spewing_nonsense_

  1. Saffron shiners aren’t protected, and actually they’re native to my area and I plan next summer to go collect them just 15 min from my house. I didn’t do it last summer bc I didn’t have a tank for them but I’m looking forward to getting them. I’m just happy to see some light shined on them, but if you wanna see like where certain species are located that are native to North America or see what’s local to your area, you can go to Fishmap.org and it has a lot of collection data from various organizations and projects
  2. Idk what a safe dosage is, but from what I’ve heard any amount of salt that would help with the infection would also kill the plants and snails. What salt does is effectively dehydrate the fungus or bacteria, bc water and salt and just chemicals and matter in general like to achieve equilibrium everywhere, so when you have a thing of bacteria or a fish that has very little salt if any inside, and out it in water that has more salt, that salt wants to create a balance between the two. Now bacteria and fungus are much smaller than fish so they get dehydrated faster bc they have less mass to hold water, which is why salt works. The main problem with plants and snails is that especially with snails they don’t have a very hard skin and their skin is very permeable and allows a much easier transition between its insides and the water around it, same with plants, especially water column feeders, which are constantly exchanging water thru it’s cells, thus dehydrating them. So it’d probably be best if you had a quarantine tank to put that fish in or order meds
  3. The meds wont hurt your snails, no. But I would worry more so about lowering the ph and getting the root cause fixed first then after fixing that dose meds
  4. I wanna say thanks for providing all the parameters first and foremost. Next, it looks like hes suffering from bacterial or fungal infections, bettas are especially prone to fin rot, and that appears to be what hes suffering with, and the clamped fins most likely indicate stress. Medication might be needed in order to treat this and knock it out to help him recover, but first we need to tackle the root cause. Bettas typically like more acidic water, around 6.6 to 7.2, amd in order to lower it you can use driftwood or catappa leaves, or many other leaves. This will also add tannins to the water which will help fight off some of the bacteria and fungus. You also might test your tap and if that has a lower ph you could just do a water change as well to lower the ph, and you can also use products made by companies to lower ph. Another thing is the ammonia, idk if your tank is cycled or not but I would stop adding fertilizer until the ammonia goes down to 0 and probably just until your betta is healthy again. That's at least where I would start, as well as treating with the med trio, cant remember which one specifically but I'll go look at that real quick
  5. So, cory(the human) released a new short today from his trip to Peru where he was showing us the substrate of the cories(the fish) habitat. In the comments there were people saying how they had x substrate and switched and then their cories barbells came back. Now an interesting thing was that there were some on both sides, some had gravel and switched to sand, others had sand and switched to gravel, with the previous substrate being the one where the cories didnt have barbells and then grew them back once they switched to new substrate. Then there was someone in the comments who mentioned substrate doesnt matter, its water quality that affects wether cories lose their barbells, which made me wonder if anybody has recorded water parameters when their cories had and didnt have barbells to see what might be causing it, and if maybe this is the true cause and what we should be directing people to do rather than switching out substrate. I currently dont own cories but am planning on getting them and might do some experiments to see, altho I really dont know if I'll be able to see results or not bc I'm not gonna torture the cories who would have "bad water quality"
  6. I mean, as long as you dont have like a huge colony of guppies you should be fine, it all depends on the size of your tank, surface area for passive oxygenation, and how many fish you got
  7. So honestly I'd probably do like a 10 gallon or 20 long and have primarily a whole bunch of slow growers, anubias, crypts, moss, as well as some frogbit on top. Altho I'd probably have one or two faster growers, I'm not entirely sure what tho. Then I'd probably let it grow and get all these zooplankton going and make this huge ecosystem get going, with plenty of snails too. Then after it has a few months for all the different species to get to sizable populations I'd probably add a scarlet badis or two and like 6 kuhli loaches plus some clown killifish.
  8. Pretty sure this was one of the first few plants I got, believe it was this anubias plant, a java fern which hasnt faired so well, and a marimo moss ball
  9. I was looking thru the fish at my petsmart and I noticed where they keep the neocaridinas they had this crayfish in there, and I was like wow I'm gonna buy this and was fully expecting to have to buy it for the price of a shrimp, which is like $5, but I asked the lady about it and she was like yeah it's free, you want it? So now i am the proud owner of a crayfish and I do have a place for her(?) Bc I was planning on getting one anyways to use as a way to more naturally get rid of culls
  10. I'm into blacksmithing but havent gotten into it too much as I'm still setting up a blacksmith shop with my dad rn, I also really enjoy my job as a painter, I mean it is a job but i still kinda view it as a sorta hobby, and then i also am really into video games and collecting them. Those are really the three main hobbies besides fishkeeping, but I also love music and playing the guitar and piano, enjoy skateboarding, enjoy occasionally making lego creations like spaceships, and a lot of other smaller things that theres too many to list. Oh it should also be noted that I also like land inverts, and currently have isopods and slugs and had a mantis but it recently died, I also want a jumping spider. Anyways I enjoy too many things and I'm just glad my dad let's me indulge in them, granted hes definitely into the blacksmithing a lot and I'm paying for everything, I mean we're going 50/50 on the blacksmith shop, but hes even willing to let me turn part of the basement into a fish room once I get the money.
  11. Omg this was the coolest thing, so I was watching my guppy fry and just observing their behaviors when i saw this snail fall down from the surface of the water while holding onto an air balloon, and then I saw it trying to pull in the air bubble and it got me curious so I sat there for 20 minutes just watching this snail struggle to upright itself while holding onto this air bubble, then another snail comes and walks over the snail and steals its air bubble, and somehow makes a balloon out of it and the air buble was just floating there right above him. I took two pics from different angles to prove it wasnt on the terrace cottage or anything it was like the coolest thing ever tho even tho it's not that cool, it was.
  12. And they said you couldnt have a tank set up next to a window without a manor algae explosion and to that I say ha. But honestly tho even tho it's not the prettiest tank I love this tank with how the sun shines thru the water and also the water is super clear, and all the plants are super happy and growing and have oxygen bubbles on their leaves, they arent really releasing them that I've seen tho, also this aquarium has been set up for 3 weeks now, which is also why theres a million small ramshorn but I like them 


  13. Get yourself a nice medium sized bottle like the big brisk tea, drink it if you want or just pour it out and then cut around the circle and invert the top, you might have to cut off the top bc it wont be a big enough hole for them to get thru, also take a piece of airline tubing and very carefully cut it to size and cut a line down the middle so you can attach it to the surrounding so your fishing cut themselves on the opening, then bait the trap, also you might wanna use something to secure inverted top. Now after typing this I realise this is confusing so I'm gonna go make one and post a picture of it here, also if I dont post it within like an hour react or comment to remind me lol
  14. Yeah what's up with that? Anybody found a fix for that? I mean surely we can make a lid that doesnt leak while we shake it for a minute
  15. Its not pretty ik😂 but it fits the theme lol, and really makes me wonder what else I could use legos for in this hobby
  16. Everyday I look at my aquariums I'm reminded about how much I love them so much and I'm so fascinated by all the little things that pop up and this mini little eco system I have in my own home that I get to observe every day. I personally just love going up and sitting and watching for a half hour and just seeing the fish do their thing searching for food and chasing after one another, and I love whenever I see new fry or I'm like look! That val made a baby or that anubias has a new leaf or dangit the duckweed has taken over (btw #brotherhoodofduckweed) but its just all those smaller things that makes it for me and seeing how this ecosystem I have evolved, and it led me to want to see what others enjoy about this hobby, so now I extend the question to all of you. What do you enjoy most about this hobby?
  17. Yo that's so cool you got different colors, I really want a few hydra to keep for myself bc I'm weird lol, I also want leeches and planaria but that's besides the point haha. But I wonder if you tried taking some of just one type of color variant and putting it in an aquarium on it's own and feeding it from time to time when you make your rounds, if it multiplies will it make the exact same color or will it spit out different colors? Bc if its it's own species it should spit out just that one color but if they're the same species just color morphs then by this point after having been in the same tank it should have the genetics of multiple colors and spit out 2 or more colors. That's just my thoughts on finding out tho
  18. So she wasnt always like this and I was wondering if maybe it was bc she was egg bound or something else? In the process of currently testing water parameters just to make sure and will report back in like 15 minutes
  19. Get a few plants you like, like val for example, and maybe a stem plant or some anubias, and get like one or two plants of each one you want, then let them fill out the tank, and same thing with the live stock, get like 10 cherry shrimp and 3 or 6 guppies and let them fill out the whole thing, that's the cheapest, or probably not even then bc theres probably cheaper ones like you could probably do white clouds for cheaper
  20. Well I'd save the bloodworms for the puffers, and also on the aquarist podcast, the guy was breeding spotted puffers and he said the best food for snails to make them breed was unsalted cut canned green beans Also since your main objective is to just grow a whole bunch of algae I'd even increase the photo period to like 14 or 16 hours, plus add fertilizer occasionally
  21. I mean calcium is definitely important to have in your water, especially if you have plants, but even for your fish too, especially if you're breeding them. But if you dont have enough calcium in the water I'm pretty sure, not 100%, that that could lead to things like hole in the head, now not saying if you dont that it 100% leads to that, and also I'm not even sure the accuracy of that, but I do know that at least a little calcium and other trace elements in the water column are important for fish
  22. Moss, all mosses lol, I want to have like every aquatic moss known to the aquarium trade😂 Altho I'm currently definitely eyeballing fissidens nobilis
  23. Primarily for identification of all types of plants, but I’m also currently specifically looking for mosses
  24. You can go to the caresforfish.com website and see a list of endangered fish for the aquarium, some of them are like wow that’s really pretty and others are like well yeah I can see why that’s endangered and no ones working on it lol
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